My Dad, I still remember you,
    Although it’s been many years
    I feel your love remain here with me,
    Your comfort wipes away my tears.

    I talk with you almost daily,
    As though you were never gone.
    I still hear your deep voice
    As you sing your sailor songs.

    As that little girl, on your lap I sat,
    And I always knew I was at home.
    As a woman you always told me
    To be myself, I’d never stand alone.

    My mind still sees you at the window
    Then you greet us with teary eyes.
    You look at me with devoted love,
    Showing me a big smile as we arrive.

    Since he has came to be with you.
    My Dad, you are taking care of my son.
    He has always had great love for Opa
    And I know your souls are just as one.

    So as I lay here thinking of My Dad
    And all those wonderful memories.
    It seems only yesterday you was here
    And you will never really be gone from me.

    I know that one day soon, My Dad,
    I shall again be with my son and you.
    There will be a happy reunion in Heaven
    But till then remember I love You!

Copyright @ 2003 M. Doris Fuller

    This poem I wrote for my friend Barbara,
    For her wonderful Dad, Gerd Kaspar Stroeder,
    Who was born on December 18th 1924 and
    Went to Heaven on November 16th 1993.

      This picture is of Gerd when he was young with
      his daughter Barbara and his wife Waltraud.

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