Fan Exchange: Stratusfaction

Troy Xavier and Morthien

troy_xavier: you seem to be in a locker room
morthien: hmm *glances down at myself*
troy_xavier: You see a very large chest, and flat tummy...looks like you've got the mud off you
morthien: what the? *looks at what I'm wearing as I look around for someone else*
troy_xavier: Looks like you've got on a new outfit...Cowgirl motif
morthien: *looks for a mirror* no I can't be can I?
troy_xavier: You look in the mirror...and you are Trish Stratus

morthien: holy shit.. I'm Trish Stratus? *grabs my chest*
troy_xavier: you feel the two large mammaries, they're quite sensitive
morthien: hmm guess that means they are real then.. *looks over what I'm wearing*
troy_xavier: A black leather outfit, her cowboy hat and boots
morthien: hmm now what to do.. mmm seems like I'm a bit sore from her match with Stacy.
troy_xavier: you see some of the wrestlers and personnel leaving
troy_xavier: looks like everything is done
morthien: well I guess I should get going.. *looks for my luggage*
troy_xavier: you see it in the corner
morthien: *walk over and pick it up* well lets see how stratusfying my new life is
troy_xavier: You head out. Seems like Terri is waiting for you.
morthien: *feeling a bit awkward yet enjoying how the tight leather feels*
troy_xavier: She smiles at you. Beautiful as ever, Trish
morthien: *smiles* Well Terri I do my best. Granted your not that bad either.
troy_xavier: *she smiles* Well, the surgeons have been kind. Ready to head for Boston?
morthien: *smirks* cute.. yeah lets get going.
troy_xavier: You two head off in the car, your breasts seem to jiggle even with the bra
morthien: heh *laughs a bit glancing down at them* don't know how she did it.. *I say the last softly*
troy_xavier: You travel for a couple hours then Terri asks if you would like to drive
morthien: Terri sure, lets stop at the next gas station for a short break and a change.
troy_xavier: Great. oh and tell me when you get hungry
morthien: sure thing.. *wonders how I'm doing and worried that I might not be able to pass as her not knowing her eating habits*
troy_xavier: Okay...after a bit you pull into a gas station
morthien: do we want to fill up? *I ask Terri*
troy_xavier: Yeah, we might as well. It's a long drive
morthien: that it is.. you want to pump or me? *I say opening the car door*
troy_xavier: *before you open the car door* Well, if you want, go for it *she hands you your purse* Better pay with a credit card
morthien: Yeah easier to keep a record that way. *takes the purse* thanks need to freshen up a bit too
troy_xavier: Mmm, go ahead. I'll wait for you.
morthien: ok *gets out and starts into the gas station*
troy_xavier: You get inside
morthien: *I walk to the cashier and tell them we are going to fill up*
troy_xavier: Okay...go ahead
morthien: *looks around for the restrooms*
troy_xavier: You find two
morthien: *casually glance around as I make my way to the restrooms, acting as if this is my body*
troy_xavier: do so. it looks like any other convenience gas station
morthien: *enter the restroom, making sure I'm going into the ladies*
troy_xavier: You do so. It's kinda odd. so different than the men's.
morthien: hmm this is gonna take some getting use to.. *I say softly as I go to the sink and look through my purse*
troy_xavier: You do's about what you'd expect
morthien: hmm well Trish I hope you enjoy my life.
morthien: *I gather up my things and adjust my hat* yes this is rather Stratusfying.. *giggles*
troy_xavier: You seem content
troy_xavier: Trish and Terri are still at the gas station
morthien: *I leave the ladies room as I take a glance around to see if Terri has finished*
troy_xavier: She has and is waiting for you
morthien: *I get a bottle of water and go over to pay for the gas*
troy_xavier: It will be 10 dollars
morthien: *I take out a credit card as Terri had suggested*
troy_xavier: thanks *runs it*
morthien: you are welcome.
troy_xavier: please sign here
morthien: ok.. *picks up a pen, I hope my signature will be her's as I sign it*
troy_xavier: Thanks
troy_xavier: Terri seems ready to go
morthien: *I glance at it as I pick up the water and car and walk out*
troy_xavier: You walk out, and get into the car
morthien: *I take a sip of the water before starting the car*
troy_xavier: You are so slow tonight Trish
morthien: How do you mean Terri? *I ask as I drive*
troy_xavier: You usually are right in and out
morthien: Well I think my match with Stacey took a bit out of me tonight.. I've just been kinda off since then.
morthien: Anything else you've noticed?
troy_xavier: Mmm not really
morthien: Oh ok.
troy_xavier: you do seem to sit like a guy sometimes though
morthien: heh yeah anyhow Terri.. *glances down* what are you talking about
troy_xavier: Not in the car
troy_xavier: but in a chair you sit with your with your legs wide open
morthien: *tries to remember when I did that*
troy_xavier: you don't off the top of your head
morthien: really I don’t remember that?
troy_xavier: You do
troy_xavier: anyways.....let's get going (you're driving now)
morthien: hmm ok *I start to drive, getting back on the road to the next show*
morthien: *glances at Terri, remembering my thoughts about her and how cute she looks*
troy_xavier: you drive for a while but you're getting tired, she is napping a bit
troy_xavier: probably wouldn't notice anything you tried
morthien: so Terri want to stop for the night? *wonders how I'm feeling about her*
troy_xavier: you and Terri are pulling into a hotel parking lot
troy_xavier: funny..she looks so good to you
morthien: *I park the car* Terri do you want to check in or do you want me to? *curious that I have my feelings about her*
troy_xavier: huh...ummm you can*she sounds sleepy, smiles at you a bit*
troy_xavier: You notice you have feelings for both men and women
morthien: Ok Terri I'll be back in a bit. *I get out and go to the office, finding this rather interesting at how I'm feeling*
troy_xavier: You take care of securing a room. Terri comes inside with the luggage
morthien: Oh thanks Terri. *smiles at her as I go to get my luggage*
troy_xavier: You two are soon in your room. You realize it's only got one bed
morthien: Terri umm I hope you don't mind. It is all they had.
troy_xavier: It's fine, babe. *she starts stripping right in front of you*
troy_xavier: *you can see her nice, if surgically enhanced boobs*
morthien: *I start to say something, but then remember we are both women so is ok*
morthien: *I take off my hat and start to strip as well*
troy_xavier: She smiles
morthien: something on your mind Terri? *I go to open my luggage to find something to sleep in*
troy_xavier: you have such a nice body Trish. *she starts caressing your back a bit*
morthien: mmm why thank you Terri, even if as you say I sit like a man. *l* yours is nice too.
troy_xavier: Thanks
troy_xavier: Well, I think you do it to turn on the other girls and the guys*she winks*
morthien: *I turn around to face her* Well does it work? *I smile as I move to kiss her*
troy_xavier: *she reciprocates the kiss* very well
morthien: *I move my hand to casually touch her breast* why thank you.. *I smile*
troy_xavier: she smiles. Trish, would you like to..enjoy each other's company?
morthien: Umm do you want to Terri?
troy_xavier: I think I could go for some...stratusfaction
morthien: *moves you towards the bed* I'm sure I can leave you stratusfied.. *winks*
troy_xavier: *I smile* I know you can, honey. So show me what you do best
morthien: *I start to kiss her neck working my way down to her chest*
morthien: *I realize I have no idea of how to have sex with a woman as a woman*
troy_xavier: she starts rubbing your ass and grinding your crotches together
troy_xavier: *she gently falls back on the bed taking you with her*

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The above is a work of fiction. It is a fictional story of a man getting to live out a fantasy of finding himself in the body of WWE, Superstar and Diva Trish Stratus. As always all things here are copywrite their respective owners and creators.