Who Loves Whom in TTT?
On  Monday,the 17th of September two TTT reporters heard  a  TTT
player, talking about a fellow TTT female player  from the same country. He said, 
“She is very important to me”, revealing an unusual and absolutely unexpected romance.
Well, we’re not revealing the names of those two , so  it’s  up to you to
guess who  they  are.....
But that statement  led us to think if there were, indeed any more sparks of love flying between other TTT players.

The first and obvious  case  that comes to mind is ofcorse ,that of  Caz. Caz  openly admitted  her love for ILT,and almost  decided to change her name to ILILT(aka I Love ILT).She would keep cheering for him in his matches and would even  give away a straight walkover ,in a match AGAINST him. ILT also started responding to Caz and started cheering for her in her matches.
But then comes the question,Is love ETERNAL?

Right now Caz and ILT do not play doubles togother and are on  their on
own separate ways……
One factor  that does bring , TTT players  closer to each other is playing doubles togother.So that brings in mind……. Anabel and ILT…  They’re great friends……. but…………..???????
In playing doubles though  Kris and tweety always had an apparent chemistry about them. Though they  did not have open displays of affection, but  amongst  their coversations in German,you could sense a special bonding.

Nationality also brings people closer to each other
.You connect with a person who speaks the same language as you do,and feel close to him or her.That would bring into foray, players like TOT and Anabel,And Vsfan1 and MonikaVeronikaElektronika.They’re  obviously great friends,but has their friendship blossomed into love??
But is this a good development?There’s a quote which says “Friendship makes relationships,Love breaks relationships”.
Nevertheless ,here’s a  list of  people whom TTT players love.Most of these have been confirmed by the players themselves.While some have been
guessed by yours faithfully.....
Anabel :::: Randy Hoffman

Alx :::: Tweety

TC :::: Tweety/Elektra

Caz :::: ILT

Williams Lover :::: Elektra

DannylovesMonica :::: Anabel

Cookie ::::  Teddy
What Do YOU Think?

TTT Reporter: TC