Greener Grasses

Story by Morthien. Edited by Morthien.

October 07, 1999

Narrator: Morthien

Players: Nicole (Nick Gracen)

Morthien: Ok. Nicole you and your mother have sometimes been at odds
with each other.
Nicole: Ok
Morthien: Mostly because she is usually busy at work. Your father is a
traveling salesman
Morthien: So he isn't around that often.
Nicole: Right.
Morthien: You mom works as a secretary at a large corporation.
Nicole: Got it
Morthien: You are a freshman in high school. Always trying to fit in,
Morthien: Doesn't help that your basically a latchkey kid. You've tried
to talk to your mom.
Morthien: About your problems, yet she seems to just dismiss you.
Morthien: Saying how your life isn't that bad and no where as difficult
as hers.
Nicole: School has a worst caste system than India,mom.
Nicole: Son 14 and Mom 34
Morthien: *your mother who is in her thirties looks at you* Your
Morthien: *she takes a puff of her cigarette*
Morthien: Now get going or you'll miss the buss.
Nicole: No, I'm not. Besides your beautiful everyone tries to be nice to
Nicole: If I was you I'd drive my son to school.
Morthien: *your mom is 5'8" or 5'10" in heels. Long curly black hair, and deep blue
Morthien: *drinks her coffee* Well your not me. So get going. *grabs
her things*
Morthien: I need to get to work. *kisses you on the forehead*
Morthien: *her name is Samantha Gracen*
Nicole: I wish you were me than you'd see how hard it is for me to fit
Morthien: Son be careful what you wish for.
Nicole: *I leave and walk fast so as to not miss my bus*
Morthien: *you end up going to school and are at lunch*
Nicole: *take out my peanut butter and jelly sandwich*
Nicole: *and drink cafeteria bought milk*
Morthien: *Marcy, one of the goth types sits at your table* So your the
loser who can't fit in.
Nicole: Excuse me?
Nicole: *sips milk*
Morthien: You heard me. Your the loser who can't even make into the
outcasts click like me.
Morthien: *takes the other half of your sandwich* Mommies boy that you
Nicole: I don't want to dress like a freak just to make friends.
Nicole: Hey!That's my lunch!
Morthien: Oops... *drops it on the floor*
Nicole: You don't know me!
Morthien: So have fun loser. *as she leaves she makes sure to knock over
your milk*
Nicole: Thanks a lot.....Elvira!
Morthien: *everyone starts laughing at you*
Morthien: *curtsies*
Nicole: *blushing*
Morthien: *the chant of mommies boy starts*
Nicole: *leave the cafeteria*
Nicole: *with head down*
Morthien: *laughter follows you out*
Nicole: I bet she's having a better day than me.
Nicole: *sigh*
Morthien *one of the cheerleaders comes up to you, she is taller than
Nicole: Here we go again.
Nicole: *try to avoid her*
Morthien: *she follows you* Ah Nicky don't you wanna talk to me. *pouts*
Nicole: Oh yeah,sure.
Nicole: *stops, hoping this time it will be different*
Morthien: *laughs* Sure you do, you wanna carry my books don't you.
Nicole: I guess. *drops head and takes her books*
Morthien: Good boy. Your mommy taught you well. *smirks*
Nicole: I'm not that close to my mother. She's an uncaring bitch actually.
Morthien: *she gives you a hug, and you feel her tap your back*
Nicole: *surprised*
Morthien: Just like me loser. *laughs* Hey Clark, Nicky here took my
Morthien: *one of the football players comes over* Hey Nicky you
harassing my girl.
Nicole: Clark, I didn't, she asked me to I swear. You can have her books.
Nicole: My life sucks.*drop head again*
Morthien: *roughly take them from you* Leave her alone, she Doesn't like
people like you.
Nicole: Nobody does.*mumbles*
Morthien: *Clark gives you a wedgey*
Nicole: *blushes*
Morthien: *laughter follows as you run away*
Nicole: At least he didn't beat me up.
Nicole: I hope this day ends soon.
Morthien: *the bell rings ending lunch*
Nicole: *go to my next class, still embarrassed*
Nicole: *slumps into my seat in the front*
Morthien: *Margo one of the preppie types is siting next to you* Nick are
you ok?
Nicole: No, I mean sure I'm great.
Nicole: Just your typical doormat.
Morthien: I'm sorry. Wish I could help, but I've a reputation to think
Nicole: I understand. Thanks.
Morthien: Not a problem. Hey I got something for you. *hands you a
Nicole: What's this?
Nicole: *takes the rock*
Morthien: A worry stone. Supposedly it will cause your worries to go
Nicole: I bet. *raising eyes*
Nicole: Thanks
Morthien: Fine don't believe me.
Nicole: *put it in my pocket*
Morthien: Maybe your life will get better. You never know.
Nicole: No, I love it thanks, Margo.
Nicole: There is probably a hidden camera and everyone is going to laugh
Morthien: *laughs* Nope, I was just trying to be nice. If you want to
be your usual then have fun.
Morthien: It might change your life.
Nicole: What do I do with it?
Morthien: Not sure, who knows make a wish or something. I was gonna try it but you look like you need it more.
Nicole: To myself, I wish my mother had to put up with this crap and I got to live her life instead.
Morthien: *just then you suddenly hear a voice in your ears, and you see your at a desk in an office*
Nicole: *look around*
Morthien: *you are also chewing something and have headphones on*
Morthien: *you see a picture of you and your mom on the desk. Also one of you*
Morthien: *you also discover a half eaten sandwich on the table*
Nicole: *look at my hands*
Nicole: (( what do I taste? ))
Morthien: *you have soft female hands with red nail polish, the voice in your ears sounds like it is telling you something*
Morthien: *but it has no meaning to you*
Morthien: *chicken salad*
Nicole: ~uhh,I hate chicken salad~
Morthien: *a gentle breeze can be felt across your legs*
Nicole: *look down at my body*
Morthien: *you see two mounds of flesh pressing against a white top*
Nicole: *jump up*
Nicole: Holy shit! The stone worked
Nicole: I'm mom!
Morthien: *a young woman stands up in what looks to be the cubicle in front of you* Sam are you ok?
Nicole: Never better. How are you?
Nicole: Sam, this is great.
Morthien: Cindy- I'm ok. Are you sure you are? Is that letter really that boring?
Nicole: I hope she's having fun. *grinning*
Morthien: Cindy- Who is having fun, Sam?
Nicole: What?
Morthien: *she walks around to you*
Nicole: What letter?
Nicole: Which way is the bathroom, hon?
Morthien: Cindy- Duh the one that Larry dictated to you.
Morthien: Cindy- Let me get my purse I'll go with you.
Nicole: Oh ,that one. It's really dull.
Morthien: Cindy- Umm ok.
Nicole: *grab mom's bag too*
Nicole: (( am I wearing heels? ))
Morthien: *Cindy directs you to the ladies room* (( yes ))
Nicole: *try to look natural walking in them*
Nicole: *feel like I don't belong at first but remind myself that I do, now*
Morthien: *you find it a bit awkward but you can manage*
Nicole: *look at mom's face in the mirror*
Nicole: *run my hands over my 30 something female body*
Nicole: *after putting my purse on the sink*
Morthien: Cindy- Sam are you sure your ok?
Nicole: Thanks Margo.
Nicole: Uh yeah I'm great,dear.
Morthien: Cindy- Margo? I'm Cindy.
Nicole: I know silly.
Nicole: So what do you think of Larry?
Morthien: Cindy- Ok I was just wondering. He is a pain in the.. well.
Nicole: *trying to get some info*
Morthien: Cindy- You know. After all your his secretary.
Nicole: Listen Cindy my dad-husband is out of town again. How about we go out together tonight to a bar or something?
Nicole: My son is old enough to take care of himself. *grin*
Morthien: Cindy- Of course we always do that.
Morthien: Cindy- Yeah your son, don't you think you need to spend more time with him.
Morthien: Cindy- Course I guess with him being a star athlete and all.
Nicole: *turn red*
Nicole: What she is ashamed of me too!
Morthien: Cindy- What?
Nicole: I mean yes of course.
Nicole: I'll show her. *to myself*
Morthien: Cindy- Ah ok. Well when you think you can get back at it let me know. *grins as she walks out*
Nicole: *reaches into my purse and takes out mom's cigarettes and lighter*
Nicole: What the hell when in Rome
Nicole: *lights it*
Morthien: *you enjoy the taste*
Nicole: ~tastes pretty good no wonder she does it even though she can get cancer~
Nicole: *finish the cigarette then go back to my desk*
Morthien: *a man stops you on the way to your desk* So Sam thought about that offer?
Nicole: *smiling,thinking about how I'm going to pay "Nicky" back*
Nicole: What's that?
Nicole: *still getting used mom's voice
Morthien: Larry- What you don't remember. It was about your promotion.
Nicole: I've just had a problem with my mo-son. Can you refresh my memory?
Morthien: Larry- You were offered to be my personal assistant.
Nicole: ((what does he look like?))
Nicole: Promotion already, cool. I think.
Morthien: *late 40's gray hair, a bit over weight*
Nicole: Can you give me some details?
Morthien: Larry- I've already done that. Fine if you wish to be stuck in your job then that is fine. *he walks away*
Nicole: Wait! *push chest out*
Nicole: It's a great opportunity. I'll take it sir.
Morthien: Larry- Fine. *smiles* Meet me in my office in 20 minutes.
Nicole: Sure. Wait till mom hears I got promoted.
Nicole: *returns to my desk*
Nicole: *crosses legs like Samantha usually does*
Morthien: Sam what kept you? *Cindy asks*
Nicole: That guy over there just gave me a promotion. Isn't that cool?
Morthien: Cindy- Larry? You didn't did you.
Nicole: *looking concerned*
Nicole: Yeah, he said it was all step up.
Morthien: Cindy- He did? You mean he actually said that?
Nicole: He wants to talk to me about it in about 15 min.
Morthien: Cindy- Just be careful.
Nicole: Thanks. It's nice having a friend like you Cindy.
Morthien: Cindy- Sure thing Sam.
Nicole: *wait 15 min. then go in to see Larry*
Morthien: *you go to his office*
Nicole: *getting used to the shoes and this body*
Nicole: *with it's long hair, boobs and height*
Nicole: Hi Larry.*waves*
Nicole: I'm here.
Morthien: Come in Mrs. Gracen. *Larry says standing up*
Morthien: Larry- Close the door would you.
Nicole: Call me Sam everyone seems to.
Nicole: *shuts it*
Morthien: Larry- Not a problem Sam. *smiles, as he moves to you*
Nicole: *sensing finally what's happening*
Nicole: Hey Larry. Mom's married. I mean I'm married.
Nicole: I can't cheat on my father. I mean my husband.
Morthien: Larry- I'm not asking you to do that? *looks at you confused*
Nicole: Besides don't you think your too old for me. You have gray hair.
Nicole: I'm confused.What's going on here?
Morthien: *locks the door*
Morthien: Larry- We are going to discuss your job here.
Nicole: Oh. I'm sorry it's just when your a babe like me you can't be so sure.


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