Our Amazing World!
If you're a Wiccan, you most likely believe that Nature is where we come from, where we belong and where our sacred place is. Maybe you also believe in faeries or other spiritual beeings in Nature.
If you truly believe that Nature is so important, then I guess you're not happy about it's condition today. I know I'm not.

Many believe that It won't matter if they do anything, the problems are too many, too big and too scary. That's wrong!!! Everything matters, everything helps! Think about it this way, if everybody in the western world gave a dollar or a pound each for enviromental issues, we would have been so far along the way! Or if every person in the world dug down a leaking battery  in their backyard, we would be in deep sh**!

If we would just take the responsebility of our own actions, it would make a world of difference. So start today!

Maybe you can stay a shorter amount of time in the shower? Maybe, next time you buy something with alot of wrapping, you will take the wrapping off and leave it in the store so the seller has to deal with it? Maybe you can have one trashcan in the house that is just for paper? Maybe you, next time you see a commercial for a fundraising for a good cause, can think: "How much is my loss compeared to my gain?"

Don't Hesitate, Take Action Today!
Terah, 2001
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