*The Altar and Sacred Items*
Here are some of the things I personally believe should be the sacred items. If you feel differently, then follow whatever works for you...
The Altar:
Some believe that an Altar should be made of a certain material or type of wood. I disagree, I can't see the point of bying a exspencive table of say applewood when the one you have made of pine is just as good. I long had a blue plastic-box turned upside down as a movable Altar. The original "witches" and cunningmen did probably not give a thought to what kind of wood their tables were made of.. I say that you can use whatever material as long as it doesn't feel wrong for you!

The Athame:
This is a ritual knife that you use to channelise your energies with. It has a black handle. Some use this instead of...

The Wand:
This is a stick made of wood, again some think it should be made of certain types of wood. Again I disagree, as long as your Wand is right for you and you have a connection with it, the material doesn't matter. I don't even know what kind of wood mine's made of, and it has moved by itself during rituals!

The Chalice or Cup:
This item will symbolize the element of water, and is important in my rituals. It can be used for drinking water or wine during a ritual, and filled with water and left in the Moonlight it can be used as a divination-tool. During candlemagick, your written chant can be burnt in the Cup.  And it can just symbolize the purifying water that makes life on earth possible.

A Candleholder and Incense burner:
Some want to have these items ingraved with pentagrams and moons etc, some use regular things they find at home. The inportant thing is that you have it, no matter design.

A Talisman\Amulet:
I do agree with Scott Cunningham's thoughts around a talisman, that if you put all your power and energy into one material thing, what happens if you loose it?  Will all your powers be gone?
But I believe that it's possible to have several sacred amulets that you were only when you feel like it. If you also like the jewelry, that will give you some extra energy when bringing it into the
Circle. I do not mean that you should go off bying expencive ecviptment, rather that you should use something that's special to you.

The Broom:
Even though I don't have or need a bromstick, I think they are essential in Wicca because they are used to cleanse the Circle before casting it. The idea is that while you sweep away all negative energies on the place with the broom, you also sweep away your own disturbing feelings before a ritual. This makes the broom an important part of the preperations before a ritual.

The most important items you ever can have on an altar are things that mean something to you.  Like a beautiful drawing of a fairy you made when you were a kid. Anything that has some spiritual meaning to you should be on your Altar because those things are the ones that gives you power...
Terah, 2001