Kissing Ornella

Story by Nicole. Edited by Morthien.

Narrator: Nicole

Players: Morthien

Nicole: *you are a handsome, bartender at the hottest club downtown*
Nicole: *you have no problem getting girls, but there is one that you want that u can't have*
Nicole: *she is a regular named Ornella, a beautiful Italian model*
Morthien: It is only a matter of time though. I'm sure of it.
Nicole: *she always dances with her lesbian lover*
Morthien: *sigh*
Nicole: *her girlfriend is a model too with short black hair and blue eyes, named Carrie-Ann*
Morthien: ~Why is it the goddesses always like girls.~ I think going about my job.
Nicole: *one slow week night Carrie-Ann comes into the club and sits at the bar*
Nicole: Hi Neil, she says.
Morthien: *thinking, that would be fun a threesome with those two*
Morthien: Oh, hi Carrie-Ann.
Nicole: Listen I know you want Ornella.
Morthien: Want your usual? *looks around for Ornella*
Morthien: Really why would you think that?
Nicole: Yes. *takes out a cigarette waiting for u to light it*
Morthien: *light her cigarette, as I bring her drink to her*
Nicole: I'm not stupid you know I see how you look at her.
Nicole: Thanks, for the light.
Morthien: *trying to play innocent* I do that to everyone, part of my job.
Morthien: Not a problem.
Morthien: *take a sip of my bottle of water*
Nicole: Well I have always wanted to be a man, tall and good looking like you.
Morthien: Thanks. *kinda smiles* I guess.
Morthien: Is that why your likes are how they are?
Nicole: I have a way that you can have Ornella and I can have have what I want.
Morthien: Oh really? *kinda skeptical*
Morthien: You mean if I arrange for you to get an Op I can have Ornella?
Nicole: Have you ever been curious about what its like to be a woman?
Morthien: Not really. *looks away* Morthien: Well from time to time I have imagined that was me dancing with Ornella not you.
Morthien: Sometimes some of the others mainly when I'm bored.
Nicole: I have discovered I way that we can change places.
Nicole: Do you want to?
Morthien: *laughs* you wanna trade clothes or something? *looks her over* Don't think I'd look to good in that.
Morthien: Besides why would you wanna give up your career to do this.
Nicole: I found a book on witchcraft that taught me the spell.
Nicole: I want to get lots of girls like you and have a real penis.
Morthien: *smiles*
Nicole: You can have Ornella and have a new sexual experience.
Morthien: *thinking it probably will not work anyhow, if it gets me in bed with her and hopefully Ornella sure*
Morthien: Yeah sure.
Nicole: *she takes your big hand in her small feminine one*
Morthien: Ok.
Nicole: *and says words in a strange language*
Nicole: *suddenly you feel like the room is spinning and you lose consciousness*
Morthien: *try and get oriented before I pass out*
Nicole: *you awake on a couch*
Morthien: *slowly look around*
Nicole: *you see a guy that looks like you handing you a glass of water*
Morthien: *confused look as I take it*
Nicole: How do you feel Carrie? *he asks smiling*
Morthien: It worked? *slowly looking self over*
Morthien: Holy shit! *I say covering my mouth*
Nicole: *you have her slim, athletic figure and are wearing her sexy black clothes*
Morthien: *reaching down to check my crotch*
Morthien: You did it, you really did it.
Nicole: *your pants are tight and are wearing shoes with heels*
Nicole: *your voice sounds female and very sexy*
Morthien: How long will this last?
Nicole: To everyone including Ornella you are Carrie-Ann Harris and I am Neil the cute bartender.
Nicole: As long as we want.
Morthien: Does she know about this?
Nicole: No.
Morthien: *thinking of my life, playing football in high school and college*
Nicole: I like her but I've had her I want other girls now.
Morthien: Should we tell her?
Nicole: *you remember everything from your life*
Morthien: Hope I can pass for you.
Nicole: I really don't care if you tell her. She probably won't believe it though.
Morthien: I could lose her if I told her too.
Morthien: *slowly standing, as I sip the water*
Nicole: The photographer's only care about my looks and you have them now.
Nicole: I like girls too.
Morthien: We gonna transfer my money to your account and vice versa?
Nicole: *you now stand 5'8" instead of 6'2"*
Morthien: I feel so small. *looking up*
Nicole: No we will be each other. You can have my money.
Nicole: I have my dream now.
Morthien: Ok and in a way so do I.
Morthien: I'll give you my passwords etc later tonight.
Morthien: So what now Neil?
Nicole: Your address is in my bag .Take a taxi to our apartment.
Nicole: Have fun with Ornella tonight.
Morthien: can find yours in my wallet.
Morthien: Thank you Neil. *kiss my old self*
Nicole: Thank you Carrie.
Morthien: Hey if you ever want to come a play, you know where we live.
Nicole: I wish you liked guys. You are very hot Carrie.
Morthien: *wondering if I have any feelings for my old self*
Nicole: I don't think Ornella would want me now.
Morthien: Well....I guess so.
Nicole: *Neil gets your leather coat for you and helps you into it*
Morthien: Thanks again. *slight smile*
Nicole: *a beautiful Asian girl approaches Neil and says to him, "Why are you wasting your time with that dyke?"
Morthien: *glances at the woman as I start to leave*
Nicole: *the bouncers say, "good night Carrie say hi to Ornella for us."
Morthien: *nods* I will.
Nicole: *you get a cab right away and the driver is very polite to you*
Morthien: *smile as I tell him where to go*
Nicole: *your apartment is in a wealthy part of the city*
Morthien: *pay the cab driver as I get out*
Nicole: *he is an old white man*
Morthien: Wow, I live here.
Nicole: *the doorman recognizes you and let's you in*
Morthien: *nod to him as I enter*
Nicole: Hi, Ms. Harris
Nicole: *you push the penthouse in the elevator*
Nicole: *you then enter using your key*
Morthien: *thinking, and she gave all this up just to be like me*
Nicole: *the place is lavish and feminine*
Morthien: Honey I'm home. *smiles*
Nicole: *Ornella comes out wearing a robe, her hair is long and brown*
Nicole: *she has been crying*
Morthien: What is wrong? *walk over to her*
Nicole: I can't believe your home already.
Nicole: I thought you went out to find another girl again, she says in accented English.
Morthien: Why not? Do you want me to leave?
Morthien: *looks down* No not that, your the only girl for me.
Morthien: I just wanted to check on Neil.
Nicole: I wish that was true. I'm glad your home though.
Nicole: *hugs you*
Nicole: *she is about 5'4"*
Morthien: *go to hug her and kiss her*
Morthien: It is now. *I whisper*
Nicole: *contact with Ornella's big breasts make your nipples hard and your crotch wet*
Morthien: Mmmmm I've so wanted this.
Nicole: Neil? *she pulls away confused*
Nicole: What do you like guys now too?
Morthien: You know the bartender. No not like that.
Morthien: I heard he wasn't feeling good, and I wanted to check on him.
Nicole: Let's go to bed. We don't have a shoot till next week.
Morthien: Ok. *kiss her* I mean it your the only one for me. I'm starting things fresh tonight.
Nicole: I hope so.
Morthien: It is true, I've always wanted you and only you since I first saw you.
Nicole: I....believe you now.
Morthien: *soft smile* Now lets get ready for bed. *smiles*
Nicole: *you make love to her its different but good*
Nicole: *Ornella licks you between your legs then you put on a strap on and give it to her*
Morthien: *it was what I always wanted, not how I wanted per say but it works* Morthien: *using my skills for making love with a woman from when i was a man*
Nicole: *you return to the club and Neil watches as you and Ornella dance this weekend*
Nicole: *then he lights your cigarette for you this time*
Nicole: *you have to curb your appetite from now on*
Morthien *take a drag of it* So Neil how are you doing? Thanks for the light.
Nicole: Great, you guys look very happy together.
Morthien: Yeah, we are doing much better now, had some problems.
Nicole: Ornella says, we are and next week we have a job in Australia.
Nicole: *well the club is very busy so Neil can't talk anymore*
Nicole: See you ladies, he says.
Morthien: Take care Neil. *turn to kiss Ornella*
Nicole: I love you Carrie-Ann, she says.
Morthien: I love you too Ornella.
Nicole: *lots of people in the club stare at the two beauties kissing*


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