<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/texmex236/SacredGround.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
With heart raised to the heavens
With love within his heart
He seeks to find the wisdom
In words that he imparts

He prays to Mother Nature
To keep her bounty pure
He seeks the gentle waters
To nourish and ensure

That life will go on living
In spirits that are blessed
Within the hills and valleys
Where many souls have wept

He sees the eagle flying
With wings that span so wide
Knowing through these blessings
His joyous heart replies

He hears the many footsteps
That walk across the land
Knows the whispers of his heart
That reach out for his hand

With love and understanding
He bows his head in peace
Mother earth will cradle him
His love on earth released.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright June 13, 2003