The Way of the Witch
A wonderful and informative site for those starting with Wicca
Also a very informative page, whitch is mostly about the practical  sides of wicca, such as magick.
Terah, 2001
A site made by Amnesty International on stopping torture. Sign up for their mailinglists now!
This site is wellknown and nice. Everybody should take a look!
Do you want to know the coming moonphases? Click the moon!
The Blessed Bee
A Wiccan shopping-site that has it all! Easy to find what you want, easy to pay.
The Witch's Brew
Maybe the biggest Wiccan-site on the net. This page even has links to countries where Wiccans have registered!
Award-winning site that provides news on enviromental issues.
Wicca and Witchcraft
This page has all the information you'll ever need when it comes to magick, wicca and witchcraft.
Back to Wiccan Haven!
Spirit Online

A useful site that contains articles,  recepies and much more. Check out the magick-message service!
Here you can donate food for free to people in hunger. You don't pay anything, the sponsors do.
Do you want me to
set up a link to your site?
Mail me or sign my guestbook and
as time permits, I'll review it.
The Magickal Moon
A truly amazing site and a woman that gives of her heart. As she writes, "this site is my life..."
Astro Intelligence
I think this is the best astrological site on the net. I love it, check it out!