Diary Entry for Dec. 22nd

Hey hey,  well if anyone's wondering why there wasn't a diary entry yesterday It's cuz I was lazy and didn't feel like writing.  I think I'll write about  girls today.

Today's entry is dedicated to Becky Butler.

Why is it that so many girls are so insistent on going out with guys who treat them lke crap?  Girls that are so awesome, almost always go out with guys who are mean, stereotypical women hating A-holes.
I know it sounds like I'm just saying this to dis other guys and get chicks to dig me,   but I'm not.

What is it about humans that makes us secretly want to be hurt, and abused?  What is the demon that hides in us all that wants us to be used and left for dead?  And why do we do that to other people.
I'm tired so I'm not writing anymore tonight good bye