Mutant Swap

Emma FrostMarcus Hunt (GQ from BlackOps)

Story Idea by Nicole

Edited by Morthien

Story based on an Rp session between Nicole and Morthien at Fictionmania.

All characters, ideas and situation are copyright their respective owners.

No infringement on copyrights was intended.

Nicole: This story takes place when the White Queen was bad(I prefer her that way btw).
Morthien: Cool.
Morthien: White Queen is one of my all time favs from Marvel.
Nicole: You are a Hellfire Club mercenary.
Morthien: Ok
Nicole: Who has a plan you want to steal the persona exchange gun from your boss Emma Frost.
Nicole: The gun she used to switch bodies with Storm.
Morthien: Works for me. Hmmm.
Nicole: The only problem is you fear that your boss who is a mind reading witch will discover your plan and wipe your mind.
Morthien: So what am I gonna do about this. *thinking*
Nicole: You want to use it to change places with the X-man Colossus.
Nicole: He is nearly invulnerable and very strong.
Morthien: Yeah then I'd be unstoppable.
Nicole: *you wait till Ms.Frost leaves the Mass. Academy on" business"*
Morthien: *sneak in*
Nicole: *then you steal the gun from her armory*
Nicole: *suddenly you hear a sound*
Morthien: What the?
Morthien: *looks around*
Nicole: White Queen- What are you doing Marcus?
Morthien: I was just retrieving this. *looks to see who it is*
Nicole: White Queen- You're not planning to steal from me are you?
Nicole: *it is Ms.Frost in her costume*
Morthien: I was just going to borrow this.
Nicole: *you see an evil grin on her face and feel you have to defend yourself*
Morthien: As soon as I was done I was going to return it.
Morthien: Ms. Frost, please I don't wish to harm you. *reaching out for a weapon*
Nicole: *this is your only chance before being reduced to a drooling vegetable, the PEG is in your hand*
Morthien: I'm sorry. *pull the trigger*
Nicole: *lightning strikes*
Nicole: *you watch as your body hits the floor,eyes rolled back*
Morthien: *confused*
Nicole: *you are now the beautiful powerful telepath known as the White Queen*
Nicole: *her mind was destroyed instead of yours*
Morthien: *look self over as I pick up the gun*
Nicole: *suddenly you hear voices in your head,they are the thoughts of some of your guards and students,the Hellions*
Morthien: Mmmm i like this... not quite what I wanted. *look at the gun, for any settings on it*
Nicole: *just one that changes psyches*
Morthien: *call to my guards, to remove the traitor*
Morthien: *looks self over*
Nicole: *they carry off the brain dead mercenary*
Nicole: *you have always believed your boss to be a gorgeous woman*
Nicole: *now it is you who is that woman*
Nicole: *also you are very wealthy and a powerful mutant*
Morthien: This will take some getting use to. Hmm wonder if I take over another do I keep my mental powers.
Nicole: *yes,you possess her powers just as Storm did, just the powers of the body*
Morthien: Oh well power and money... almost as good as indestructibleness.
Nicole: *you have always wanted to touch those beautiful breasts now their all yours*
Morthien: *fondle myself*... ~hmm her wardrobe is well...~
Nicole: *guards look away, fearing your wrath*
Nicole: *your nipples get hard, it feels good*
Morthien: mmmmm *convey this to the guards, grin*
Nicole: Guards- Wow!
Morthien: *close up my armory, keeping the gun at my side*
Nicole: *suddenly you hear the thoughts of the Black King*
Nicole: Black King- ~I hope Emma is in the mood tonight~
Morthien: *gulp*
Nicole: *he is at your bar*
Morthien: I'm going out. I'll be back later, make sure no one comes in here. *I say to the guards as I leave*
Nicole: Guards- Yes maam.
Morthien: ~getting out of here before he finds me~
Nicole: *where are you going to go?*
Morthien: *someplace at random, looking to cause some trouble*
Nicole: *are you going in costume and what mode of transportation?*
Morthien: *costume and my car... ooops how did she travel*
Morthien: *gonna take my hellions with me*
Nicole: *you hear Sebastion Shaw question a guard about your hereabouts, in your head*
Morthien: Shit!
Nicole: *as you are gathering your students, he shows up*
Morthien: Umm hello.
Nicole: *the man is powerfully built with a ponytail*
Nicole: Black King- Hello Emma. Where are you off to?
Morthien: To have some fun. *still not use to being called Emma yet*
Nicole: Black King- Well, I have come to see you.
Morthien: Why is that?
Nicole: Black King- Some business and some pleasure.
Nicole: *he grins*
Morthien: ~wonder if this is all worth it~
Morthien: *look my hellions over* But we were going to have some fun first.
Nicole: Black King- Fun? What are you planning, woman?
Morthien: That is a surprise.
Morthien: Yes I am a woman aren't I.
Nicole: Black King- *he grins* You sure are.
Morthien: We can do that later.
Nicole: Black King- How are these children's training going?
Nicole: *he asks about the future Hellfire Club members*
Morthien: They are doing well, was going to test them tonight.
Nicole: Black King- Can I escort you?
Morthien: *sigh* If you wish.
Morthien: ~I need to get out of here~
Nicole: *Sebastion Shaw is a living example of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. He is also a self made man who manufactures Sentinels for the government,ironically.*
Morthien: Hmmm *looks Sebastian over*
Nicole: *he converts kinetic energy into strength,endurance and speed*
Morthien: Dear I need to speak to you in private.
Nicole: *he struts after you*
Morthien: *we go to a private room* So what did you want to talk to me about?
Nicole: Black King- Business first or pleasure?
Morthien: Your choice. *wink* Which ever is more pressing.
Nicole: *he notices the PEG,and grabs your hand*
Morthien: Yes dear?
Nicole: Black King- What are you planning to do with that?
Morthien: A little fun.
Nicole: *he is very strong*
Morthien: So what was the business.
Nicole: Black King- The mutant Firestar is planning revenge on you ,Emma.*he doesn't release your hand*
Nicole: Black King- I wanted to warn you.
Morthien: Why is that?
Nicole: Black King- You have always been loyal to me.
Morthien: But of course. So what now?
Nicole: *he kisses you passionately on the lips*
Morthien: *pull away at first but then do what he expects me to*
Nicole: *then he removes the gun from your hand and tosses it to the other side of the room*
Nicole: *you feel his groin pressing up against you*
Nicole: *he is much larger than you*
Morthien: *trying to resist, unsure of what is going on with MY body*
Nicole: *your nipples are hard and your crotch is wet*
Nicole: *these two bodies have had sex before*
Nicole: *you find Sebastion to be an experienced lover*
Morthien: *looking into his mind to find out what I should do*
Nicole: *you are enjoying this better than sex as a male*
Morthien: Wow that is the best I've ever had. So sensual, never knew it was like this.
Nicole: *before, Mr.Shaw always treated you like cannon fodder now you are his equal*
Morthien: *not just an equal but his lover*
Morthien: Mr.Shaw I can't believe this.


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