I Was Too Lazy...
The Flatterer-- The Flatterer who led the two pilgrims so fatally wrong that day; was just their own heart taken out of their own bosom...
Look to Your Motives-- "Our motives are the secret springs of our hearts.  Our motives are those hidden things in our hearts that move us to speak and to act..." Taken from Matthew 6:22,23.
Rather Die Than Pray...-- "We hate God, indeed, much more than we love ourselves. For we knowingly endanger our immortal souls; every day and every night we risk death and hell itself rather than come close to God and abide in secret prayer..."
How His Zeal Ate Him Up -- "The zeal of thine house has eaten me up..." Taken from John 2:17.
So Then -- "This little word 'so' as it comes to us from Paul's pen at the close of the most experimental and the most pungent passage the Apostle ever wrote -- what does it really mean?" Taken from Romans 7.
I Found that Ancient Christian... -- "He was a good man, Bunyan admits, but he had not gone very deep into his own heart, nor had the tempter troubled him very much either about his heart or his life..."
Madam Bubble -- From his second series on Bunyan Characters.
Remember These Seven Things --From Samuel Rutherford and Some of his Correspondents.
My Whole Life is a Continual Conversion -- "My old and honored friend,  Dr. Elder Cumming of Glasgow, in his admirable appreciation of Fraser expresses his regret that Fraser so often uses the word  concerning his whole Christian life.
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