I know God’s new angel,
    Is what she surely must be.
    Her tiny little body looks like
    A beautiful baby doll to me.

    For eighteen days she fought
    Clinging to her mortal life.
    God then called her away
    Mercifully ending all her strife.

    These four little ones were born
    Three months early and are so tiny.
    Now she’s an angel in Heaven
    And watching over the other three.

    Her family now grieve over
    This lovely little life that was lost.
    This distraught mother and father
    Feel they have paid a great cost.

    Three tiny babies now clinging to life,
    May these miracles continue to grow.
    I know God shall be with this family and
    Blessings of love to them bestow.

Copyright @ 2003 M. Doris Fuller

This poem I dedicate to the family who lost
One of their quadruplets, a baby girl, who was
Born three months premature and was just to tiny
To live. I pray the two little boys and other little
Girl will be strong enough, with God’s help,
To grow and prosper so this family won’t
Suffer anymore loss.