Shifting Lives

Troy Xavier and Morthien

ttroy_xavier: You're coming home late one night from work. Inventory is a real pain. As you're driving home, there is a bright flash of light
morthien: what the? *try and swerve to avoid it, thinking is a truck or something*
troy_xavier: Suddenly you black out........and you feel very cold
morthien: *shivers in the cold wondering what is going on*
troy_xavier: all you see is inky blackness....and you feel really light
morthien: *try to open my eyes, thinking they are closed* where am I?
troy_xavier: you hear no response...but suddenly you feel a tugging
morthien: *let myself get pulled*
troy_xavier: you feel yourself waking up
morthien: *slowly look around*
troy_xavier: you see a bedroom. A young woman about 22 is lying next to you
morthien: well hello there.. *glances over*
troy_xavier: *she begins to stir* oh hi, handsome, are you all right? You kinda spasmed there.
morthien: oh I was just having a strange dream..*look into her eyes*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, that's okay, you're fine now?
morthien: so it would seem.. *wondering where she came from* so...
troy_xavier: Mmmm, let's go have breakfast
morthien: yeah that sounds good.. *smiles*
troy_xavier: You two get up and you see yourself in the mirror....but it's not you
morthien: *blink my eyes* what is going on.. *looks down and then at image*
troy_xavier: you see a muscular tight body it's not your old one, you're about 6'2" 180lbs and well-toned
morthien: well now that is nice.. *looking self over*
troy_xavier: darling? *the girl smiles at you*
morthien: *smiles back at her* yes dear?
troy_xavier: Come on, breakfast
morthien: ok on my way.. *winks* yes I really do love this..
troy_xavier: You get downstairs and she's in the process of making breakfast
morthien: this might be a dream or some whacked out result of the accident, but it really is something I would not want to leave.
morthien: *looks her over*
troy_xavier: She's 5'4" long brown hair, big brown eyes, nice curves, very attractive
morthien: *walk over to her* so darling what are you fixing? *looks at hand to see if we are married*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, toast, juice, and eggs
morthien: *gently puts a hand on the middle of her back* sounds good..
troy_xavier: Mmmmm *she then puts two plates on the table, next to two glasses of orange juice* let's eat
morthien: ok.. *goes to where it seems like I'd sit* it looks good
troy_xavier: Mmmmm thank you*she sits in one seat, making things easy for you*
morthien: you welcome.. so what do you have planned for today? *sips the juice*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, oh for you to go to work, while I take care of the house*smiling*
morthien: oh yes.. *laughs* guess I should hurry then.. *eats breakfast*
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, yes, dear*grinning*
morthien: I'm a lucky man.. *reaches across with his foot*
troy_xavier: She smiles and rubs back
morthien: so perhaps we go out to eat tonight? then desert afterwards? *winks*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, sounds good,d darling
morthien: *finishes breakfast* well I guess I should get ready..
troy_xavier: All right. See you later, honey *kissing you and then going to do dishes*
morthien: *returns the kiss then goes up to the bedroom*
troy_xavier: You see a closet full of clothes for you
morthien: *look for an ID as I get ready*
troy_xavier: you see the name Barry Miles, age is Pacific Pallisades CA
morthien: hmmm I'm Barry now is that it? *flips through the wallet*
morthien: Well Barry thanks for your life, don't know how it happened but I'll enjoy it.
troy_xavier: you then shower and get dressed
morthien: *do my best to learn where he works so I can go there*
troy_xavier: you realize he works in a local office. you see an employee badge identifying the company
morthien: *get ready to depart then go to kiss my wife goodbye*
troy_xavier: she kisses you goodbye and rubs your crotch a bit
morthien: *fondle her breasts before pulling away* mmm I should call in sick..
troy_xavier: Mmm, I'd like it but you better go in
morthien: why?
troy_xavier: We need the money
morthien: I guess so.. *kisses again* will just have to wait till tonight..
troy_xavier: Mmmm, yep and I have a feeling, we'll have lots of fun. *she then heads off to stop distracting you*
morthien: *departs to go to Barry's job that is now mine* I hope so dear I really hope so. *winks*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, bye
morthien: *do my best to walk to the car with my hard on*
troy_xavier: He's just your typical working office manager schmoe, nothing too exciting

morthien: *returns home later that day from work. After an average evening the fun starts with Jennifer his wife in their bedroom*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, darling, what would you like to do tonight?*she strokes your chest*
morthien: oh I don't know, I'm guessing perhaps our usual.. that or maybe treat me as though it was my first time? *knowing that it is*
troy_xavier: *smiling* oh you remember how much I like that *she starts rubbing your crotch* Okay, baby, just let me do the work till I tell you differently
morthien: *smiles* as you wish my love.. *member already responding to hear rubbing*
troy_xavier: mmmmmm someone's eager tonight *she pulls it out and gently licks it*
morthien: mmm well... lets just saying I've been waiting for this for some time.. *it gets even more erect*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, I can tell *she continues to rake and rub your chest while she plays with your cock* mmmmmm, well in a moment you can use it one me.
morthien: mmm I can't wait..
troy_xavier: she strokes you some if she knows your exact limit
morthien: *reaches up to run my hands through her hair* I'm lucky to have you as my wife... Barry is a lucky man..
troy_xavier: mmmmm ready to enter me?
morthien: if your ready for me to...
troy_xavier: Mmmm*she spreads her legs for you* what do you think?
morthien: mmmm yes I like.. *moves to get on top of you*
troy_xavier: ooooh, that's my guy
morthien: *glances down at my member as I move to insert it* yes yes I am your guy..
troy_xavier: Oh yeah take me now baby
morthien: *moves self into her slit, as I move to massage her breasts*
troy_xavier: Oooooh that feels good
morthien: *move my self in and out as I massage her breasts and move to kiss her fully on the lips*
morthien: *feel a bit guilty as if I'm helping her to cheat on her husband, but I am her husband am I not*
troy_xavier: mmmmmmm, that feels nice........oooooohhhhhh
morthien: *still moving in and out I lean back doing my best to bring her to climax, hoping Barry isn't one to not last long*
troy_xavier: Mmmmmmmmmm, ooooohhh *she bucks for a bit, then smiles* that was nice
morthien: you had one? *slight smile, wondering when I would release*
troy_xavier: mmmm*she just smiles* held out a while today
morthien: *feeling myself release* well lets just say I'm a new man today.. *kisses her*
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, i can tell
troy_xavier: *she strokes your chest and falls asleep on your stomach*
morthien: so you like... *smiles at her* I can get to like this.. *does best to get comfortable without waking her up*
troy_xavier: she just smiles in her sleep
morthien: *dose of to sleep after a bit*
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, she smiles at you after you two wake up that morning
troy_xavier: wow, you were incredible much more into it than usual
morthien: well lets just say I've a new lease on life. *caressing her breast*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, that feels nice you never used to understand my needs, yummy
morthien: really? *gently kisses her*
troy_xavier: Mmmhmmm well, you enjoy bed, I need to go take care of the house needs. Enjoy your Saturday
morthien: Glad you enjoyed it.. ok I'll be here. *smiles at her* yes I just love my life.. Barry is one lucky guy.
troy_xavier: Mmmmm she kisses you on the lips and vanishes
morthien: *blinks then lays back and smiles* ah such a happy life.. decent job.. good no wait awesome wife.. I don't even miss my old life.. don't know how i got here but I like it.
troy_xavier: Your wife is calling you, but you decide to take a shower first
morthien: In a moment dear, want to take a shower first.. *goes to take a shower*
troy_xavier: yes, honey
troy_xavier: you begin to shower, and it feels you soap up, however eyes closed something doesn't feel quite right......
morthien: *slowly open my eyes* what the?

troy_xavier: you see the bathing's pink...the shower curtain has a flower pattern the other was a solid blue this isn't right......
morthien: *looks around* What is going on? Darling? *I call out*
troy_xavier: You hear a deep male voice. Nothing is wrong, honey-pie
morthien: honey-pie? *I mouth, then glance around turning the water off before stepping out*
troy_xavier: you realize the weight on your chest and the heavy weight from hair on your head
morthien: *run my hand to my head* What the! *I scream*
troy_xavier: Honey, are you all right?
troy_xavier: A large black man has entered the room. He's about 6'5" and weighs in the neighborhood of 220 pounds
morthien: *jump slightly as I notice him* Ummm I'm ok I think.. *try to cover myself*
troy_xavier: Okay....your scream made me nervous I'll be in the bedroom
morthien: *slight smile* oh it is umm ok.. sorry about that.. thank you.. I'll be out in a bit.. *glance myself over*
troy_xavier: You see a young black woman about 24..naked 36D breasts with large nipples, flat tummy, medium hips, big round butt, long legs. troy_xavier: A sexy but not utterly gorgeous face. All in all, an attractive woman. You don't see any rings lying around
morthien: *go wash off any soap, taking a look in the mirror at my hair* what the hell is going on.. *gently cup my breasts in my hands*
troy_xavier: they feel good..nice and soft. soon the shampoo is all out of the long black hair that tumbles to mid back
morthien: *remembering how only moments ago, I was caressing gorgeous breasts not the one with them. slip out and dry myself off carefully* ok so what is this, I was happy as Barry.
troy_xavier: You get a brief thought, that you are now a shifter.... a soul who moves from body to body at random intervals
morthien: *wonders how this happened as I look for a robe to put on*
troy_xavier: you find a big pink robe, another brief thought about the accident you were in
morthien: *put the robe on, and walk out trying to focus on just what is going on with me*
troy_xavier: you get the thoughts that your name is currently Anne Wagner, you're 21, single and in college. The guy here is your boyfriend, but he doesn't live with you
morthien: Anne.. hmm not bad.. *go to the bed room and smile slightly at the man* how are you?
troy_xavier: I'm good, hon are you okay now?
morthien: yeah I'm doing better.. I just kinda well.. its kinda complex..
morthien: ~god, is he huge~ *I think as I sit on the bed*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, that's good *he places an arm on your small shoulders*
morthien: *looks up at him* thank you for worrying about me.
troy_xavier: mmm, you're welcome *he kisses your lips*
morthien: *start to pull back from him*
troy_xavier: you feel weird......a part disgusted, a part loving it
morthien: ~no I'm only Anne in body, I'm not really her. I'm still Alex~ *I think to myself as I look at him a bit nervous*
troy_xavier: dear, are you sure you're okay? *he touches your chest for a moment, brushing your extremely sensitive nipples*
morthien: *gasp slightly* to be honest.. I don't know right now...
troy_xavier: well, if you.. get in the mood *he smiles then gently kisses your neck* I'm here
morthien: in the mood? ummm
troy_xavier: he brushes you again
morthien: that is so good... *smiles* I like this... *a bit unsure at what I'm feeling and saying*
troy_xavier: he begins to kiss you over and over
morthien: *pull away from him toward the bed*
troy_xavier: he stops and simply lies down
morthien: *sighs* I'm sorry.. I'm just not quite myself at the moment...
troy_xavier: all right *he stops and simply lies down*
morthien: *sigh
troy_xavier: *he seems half asleep now*
troy_xavier: not going to bother you without your stimulation
morthien: *looks at him confused* what?
troy_xavier: He kinda stirs...huh...are you okay?
morthien: well I'm not quite sure, things have been kinda strange for me.
troy_xavier: mmm well get some sleep then
morthien: but didn't I just wake up? *is a bit more confused now, as I look for a clock*
troy_xavier: it's 10:30 PM
morthien: but.. *confused since a moment ago when I was Barry it was morning*
morthien: I guess your right maybe I should get some sleep. *adjusts robe noticing it had opened up when I sat on the bed*
troy_xavier: you do notice that you have a great body all in all this isn't a bad body
morthien: *slight sigh* Well... maybe I'll be more like myself in the morning..
troy_xavier: he's now asleep next to you
morthien: *feels kinda sorry for the original Anne, but well such is the way of things I guess*
morthien: *lie next to him, the way Jennifer had done to me when I was Barry*
morthien: Well I'll get some sleep now and try calling Barry in the morning to find out if he is me so to speak.
morthien: *still not happy with being a woman, but for now I've not choice it seems*
morthien: *finds the extra padding on my rear a bit unusual but such is the cost having a rather large butt I guess*
troy_xavier: you sleep contently
morthien: *sleeps*
troy_xavier: about 6 AM you feel a need to go to the bathroom
morthien: *get up to go to the bathroom*
troy_xavier: your brain is reminding me you have to go a different way now
morthien: *go in and sit down moving my robe up so I'll not get it wet*
troy_xavier: you manage to do so okay it's definitely a twist to what you're used to
morthien: *reaches down to hold self then remembers I don't have that anymore*
morthien: *sigh* this will take some getting use to
troy_xavier: you realize you're not going to get back to sleep you're wide awake now
morthien: well might as well get to know my home.. *looks around*
troy_xavier: it's nicely decorated lots of pink and soft pastels
morthien: feh, go to look at the rest of the house, maybe get something to eat*
troy_xavier: you find lots of healthy foods
morthien: gah.. many many things I'm gonna need to learn about my new life. *looks around seeing if is hungry*
troy_xavier: You see some food and beverages
morthien: *looks for anything that isn't health food*
troy_xavier: You find underneath some of the health food a package of chocolate cookies
morthien: *smiles* well this will do.. *grabs them and something to drink, before going to put them on a table*
troy_xavier: you grab some milk and sit down. It's pretty quiet right now
morthien: *looks around to see if can find a notebook or the like* well lets see.. might as well try and make a record of who I was..
troy_xavier: You see a notebook lying on a chair
morthien: *go over and pick it up, then look through it as I eat one of the cookies*
troy_xavier: It's empty, like it was just recently bought
morthien: *take out a pen and start writing down the recent events that have occurred to me*
troy_xavier: It feels good to get it off your chest and have a record of it
morthien: *looks at what I've written as I sip the milk*
troy_xavier: You detail the jumping between lives you've done so far. And add that you feel you will eventually jump again.
morthien: *leave a note to Anne* I don't know if you will be you again or just what will happen. All I ask is whoever finds this hold onto it, i will contact you to retrieve it.
morthien: *I then go to find out what her phone number is*
troy_xavier: You find it, and copy it down
morthien: *do my best to remember it as well, knowing it will probably not follow me* Figures I almost come to grips with having to be a woman, and I might not be her for much longer.
morthien: *plays with my hair a bit as I eat another cookie*
troy_xavier: It tastes good, and it's kinda fun having some hair to play with
morthien: *looks for her purse or anything else that might help me learn more about her*
troy_xavier: you see a purse slung across a chair
morthien: *go over to it and look through it, glancing at the decor as I do*
troy_xavier: It's nice, well decorated and not too feminine, the purse is a pretty typical one
morthien: *looks for her wallet, and wondering how I'll deal with using most of the things in the purse*
troy_xavier: You find one
morthien: *flip through it*
troy_xavier: you see pictures, a driver's license, etc.
morthien: *look at the pictures, then to see how much money she has. Since I plan to come morning to get a locker to keep the notebook in*
troy_xavier: you see what you assume are various family members. She has about 200 dollars in cash
morthien: not bad not bad at all.. *put it away and start looking for any files or the like to learn what her bank account is etc. Giving myself a crash course on being Anne Wagner*
troy_xavier: You get all that takes a while, but finally you get enough to have her basic life memorized
morthien: *looks at the time, wondering if should try to get to sleep again or just stay up and watch TV*
troy_xavier: it's about 8:30 now
morthien: *looks to see what day it is and looks to see if she has a planner so I know what to do today*
troy_xavier: It's Sunday, and other than church it looks pretty quiet
morthien: *gulps a bit* ok that should be interesting.. *tries to remember Barry's number*
troy_xavier: You realize it after a bit
morthien: hmmm was the same day...just later in the day.. *goes to a phone and places a call to him, hoping is still in the same area*
troy_xavier: Hello, this is Barry. Who is this?
morthien: Barry, well lets just say you don't know me. But, I was wondering if you've been ok the past few days.
morthien: *adjusts robe, since that is what I went to sleep in*
troy_xavier: I've been fine why are you asking?
morthien: I was just wondering, I wanted to make sure you are ok. Was afraid you might not have been yourself the past few days.
troy_xavier: He hangs up suddenly
morthien: *soft sigh as I hang up*
troy_xavier: you realize he's thinking it was a crank call
morthien: *call again*
troy_xavier: no answer this time
morthien: *hang up* ok.. hmm lets see what is on TV.. *trying to think of Anne's usual routine for Sunday. Not know what to wear to her church let alone what church*
troy_xavier: you sit down and realize nothing good is on. She doesn't even have cable
morthien: *soft sigh* well if I'm still here, will try and fix that.. *laughs*
troy_xavier: you rest in her chair, it's nice and big and comfy
lord_morthien: *get comfy, enjoying the comfort of it*
troy_xavier: you notice the Sunday newspaper is next to the chair. You don't remember brining it in, but it's there
lord_morthien: *look over at it and pick it up* that is strange..
troy_xavier: otherwise everything seems normal
morthien: hmmm *looks at it*
troy_xavier: it's what you'd expect for a Sunday paper
morthien: *wondering how it got there, as I stand and start to look around the house some more*
troy_xavier: It's a typical house
morthien: *look in on the guy that I was sleeping with*
troy_xavier: He's gone you figure he brought in the paper and then left
morthien: *try to figure out when that must have happened*
troy_xavier: As you do, you feel another urge
morthien: *try and figure out what the urge is, is it like before*
troy_xavier: It's hard to say.....but something in your brain tells you it's something a woman experiences for a time each month
morthien: oh great.. now what am I gonna do.. *having no idea of how to handle it*
troy_xavier: at that moment, you get a phone call
morthien: *nervously goes to pick up the phone, hoping i don't start leaking yet* Hello..
troy_xavier: Hello, Alex. How are things?
morthien: excuse me?
troy_xavier: Alex, It's me, Troy
morthien: Troy.. how did you know...
troy_xavier: about you being here? Well, it's hard to explain.......
morthien: look can you hold on a second... I'm having my period.. I need to figure out how to deal with it.
troy_xavier: Oh here*explains the process* and that's how you handle it. It seems I'm your...watcher
morthien: my watcher? how so? *looks around for a pad or tampon*
troy_xavier: Well, you know like Quantum Leap? I'm kinda like Al, but different.
troy_xavier: I give you advice and stuff, but you will switch bodies randomly
morthien: ok that is helpful.. hold on.. *runs to take care of things* so any idea why this is happening?
troy_xavier: Mmmm, not a clue. I also don't know why I got chosen to give you information
morthien: I started keeping a journal here, as Anne.
troy_xavier: Interesting
morthien: gods.. didn't realize how big these were.. *looks at chest* what is interesting?
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, that you're keeping a journal. here...give me the information
troy_xavier: then I can give it back to you later
morthien: ok.. *recounts the information to him* I'm going to put the notebook in a location I can get it from. or maybe can send it to you and you send it to me
troy_xavier: Mmmm, okayvier: it's up to you
morthien: well what do you think might be easier.. also what kind of information can you give me?
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, *he gives you some info things like her church, her food preferences, and things like that* hopefully that will help
morthien: I hope so.. well I guess I should get ready to go to church...
troy_xavier: All right you take care
morthien: I'll do my best.. stay in touch. *figures you'd love to see me like this*
troy_xavier: Maybe, before you swap, you could stop by here*grinning* take care
morthien: I'll see what can do. *laughs* maybe after church
troy_xavier: Great, bye*hangs up*
morthien: *hangs up* ok lets see.. what to wear... *looks her things over for what she might wear to church*
troy_xavier: You see many cute outfits
morthien: *groans a bit* well lets see... *looks through them trying to decide on one* never really was one for church much..
troy_xavier: You decide a pink one would look good. a nice pink dress, hose, low heels, and purse plus a hat
morthien: *moans and groans some* well this is what would be the norm for Anne, so I'll have to do it. *gets dressed, taking the time to change my pad when I do*
troy_xavier: you feel a little better now that this life isn't as bad as it could be
morthien: *do what I can make myself look as best I can* just get to get use to all the female aspects... and the pink don't help.
troy_xavier: Finally you get to the point where you feel you look presentable
morthien: *gather my things and go out to my car after locking up*
troy_xavier: you get to the church and though it's not your thing, it ends up being decent
morthien: *do my best to fit in, and not fiddle with my hat that much*
troy_xavier: no one seems to react to you oddly, soon the service is over
morthien: *follow along with what the others do*
troy_xavier: You head out. there's a brunch then it's time to go
morthien: ~one thing about this I'll learn about various social groups~ *I think as I eat brunch*
morthien: *then I go to my car, looking it over and get ready to go see Troy*
troy_xavier: You feel okay, and you know I live not too far from here
morthien: *wondering just what is was I ate at the brunch as I drive to your place*
troy_xavier: *I'm waiting for you outside* Hey, Alex how are things?
morthien: *waves to you as I get out* Hi Troy.. oh and my name is Anne.. *soft sigh at hearing the name I was born with again*
morthien: Ok I guess.. different but ok.. *hands you the notebook*
troy_xavier: Thanks*putting it inside* Anne, huh....which do you prefer being called?
morthien: *takes off the hat and throwing into my car* well I'm not sure. might be best if I was called by the name others would know me as. *shrugs*
troy_xavier: Mmmm, okay, though obviously no one here knows you, I just want you to be comfortable
morthien: true.. some comfort would be nice.. *glances down* this is kinda well.. complex..
troy_xavier: Mmmmm I see *hugging you gently* I do like your body you're beautiful
morthien: and please stop looking at me like that... *blushes not that you could possibly tell*
troy_xavier: I'm sorry It's just you were beautiful inside and now you have an outer body to match
morthien: *squirms a bit, at the feeling of being hugged*
troy_xavier: Are you okay?
morthien: Ummm troy.. I er Anne has a big boyfriend. Also I'm on the rag, don't think would be a good time for you get to know me like that.
troy_xavier: *smiling* he'd never know
morthien: Just great, aside from being on my period and my good friend wanting to jump my boned. *laughs*
troy_xavier: and don't worry, I won't do anything you ask *grins* sorry
troy_xavier: you're gorgeous, and I admit, since I don't get much, I want any I can get *laughing*
morthien: *smiles* thank you.. I'd consider it, yet I don't wanna be a mommy
troy_xavier: *grinning* Mmmm, it's life sucks, so not getting any ain't going to make much of a difference *then sighs*
morthien: *gently kisses you* look I understand.. how do you think I feel.
troy_xavier: You at least get to be a gorgeous woman. I on the other hand have a sucky "life" if you can call it that, and I wonder why I bother some days
morthien: Troy, look I promise you if I'm still Anne when her period is over I'll come here then. Or the next female whenever that is I'll do it then. I just don't want to risk being trapped here, or to complicate things for Anne when she comes back to herself.
troy_xavier: No, it's not that
morthien: *presses close letting you smell me, not liking this but figuring is least can do for you*
troy_xavier: don't worry about it
morthien: then what?
troy_xavier: you can go thanks for the information
morthien: are you sure..
troy_xavier: Yes, just please's only going to frustrate me more by being able to do nothing
troy_xavier: I won't kill myself, but I feel like it some days
morthien: I understand.. *kisses you* take care of yourself. I'd really be lost now without you.
troy_xavier: Well, take care bye
morthien: oh do you know what happened to me?
troy_xavier: no I don't, sorry. Wish I could help there
morthien: ok.. well if you can find out where my body is let me know please. *walks back to the car, feeling a bit bad about this*
troy_xavier: I will, bye
morthien: *blows you a kiss, before driving away*
troy_xavier: Sighs
morthien: *drives back to Anne's home*
troy_xavier: Watching you leave, then going back in
troy_xavier: your home is quiet as you enter
morthien: well home again.. *sigh* time to get into something comfortable..
troy_xavier: You see some nice clothing to change into
morthien: *change into something that will be comfortable to relax in*
troy_xavier: You find a nice pink robe, and you sit and relax
morthien: *smiles content* hmm well I guess I'm on my own for the rest of the day.
troy_xavier: You relax, nothing going on. You turn on the tv to watch something
morthien: *channel surf till I find something of interest*
troy_xavier: You find a nice show that you enjoyed as a male
morthien: *start to watch it*
troy_xavier: You realize that part of you still enjoys it, another part of you finds it boring
morthien: *slight sigh as I change the channel looking for something that doesn’t' seem boring*
troy_xavier: you find something that seems to appeal to both sides of you
troy_xavier: it is a music show
morthien: well.. this looks good, seems I'm more interested in it than usual.
troy_xavier: You find it quite entertaining
morthien: *watch it contently*
troy_xavier: you watch tv for a while then you feel a bit hungry
morthien: *gets up and looks around* ok what to eat what to eat..
troy_xavier: You see lots of health foods
morthien: *groans and grumbles as I try and find something that seems appealing*
morthien: *considers just ordering a pizza*
troy_xavier: Nothing your old self likes, you decide maybe the pizza sounds good
morthien: *as I go to pick up the phone and look for a number to call, I glance at the food to see if anything calls out to me*
troy_xavier: the sprouts look appealing
morthien: bleh.. *call a local pizza place glancing at the sprouts*
troy_xavier: Hello, Pizza Hut. What can we do for you?
morthien: Yes I'd like to get a delivery.
troy_xavier: Okay, what kind of pizza?
morthien: well lets see.. I can't remember do you have me on record there?
troy_xavier: Yes we do. Usually you order Mushrooms, Onions, and Peppers
morthien: is that it?
troy_xavier: usually, sometimes extra cheese
morthien: well that will be fine, my usual order I guess...

troy_xavier: Three days later...I know it's seemed shorter
morthien: so then what day is it? *looks self over and a bit confused, since last remember is getting home from church and seeing you. Then ordering pizza*
troy_xavier: You realize it's now Tuesday morning. You worked yesterday, did some stuff, slept, and woken up again
morthien: *get out of bed and look around slowly*
morthien: *trying to remember what her job was since I don’t' remember working the day before*
troy_xavier: You remember something about working in a law office
morthien: hmm not bad... guess perhaps she er I'm a law student...
troy_xavier: that seems right to you
morthien: *guessing I have to go to work or school today I decide to get ready* geh got to change that pad.
troy_xavier: you remember it's school on Tuesdays(today) and Thursday, work the other three.
morthien: *go into the bathroom* ah school today... *look at self in mirror*
troy_xavier: you look a bit bedraggled but still cute
morthien: *glance at what I slept in as I go to start a shower*
troy_xavier: you're wearing a blue nightie
morthien: hmm not bad.. *remove it as I prepare to take a shower*
troy_xavier: you feel the hot water on your body and it feels pretty good
morthien: mmm nice.. something I enjoy about being Anne, the sensual nature of her body.. *take my shower*
troy_xavier: after you wash and bathe, you get out and towel off
morthien: *wrap the towel around me as I go to get a clean pair of panties so I can put on a new pad*
morthien: grrr thankfully this should be over soon....
troy_xavier: you take care of that stuff, pick up the clothes you had set out, and head down for breakfast
morthien: *go and look around* ok Anne, what shall we eat today.. *tries to find something*
troy_xavier: You find some nice cereal to eat and some juice
morthien: not bad.. really.. *looks at the cereal box as I eat the cereal*
troy_xavier: It's a fiber cereal but it tastes pretty good
morthien: something that will take getting use to.. eating healthy.. *sips the juice*
troy_xavier: It's orange juice
morthien: *watch some television as I eat*
troy_xavier: you watch the news, then later a show on women's health
morthien: *paying attention to that show, just so I know what I should know* Well guess will get ready to go.. *goes to get finished getting dressed*
troy_xavier: You get dressed and head off to school
morthien: hope I can do ok in her classes.. *arrive at the school, if I can find it*
troy_xavier: you find it pretty easy. It's name is listed on her notebooks including the address
morthien: good girl you like keeping a record of things..
troy_xavier: You see a schedule of classes and items and rooms
morthien: *follow her schedule for today*
troy_xavier: you go thru the classes
troy_xavier: though you don't always know what's going on, you have no tests or anything today
morthien: *sigh of relief at that*
troy_xavier: you head home after classes, and feel a rumbling in your stomach
morthien: guess should get something to eat, hmm *ponders fast food or even better since I've money a nice place*
troy_xavier: you see many restaurants and fast food around like a typical college
morthien: *go to where I feel drawn to, deciding if I'm to be Anne I should do what she does*
troy_xavier: you find yourself pulling in to Wendy's
morthien: not bad.. I can handle this.. *waits in drive through*
troy_xavier: You get to the drive thru.....the chicken and burgers both look good and a salad would be nice too
morthien: *order what comes first to my mind*
troy_xavier: you order a chicken sandwich and a caesar salad
morthien: not bad.. *pull up and pay for it getting a drink as well*
troy_xavier: You pay, and this very attractive, busty girl give you your order...and all you feel is a slight tinge of jealousy about her boobs
morthien: *glance down slightly as I take my order from her and then glance at her* ~now this is different~ *I think*
troy_xavier: you get home and spread out the food, then get to eating
morthien: *surprised at how I enjoy the meal, even though isn't my norm*
troy_xavier: you then decide to relax
morthien: *get comfortable and sip on my drink*
troy_xavier: It tastes nice
morthien: *wondering what I ordered to drink as I relax in my chair, considering recent events*
troy_xavier: you realize it's diet coke
morthien: *frowns* well must stay in shape.. *decides to give you a call*
troy_xavier: hello....oh hey Anne. How are you doing?
morthien: I'm doing ok I guess Anne, still getting use to things. What day is it?
troy_xavier: It's Tuesday......I admit, I can't wait till you're off the rag if you stay in that body *grinning*
morthien: ok.. I was wondering, I don't remember much of yesterday.. *sigh* soon as I am I'll let you know.. ok..
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, you don't have to, but I'd enjoy it I admit
morthien: I'm sure you would, and I think I might as well. So tell me find out anything more about me or the old me
troy_xavier: the old you, nada, but the new you.....*gives you some more details.......her she's doing in school...etc.*
morthien: so any idea why I'm still her?
troy_xavier: I do actually.....I think you're really enjoying this life
morthien: yeah but I was enjoying being Barry, I had a really hot wife.
troy_xavier: see, I thought about didn't really enjoy being enjoyed having a hot wife
morthien: so your saying I'm enjoying being a black woman?
troy_xavier: I guess so. Only you can tell me and yourself the truth
morthien: I'm just not sure really. There are things I like about being Anne and things I don't like. I'm having trouble with my feelings toward men, also I found myself being jealous of a woman's boobs today. I wanted to have boobs like her.
morthien: ~she was pretty nice too~ *I think to myself, wishing I could have feelings toward her*
troy_xavier: Mmmmm, I understand
morthien: oh really
troy_xavier: Yeah, I'd probably want to know why my feelings were that way too
morthien: so what do you think I should do
troy_xavier: Well, decide if you're happy or want to change things
morthien: not sure, do you know if I could come back to Anne?
troy_xavier: Mmm perhaps
morthien: I'm just not sure I want to be her... I might want to try something else.
morthien: maybe for awhile..
troy_xavier: you feel lightheaded as you say that

morthien: *try and look around* wha..what?
troy_xavier: you find yourself in a McDonald's...behind the counter
morthien: What no.. *frantically look around*
troy_xavier: you hear a voice in your got your wish
morthien: *try and find out whose voice it was*
troy_xavier: None that you realize your body is male again
morthien: *sigh of relief*
troy_xavier: you see your reflection in a glass.....pimply reflection, greasy hair, bit of a gut
morthien: oh great... bad enough I have to work at McDonalds again but to look like this..
troy_xavier: Well, you wanted a new life, that voice again
morthien: anything over this life..
troy_xavier: Anything? There's a laugh
morthien: *preferring even the things of being Anne I didn't like to being a geeky guy*
morthien: yes anything...*looks around*

troy_xavier: Your head spins again and you find yourself lying on soft satin pillows
morthien: *confused I slowly look around* what now?
troy_xavier: You are in a very fancy seems to be part of a hotel suite? You see a ring on your ring finger. Looks like someone is on her honeymoon
morthien: *gulps and looks from the ring to myself looking for a mirror*
troy_xavier: you see a very attractive brunette, with a British Accent perhaps? You are 5'8 you'd say, with 34C breasts, flat tummy, and an overall pleasing shape
morthien: not bad, not bad at all.. *looks to see what I'm wearing as I get off the bed*
troy_xavier: you're wearing a satiny black negligee, cool to the touch
morthien: mmmmm *goes to look for any identification as well as to learn where I am*
morthien: smaller than Anne.. *glancing at my breasts*
troy_xavier: You see a name......April R. Stone
morthien: *smiles* April.. nice..
troy_xavier: you found her passport
morthien: *look it over to learn what I can about her, wondering where her husband is*
troy_xavier: you see she is from England just recently moved to the US
troy_xavier: you don't see anything that definitely identifies more about you or him
morthien: hmm *explore the room some*
troy_xavier: it's quite nice, lots of clothes and stuff, but little in terms of identification
morthien: *call down to the front desk*
troy_xavier: Hello?
morthien: Yes, I was just wondering if their were any messages for me. *glances at the phone for a room number if need be*
troy_xavier: No, Ms. Stone, there weren't
morthien: ok.. if you don't mind, could you tell me who the room is registered under?
morthien: *looking to see what hotel this is and curious as to why he said Ms*
troy_xavier: It's the Rithorn, Ma'am
morthien: is that who it is registered to *trying to figure out just what is going on here*
troy_xavier: Tom B. and April R. Stone
morthien: Ok thank you..
troy_xavier: welcome
morthien: *hangs up* ok.. Where is my husband..
morthien: *goes back to looking the room over again, for any notes or the like*
troy_xavier: You don't see any. but you do hear someone in the shower
morthien: *go toward the bathroom*
troy_xavier: You get there
morthien: well might as well.. *soft sigh as I look in the shower* get it over with
troy_xavier: you see a male body in the shower

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