Amazing THAILAND !
Lighten Up your LIFE !
The Great King !
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Well-experienced handyman, an educator,a teacher,an inventor and creator of new APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY not just a MODERN one ! And.. most of all a human-being struggling to gain happiness and self-satisfaction from giving and working for others.
Your truly friend,
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Applied Electronic! Spiritual topic discussion! Creating & modifying appropriate technologies or what I call.." Fill the Gap Technology " to help dragging friends from the rushing flood of modern technology !
I am a member of the big family called the WORLD. It is situated on the planet EARTH. My brothers and sisters are everywhere. We all share the properties and wealth delivered to us by our ancestors. No differences among us.We are all coming here,staying(for a moment)..and finally ending !
Let's think this way, brothers & sisters so that we can easily see the ultimate truth of life.
With Love & Care
Your Brother,
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