June, 1989 (28 Pages) Cover Artist: Lee Weeks
Kleenex leaves NSC headquarters for a bite to eat, sneezing as a paranormal passes by. The paranormal enters the NSC building and asks if he can join, saying his name is Impact, and he has a really great power. When the secretary asks for a demonstration, he agrees, falling backwards and generating an impressive explosion. Victor rushes into the wreckage, looking for survivors, and finds Impact immediately, unhurt and asking if he's in the NSC yet.
Justice and his daughter are driving to Coney Island, making good time due to the fact there is no traffic -- New York has cleared out since the conditions worsened following the Pittsburgh disaster. Back in Judge Mental's court, Miriam, Chuancy, and Rudy await their fates, and start making faces (as in Rudy's visual gag last issue). Judge Mental declares contempt of court and orders Seraph to kill one of his choice. At that moment, Captain Brooklyn flies in, proclaiming that once he finishes with the ruffians, the trio of prisoners will be safe. Seraph is ordered by Judge Mental to "get rid of this idiot," and steps forward, pulling his cape over his head and stabbing Captain Brooklyn in the chest with his sickle. Captain Brooklyn briefly stands in shock at having been cut, before having a live grenade jammed into his mouth and his jaw forced closed. The Captain's body swells up like a balloon before suddenly deflating, leaving a pile of loose skin and clothing.
Judge Mental then demands that Chauncy tell him everything about Justice. Meanwhile, on the boardwalk, Justice and Angela ambush the two who are burying Captain Brooklyn's body. One knocks himself cold on Justice's shields, and the other one tries to catch him as Justice throws him off the boardwalk. He asks Angela to use her paranormal ability to raise the dead to talk to Captain Brooklyn's body and find out where the three are being held. Reluctantly, she agrees. Soon, they learn that they are in the bathhouses.
Inside, Judge Mental tells Chauncy of what happened to the NSC building in Washington, causing Chauncy to rush him, swearing. The Judge then projects horrific images into his mind, causing him to collapse to the floor. Then, one of the Forsaken rushes in with news of Justice's approach. Judge Mental orders them that if he resists in the slightest, they should not hesitate to kill him.
Justice and Angela stroll down the empty boardwalk and are surprised by the number of paranormals that appear. They surround them and take them to Judge Mental. Judge Mental shows Justice the Wonder Wheel where his friends are being held, and they discuss what will happen to him. Justice considers himself above their rules, and asks the Judge if he's as powerful as he claims. Judge Mental recites his abilities, to which Justice wonders if he can discern unprojected thoughts. Judge Mental asks him to clarify it and he asks: "Can you read minds? Simply read minds?" After Judge Mental replies in the negative, a shot rings out. Justice pulls a gun, stolen from one of the two paranormals they jumped at the boardwalk, from his pocket, delighting in how well his "plan" worked.
Seraph attacks, enraged after Justice killed "the best hope for paranormals." The frog-like paranormal then leaps at Justice, who rises above the ground with his shields, only to be pulled down by Angela, who slams him into the ground. She begins to run, being chased by the paranormal with the extremely large ears and the frog-like one to a carousel. Angela charges out, a pair of cymbals in her hand, smashing them together near the large-eared paranormal. The intense sound causes him to stumble around. Then she turns to punch the frog-like one across the jaw, realizing that it's not as easy the movies make it out to be.
Justice fights with Seraph, who absorbs one of his blasts and fires it at one of the Wonder Wheel's supports. Angela stands in front of the carousel, waiting for the frog-like paranormal to make his move. He lashes out with his tongue, only to have it stick to the carousel, which drags him around by his tongue. Angela grins wickedly and swears she'll stop it any minute now.
Justice nears the top of the Wonder Wheel as Seraph throws his sickle, slicing into his back. A fraction of an inch more, Justice observes, and his spine would have been severed. Frantically Seraph grabs a hold of one of the empty gondolas. Suddenly, the gondola holding Miriam and the others finally loses its support, but is thankfully stopped by Justice's shields. Releasing his shields, Justice prays to those above and fires a blast back at Seraph. Seraph's sickle comes spinning back to him, out of control. Trying to escape the cutting edge, Seraph steps back, and treads air. He falls, trying to catch the Wonder Wheel with his sickle, his blade cutting through the beam. He screams, "No! I'll beat you yet!" before falling to his death.
Justice grimly reflects that he did beat him ... to the ground, that is. Chauncy thanks him for saving them, and says he owes him one. Justice calls in the marker, pulling Chauncy aside to talk over his "idea."
A week later, Victor strolls down the boardwalk and sneezes, turning to see Angela. They talk briefly before she kisses him full on the lips, asking him to stay at Coney Island with her. Nearby, a figure cloaked in shadow watches the "talk" between the two young lovers. One of the Forsaken enters the dark room, asking the figure to deal with some problems. Momentarily, Justice John Roger Tensen, in the job he discussed with Chauncy, steps into the courtroom to settle the first of many paranormal disputes, having finally found his home among those like him.
Site created and maintained by Gary Michael Miller, tensen2099@yahoo.com
Tensen and all related characters are © 2001 Marvel Characters, Inc. No copyright infringements intended. |