Basel School of Design
Biel School of Engineering
Ecole d'ingénieurs de l'état de Vaud
- information about robotics, microtechnics, com- munication, computers, etc.
European Graduate School (EGS)
European University
- undergraduate and graduate programs at its campuses in Belgium, Switzerland (headquarters),France, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, Portugal and Greece.
Franklin College
- accredited American four year liberal arts college.
Graduate Institute of International Studies
Haute école valaisanne
- university of applied sciences trains engineers, business economists, business data processing specialists, and tourism managers.
Institut de Finance et Management
- business school offering degrees in communication, management, marketing, finance, and computer sciences.
International University
- offers undergraduate and graduate courses in Business Administration, Communication and Media, and Telecommunication.
Jazz School Lucerne
- Swiss school of Jazz and jazz-related music. Its variety of courses include full-time education for professional musicians.
Landegg Academy
- offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in various social science fields, all of which are taught based on the philosophy of applied spirituality.
Lemania College
- specializes in undergraduate and business diploma programs. Intensive courses in French and English are also offered throughout the academic year and in summer. (status:down)
NTB: Interstaatliche Ingenieurschule Neu-Technikum Buchs
- School of engineering (mechanics and electronics)
Robert Kennedy University
- an American university in Switzerland offering Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate degrees online through distance learning.
Schiller International University
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Swiss Institute for Art Research
- documentation center for art history and art technology that specializes in Swiss art and artistic events in Switzerland.
Universite de Geneve
University of Basel
University of Berne
University of Fribourg
University of Lausanne
University of Neuchatel
University of St. Gallen
University of Zurich