A Magical Accident

Story by Nicole. Edited by Morthien.

Narrator: Nicole

Players: Morthien

Nicole: *unknown to you two wizards are doing battle*
Morthien: *alright, going about my daily actions*
Nicole: *you and a beautiful young woman are caught in the crossfire, the good wizard wins fortunately*
Nicole: *the young woman's mind was wiped and your body was crushed by a giant hand*
Nicole: *you awake lying on the sidewalk*
Morthien: Gurgle...*crushed*
Morthien: Did I get mugged? *look around*
Nicole: *blonde hair is in your face*
Morthien: What the? *covers mouth* My voice!?
Nicole: *you are wearing an expensive ladies trench coat*
Morthien: *stand up*
Nicole: *your nails are painted red and your whole hand has been feminized*
Morthien: What happened to me. *looking self over*
Nicole: *it is night and your body is lying motionless nearby, most of its bones have been broken*
Morthien: *kneel by the body* Someone get a doctor, call 911!!
Nicole: *paramedics arrive too late, the guy is dead*
Morthien: NO!!! I can't be!!
Nicole: *you find your purse and check your ID*
Nicole: *it is in French, your name is Catherine Noel and you are now 35 years old*
Morthien: French!! I don't know French.. well not that well.
Nicole: *you appear to be an elegant European woman now*
Morthien: Wish I knew what happened. *looking around*
Nicole: *you see a museum behind you and presume you are some sort of artist perhaps*
Morthien: *go to the museum*

To Be Continued......

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