Anna's Dinner

Troy Xavier and Morthien

morthien: *steps through portal and into a person eating dinner*
troy_xavier: you find yourself in a cute young blonde's body
troy_xavier: buh bye
morthien: *looks around* not bad.. *smiles as I look to see what she was going to eat for dinner*
troy_xavier: she's having quiche and a salad
troy_xavier: catch you later
morthien: ok later..
morthien: *looks at quiche* well I'm not one for quiche but.. *smiles*
morthien: *looks self over in mirror*
troy_xavier: you are 34B, about 22 good looking but not super attractive
morthien: not bad.. can tell she is watching her weight.
troy_xavier: mmhmmm, you look nice but not get hit on too much
morthien: that is good.. *looks in her purse* interesting wardrobe
morthien: gah.. *tosses out a tampon* hmm wallet *looks in it*
troy_xavier: you see her drivers license
troy_xavier: she's 22, and her name is Anna Williamson
morthien: *sigh* I'm an Anna.. mmm
morthien: *looks self over to see what I'm wearing*
troy_xavier: you're wearing a pair of blue jeans and a blouse
morthien: nice.. *sips drink*
troy_xavier: you taste a hint of alcohol in it, that might be rum
morthien: *looks at it*
morthien: hmmm not bad.. *looks around Anna's home*
troy_xavier: she seems to be a semi poor college student
troy_xavier: the place isn't much, but you know that it's only temporary till you graduate
morthien: hmmm well I guess this is going to be me now.. *I glance around, sipping more of the drink*
troy_xavier: It tastes really good, relaxes you
morthien: *starts looking through Anna's things trying to learn more about the new me*
morthien: Hmm wonder what day it is?
troy_xavier: It's Friday by your calendar
morthien: *looks to see if their is anything she had planned*
troy_xavier: Studying is all it seems
morthien: *glance at my chest* this is going to take a great deal of getting use to.
morthien: hmmm well Anna as the new Anna it seems, I've no clue what classes I'm taking so no reason to study I guess.
troy_xavier: Otherwise it seems quiet
morthien: *looks to see if she has a television or the like*
troy_xavier: Yes she does and a VCR
morthien: *turns on the television then goes over to see what, kind of tapes she has while pondering what to do on a Friday night*
troy_xavier: Lots of movies everything from action to romantic
morthien: not bad.. *sigh* guess I can get to like the really romantic stuff.. hmm so Anna what would you do on a night tonight. If you didn't want to study.
morthien: *casually caressing a breast*
troy_xavier: You get a vague thought she either watches TV or videos or goes out
morthien: *flips through the channels to see if anything catches my interest*
troy_xavier: the usual
morthien: Hmm guess will try a night on the town as a woman, since it seems this is going to be how it is. *gathers things back into purse*
troy_xavier: You see keys in her purse for the car outside
morthien: *finish my drink and frown slightly putting the quiche away*
troy_xavier: you put it in the fridge
morthien: *depart the apartment, making sure to lock the door behind me*
troy_xavier: You head to the car
morthien: *glance it over wondering what kind of car I have after making a note of the apartment number*
troy_xavier: You see a cherry red Ford Taurus
morthien: eh not bad.. *I walk over to it, to unlock it*
troy_xavier: You unlock it and get inside
morthien: *close the door and start it up glancing around at the interior*
troy_xavier: It's pretty nice if messy
morthien: heh home.. *slight laugh, glance at the radio to see what kind of music she listens to as I back out and then out onto the road*
troy_xavier: soft rock
morthien: *starts driving looking for a place that seems like I'd enjoy being tonight*
troy_xavier: As you drive, you realize you're in a new town
troy_xavier: you're going to have to rely on a little bit of luck to find places
morthien: *sigh* didn't even think of that, I might be in another town.. *drives around, looking for a place that looks interesting*
morthien: so much I don't know about being you.. *glances at self in rear view mirror*
troy_xavier: You see a rather nice looking night club, seems pretty popular
morthien: *go to pull into the parking lot*
troy_xavier: you pull in, park your car and head inside
morthien: *look the others over, in hopes that I am dressed good enough to get in*
morthien: *also do my best to walk casually, not letting on that I'm not use to being a woman*
troy_xavier: you are and they let you inside
troy_xavier: there are some leers but nothing too bad
morthien: *make my way to the bar* well will have to get use to this I guess.
troy_xavier: Hey, hon. What can I get for you? A female bartender asks
morthien: Well I'm not quite sure, I'd say my usual. But this is my first time here. *slight laugh* So I guess what ever you'd recommend.
morthien: That or a Mudslide or Margarita.
troy_xavier: She makes you a Margarita
troy_xavier: there you go, honey
morthien: *smiles* thank you.. *takes out money to pay for it*
morthien: *looks at the drink* well here is hoping I can handle this...
troy_xavier: you feel no ill effects from tasting it
morthien: *casually sip it as I glance around and listen to the music*
troy_xavier: You see a nice mix of young people
troy_xavier: you find that your body seems to like some of the males walking around
morthien: *soft sigh* ~why can't I be a lesbian or at least bi~ *I think to myself, noticing how I feel and casually looking those males over*
troy_xavier: Some smile at you
morthien: *casually return a smile at them, not wanting to really invite any of them but just being nice*
troy_xavier: One sits down next to you
troy_xavier: Hi, I'm Dave
morthien: *blush slightly* Umm hello Dave, I'm Anna.
troy_xavier: You're quite attractive, and don't worry. I'm just being friendly
morthien: *glances down then sips my drink* Oh OK, that is good. I'm just more out looking to take a break from studying.
troy_xavier: Mmmm, sounds good what are you studying?
morthien: This and that.. what do you do? *not knowing what it is Anna is going to school for*
troy_xavier: major yet?
morthien: no not yet, still trying to decide *since has no clue as to what she is taking or what school is going to even*
troy_xavier: mmmmmm
morthien: something on your mind? *sips my drink*
troy_xavier: you have some feelings towards him. It's hard to describe, but he makes you feel good. Otherwise, it's hard to tell as you have nothing to compare it feel smaller, and slightly helpless as you're not used to being a girl
morthien:*smile slightly at him* so Dave, what do you do.
troy_xavier: *he smiles back* Oh I'm a statistician for a local company
troy_xavier: boring work, but it's a paycheck
morthien: *nods* a paycheck is always a good thing.. *having no clue if I have a job anymore*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, yep
morthien: so would you like to dance or something? *trying to think of something to say or do*
morthien: *wonders how Anna makes it not having a job*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, dancing sounds good
troy_xavier: you realize her parents help out
morthien: *smiles* I must warn you I'm not that good of a dancer.. *slight laugh, knowing that it is true. despite what Anna might have once been*
troy_xavier: it's all right
morthien: *finishes my drink then stands*
troy_xavier: *smiles*
morthien: *sighing slightly at how small I am now, and how it seems like the drink has more of an effect on me now*
morthien: well did you want to dance?
troy_xavier: Mmmmmm, yes let's go
morthien: *nervously takes his hand*
troy_xavier: you two dance and you surprise yourself by being quite light on your feet
morthien: *is amazed at how light I am on my feet*
troy_xavier: you are a great dancer, Anne
morthien: thank you, of late I've been finding many hidden talents it seems.. and it is Anna not Anne
troy_xavier: Mmmm, sorry
morthien: is quite alright... takes some getting use to.. *laughs*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, yeah

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