June 2001 brings new soldiers and new commanders to
Task Force Falcon, in Kosovo.  The Yugoslavs have
just gained access to the GSZ, planning for elections
in November continues, and violence along the border
with FYROM goes on.  What is next for our American
forces? Greater involvement in Macedonia?


01 June 2001- New Commander Leads Troops in Kosovo

02 June 2001 -  U.S. Soldier dies in Kosovo Crash

04 June 2001- U.S. Troops Doing A 'Terrific Job,' Says Rumsfeld

05 June 2001- Rumsfeld Pays Visit to Troops in Balkans

06 June 2001 -Army Peacekeepers Cheer Rumsfeld, Present Jacket

18 June 2001 - Why can't we live together?

20 June, 2001 - KFOR soldiers interdict weapons at border

20 June 2001- Kosovo Peacekeepers Detain 19 Guerrilla Suspects

21 June 2001- Powell Says U.S. Troops Could Help NATO in Macedonia

22 June 2001- Bush to Visit Kosovo in July, Officials Say

  25 June 2001- Soldier injured by landmine in Kosovo

  29 June 2001- Soldier injured in Kosovo receives Purple Heart

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