Second Chances

Troy Xavier and Morthien

morthien: *walking into his room* I just want a break.. why can't anything go right for me.. *he sighs taking off his shirt and turning on the tv*

troy_xavier: the tv comes on. Are you tired of your life? Wish you could be someone else for a while? Well, at the second chance bar, we can provide that. Don't look for us, just wish that you were someone else, and that's all it takes.

morthien: *I laugh a bit* must be a silly add on Mad TV or some thing on Cartoon Network. *sigh* would be nice if was real.. I wish I was someone else.

troy_xavier: The room suddenly glows then turns dark as your eyes close. Then suddenly you find yourself sitting at a bar

troy_xavier: Hey, says the bartender. What can I get for you?

morthien: umm *glancing around* I'm not sure.. I'm a bit confused

troy_xavier: Well you wanted to be someone else, right?

morthien: Umm yeah sure.. doesn't explain how I got here.. oh wait, I must have hit my head or something and this is in my mind

troy_xavier: Nope. But cute. Look, see that menu in front of you?

morthien: *look at it* umm yes..

troy_xavier: See, that it doesn't have drinks or anything listed, it has people

morthien: so if I pick one I'm them? what happens to me?

troy_xavier: You go on the menu, untill someone picks you

troy_xavier: And if you're not happy, you can pick someone else

troy_xavier: but 5 times is the limit, you become stuck with your 5th choice

morthien: oh ok.. what if I get chosen? *looking over the menu*

troy_xavier: then you can't pick yourself

morthien: so I could never be me again?

troy_xavier: If your body is taken and they decide to remain you

troy_xavier: no, you can't

morthien: Well I doubt that will happen.. so... *points at one* so I just have to point at them and I become them?

troy_xavier: Just say the model number. (1-1,000,000)

morthien: wow quite a few.. *laugh* lets try 42, it is the meaning of life.

troy_xavier: Yep it is.

troy_xavier: suddenly you find yourself sitting in a chair watching TV

morthien: *shakes head* must have been a weird dream or something.. *thinking I'm where I was to begin with*

troy_xavier: a breeze brushes across your nipples making them erect

morthien: what the? *glances down*

morthien: *gasping* what is going on..

troy_xavier: you see the body of an attractive young woman

morthien: I guess I should've read over what 42 was. *glancing around, wondering what I'll do now being a woman and half naked. In my home if this is even my home*

troy_xavier: you seem to have some soap on, and you seem to be alone

morthien: *looking down to see how I'm dressed, then around to see if this is my apartment*

troy_xavier: you're wearing the outfit from the picture and seems to be your place judging by the pictures in the place

morthien: *blushing a bit at how I'm dressed* ok how am I going to explain this.. *looking around for my shirt I'd taken off*

troy_xavier: You find it on the floor and your bra too

morthien: *picking up the bra* I've no idea how to put this on..

troy_xavier: Well if not, you're going to jiggle a lot

morthien: gawd just how big are these.

troy_xavier: 38D

morthien: *gasping*

morthien: I should've read the entry for 42.. *sigh as I try and put on the bra*

troy_xavier: after about 5-6 times, you finally get it on

morthien: *picking up the shirt and looking at it* and I'll have to do this every day

troy_xavier: you slide it on, and you feel a little better

morthien: ah better... *looking down* so lets see who am I? *looking around for some clues*

troy_xavier: you find a purse and a box full of papers

morthien: *glancing through the papers a bit, before looking for a place to empty out the purse and go through it*

troy_xavier: you find the name Emily Winters. you're 23, living in San Diego CA, you carry a multitude of stuff in your purse but very little is important

morthien: gah Emily, why do you need this stuff.. *sigh* well I seem to be a California girl now.. at least for the time being. *leaving things that I don't think I'll need on the table and putting the others back in the purse*

troy_xavier: after a bit you realize you've refilled most of the purse, perhaps Emil is influencing you

morthien: *shakes head* but, wait I'm not.. *sighs and looks down* well, then again.. *brushing the hair out of my face*

troy_xavier: you feel a little more comfortable in this body

morthien: *looking through the papers wondering what kind of life I have for now*

troy_xavier: You're mildly comfortable. It doesn't feel quite as strange now. It's mostly bills, insurance papers, and things like that. Important stuff you need to keep

troy_xavier: You hear the phone ring as you're looking thru the papers

morthien: *glancing around* hmmm so what is it you do Emily.

morthien: *jumping a bit* ummm *going to answer the phone*

troy_xavier: Hey Emily *you hear a female voice say*

morthien: Hey how is it going.

troy_xavier: Going good. Hey, I was wondering if you could take my shift tomorrow and I'll take yours next Friday

morthien: *wishing I knew what the shift was doing* Umm yeah, that shouldn't be a problem. *also wishing I knew who she was*

troy_xavier: Thanks see you later. According to your caller ID she's Ginger Hayes

morthien: Not a problem, take care Ginger.. *in hopes I'm correct*

troy_xavier: You too, Emily *she hangs up*

morthien: *hanging up the phone* ok so now I'm covering a shift for Ginger, who I've never met at a job I've never done. *sigh* So lets see.. *goes back to looking for something to tell me what Emily's job is*

troy_xavier: Seems by what you can tell from your check stubs you work at a restaurant, a nice one from its name

morthien: hmm well this will be different I think..

troy_xavier: You notice by the clock its 9 PM

morthien: hmm well, I guess should get ready soon for bed. not sure I want to know what she was doing when I took her place. *walks over to turn off the TV*

troy_xavier: you shut off the TV, and stretch a bit, as things seem quiet right now

morthien: *looking for where the bedroom is*

troy_xavier: after a little searching you find it

morthien: *glancing it over* Well I don't have far to go I think.. to get ready.. *starting to take off the shirt*

troy_xavier: it slides off easily enough

morthien: *pulling the sheets back some* hmm *glancing around* wonder what she sleeps in

troy_xavier: you see a large nightshirt and a night gown both draped across a chair

morthien: mmm nightshirt for now.. *doing best to take off the bra*

troy_xavier: after some fumbling, you slide it off

morthien: gah I don't know how she did this.. *putting the nightshirt on*

morthien: *glancing down at it, before getting in the bed wondering if there is anything I need dobefore going to bed*

troy_xavier: you might wanna take off your skirt and panties too

morthien: *removing the skirt and debating leaving the panties on or not*

troy_xavier: the skirt falls to the floor. Nothing much exciting in your bedroom. The bookcase is the most exciting thing int here, unless you count the TV

morthien: *looking over the bookcase a bit*

troy_xavier: you see a variety of books, including interesting a copy of both the Players Handbook for DND and the Vampires Players Handbook

morthien: hmm not bad, I could get use to this.

morthien: hmm *going over to get into the bed* Yes, Emily I think despite a few things I'll enjoy this.

troy_xavier: You lie down and soon drift to sleep

morthien: *drifting into the realms of dream and sleep*

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