Baby deer born in my back yard
I came home one day to see a mother and fawn in the yard. I did not know it was a newborn until a few minutes later.
The next 3 pictures are a bit blurry - using the max zoom on the camera, through dirty windows, trying to shoot around a tree she was hiding behind. She lays down and births the second baby.
The baby is dark as it is wet. The mother licks constantly at it the rest of the shots.
The first fawn keeps trying to find milk. It keeps trying to suckle under her front legs, instead of near the back legs. It was interesting to see its instinct to look under a set of legs, but hadnt figured out which pair yet.
The second baby is starting its first attempt to stand. It took several attempts. The mom kept knocking it off balance with the ferocity of her licking.
The whole family takes a break before trying to stand up and stay up.
Quite cute for the first one to notice and try to understand its sibling.
The next sequence is about an hour after birth. It is the second baby's first successful attempt to stand and keep on its feet. It may look like the mother is instrumental in getting it up and balancing it. But she was still licking it hard, only this time not knocking it so hard.
The two are walking and looking dryer. I cant remember exactly if they were suckling immediately, but they seemed to try.
The yellow thing hanging from the tree is a wasp trap - with about 100 wasps caught in it.
The afterbirth surprised me, as I was not thinking of it, nor expecting it. The size, color and transparency also were a lesson for me.
The mom did notice me. I sat on a chair and watched for 2 hours, but sometimes moved or made noise. A cat entered the yard at one point and started a staring contest with the mother. I was scared for the newborn, as it could not stand yet. Later I was scared of the fox that frequents and sometimes lives in my back yard - right in that evergreen bush. But it was gone for a few days, thankfully. I had just watched it catch, kill and eat a squirrel, so I know it is always looking for live prey. I love the fox, but did not want it to hurt the babies.
The three were in my back yard for about 3 days. They may have been scared by my entering the yard on the 2nd or 3rd day to get something I needed. Or maybe the fox scared them. For 3 days, the babies laid underneath and behind thick brush motionless for hours as the mom left for greener pastures to feed - several times a day. I am surprised she led them out of the yard, as they have a mile to travel to the forest, as there is traffic, dogs barking, people walking about. I did hear one neighbor tell me she saw them in her front yard once, but I havent seen them in weeks - except for today, the mother returned - hopefully to scope it out for a return.