TV Time - Seinfeld

Troy Xavier and Morthien

morthien: *channel surfs as lightning strikes the TV*
morthien: *the reality he once knew is now replaced by that of a Television show*
troy_xavier: You feel a little funny
troy_xavier: then you're on Seinfeld
troy_xavier: and by that feeling on your back and chest, you're not a male
morthien: *looks around*
morthien: *then down at self*
troy_xavier: you seem to be in an apartment
troy_xavier: your body looks familiar.. Julia Louis-Dreyfuss... no wait.. Elaine Benes
morthien: wow I can't believe this? Where am I?
troy_xavier: You seem to be in NY....wait...are you on TV?

morthien: OK very funny, where is everyone? *looks to see if it is me on TV*
morthien: *looks to see what I’m wearing*
troy_xavier: You see Murphy Brown is on the TV
troy_xavier: you're wearing a black blouse and a dark skirt
morthien: OK so I'm Elaine is that it.. *feeling so small*
troy_xavier: That seems to be it.
morthien: Well lets see what would you be doing tonight Elaine.. *looks self over still as I casually touch my breasts*
troy_xavier: you look pretty nice.. like you got off from work maybe
troy_xavier: you get a vague feeling you were planning on simply relaxing
morthien: Hmm I think I can handle this.. *laughs* save for tomorrow getting to know my new life I guess.
morthien: *watches the TV*
troy_xavier: it simply seems to be a rerun you've probably seen before
troy_xavier: nothing special
morthien: *goes to look in Elaine's kitchen for something to eat and drink*
troy_xavier: You see a lot of liquor ... not much else except some bottled water. A mixture of health and junk food though
morthien: hmmm *ponders the liquor as I take the bottled water glancing for another to put in the fridge* do you not eat much.. *sigh*
morthien: *grab something that seems like I'd want to eat it at the moment*
troy_xavier: You grab a carrot and start munching on that
morthien: *sighs finding I'm acting like her more than I realize, being I don't care for carrots that much*
troy_xavier: You feel a bit disconcerted... abut the thoughts that are kinda buzzing in your head
morthien: *try and sort them out as I eat the carrot*
troy_xavier: it seems you have some of Elaine's preferences
troy_xavier: like in food, TV, and sex
morthien: *realizes how I'm starting to think as I eat the carrot*
troy_xavier: You aren't quite sure what to make of it
morthien: *is thinking of how I got here, where I'll go from here. Since it seems I'm now Elaine.. can't remember her last name*
morthien: Oh my god I've had sex with Jerry Sinefeld?!
morthien: *sighs* well I guess I'll have to get use to this, since it seems I'm her now.
troy_xavier: SO it seems
morthien: *fiddles with hair as I finish eating the carrot* hmm well lets see what to do tonight.. well always wanted to go to New York. Now I live there.
troy_xavier: That's true
troy_xavier: of course you might run into Jerry, Kramer or George or even Newman
morthien: *moves to turn of the TV before gathering her things to go explore*
troy_xavier: you do so, then it's time for you to head off
morthien: *leaves her apartment*
morthien: *taking note of what the number is*
troy_xavier: you do so
morthien: *starts walking down the street*
troy_xavier: you get many appreciative stares and a few whistles
morthien: *do my best to ignore them, I mean I might look like a woman but I'm not really one am I?*
troy_xavier: That's hard for you to say. But yeah you're still Allen
troy_xavier: You need to get those silly ideas out of your head
morthien: what silly ideas would those be though.. *I ponder as I walk to wherever I'm drawn to*
troy_xavier: that you're Elaine a woman or was that Allen a man
morthien: well for now and forever I guess I'm Elaine Marie Benes.. *I say softly as I look up to the sky*
troy_xavier: As you say that.... suddenly things feel different


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