Diary Entry for April 10th

Anyone lived in a pretty how town, (with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter.
He sang his didn't he dance his did.
Women and men (both little and small) cared for anyone not at all.
They sowed their isn't they reaped their same, sun moon stars rain. 
Children geussed (but only a few and down they forgot as up they grew autumn winter spring summer)

That noone loved him more by more. 
when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy, she cried his grief
bird by snow, and stir by still anyone's any was all to her.
someones married their eveyones laughed their cryings and did their dance. 
(sleep wake hope and then)
they said their nevers, and slept their dream. 
stars rain sun moon

(and only the snow can begin to explain how children are apt to forget to remember with
up so floating many bells down)

one day anyone died i geuss and noone stooped to kiss his face
busy folk buried them side by side, little by little and was by was
all by all and deep by deep and more by more they dream their sleep
noone and anyone earth by april wish by spirit and if by yes.
women and men (both dong and ding)
summer autumn winter spring
reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moon stars and rain. - E.E. cummings 
(that's one of the awesomest poems I've ever read. Cummings was an ABSOLUTE genius.  read that poem again but really  think about it, in one mind set anyone was a lonely loser who died and noone loved him, in one he was a loner who had one love in the world a girl name noone, this poem has so many different meanings, it's awesome.)

I made love with my demons today, Marilyn Manson, and Depressing Poetry, my friend josh let me borrow his Antichrist Superstar CD awhile ago and I've been listening to it today and lovin it.  Anyway I've decided to share a few poems today. SOme of these have parts of other people's poems, they're not all completely by me. So don't think i'm like trying to rip someone off is you see someone elses poem.

THis first one was in my first book "Poetry in the Key of Tex" enjoy:

Don't run you might fall,
Don't try you might fail,
Don't love you might cry,
Don't feel it might hurt,
Don't Live you might Die.

These second two were also in my first book

I’m feeling a little low,
Time is running ever so slow.
Feeling like I want to cry,
Lifes so crap, I want to die.

Nothing in the world is worth this pain,
My existance on earth is only causing strain.
The weather inside my head is thunder,
Is it all worth it? That I wonder.

When describing my life, you have to swear,
Will I ever wake from this nightmare?
I’ll go to bed early and rise the next day,
And hopefully my problems will all go away.

Pray your life was just a dream, you can kill yourself now, because you're dead in my eyes.
I am so tangled in my sins that I cannot escape.
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me, I was born into this everything turns to ShIT
I was born into this everything turns to SHIT
I was born into this everything turns to SHIT
My scars are my weapons, and no one will feel me,
I was born into this everything turns to SHIT

The following poem was from my second book, "Drawing Blanx" enjoy

Steel, Metal, Sharp
Release my pain.
Everything to gain,
Blood red sins poor out of me.

The throbbing feels good,
Wanting more.
Cutting deeper,
Feeling weaker.

Feeling faint,
Love this game.
Deserving this,
Devils kiss.