Real Name: Adam Warlock
Occupation: Avenger, savior of worlds
Identity: His existence was unknown to the general public of Earth.
Legal status: None
Other aliases: Him
Place of birth: The Beehive, Shard Island, Atlantic Ocean
Place of 1st death: Sanctuary II. Thanos's space station in solar orbit
KnownRelatives: Kismet (aka Her)
Group affiliation: The Infinity Watch, Head of Universal Church of Truth in an alternate future
First Appearance: FANTASTIC FOUR #66
Height: 6'2" Hair:Blond Weight: 240 lbs Skin: Gold Eyes: Red
Powers: Warlock possessed a number super-human properites and powers derived from his artificially determined genetic structure. His bone and muscle tissue was denser than human, endowing him with superhuman strength and resilience. Among his body's special adaptations was an enclave of cells able to tap and transform cosmic energy for personal use Warlock could use this energy to enhance his physical strength endurance, and powers of recuperation. Unenhanced, Warlock could lift (press) about 4 tons; enhanced he could achieve 10 times that for brief peroids of time (as when he fought with Thor.) He could use his cosmic energy to negate the force of gravity beneath him, enabling him to fly. In an Earthlike atmosphere, Warlock was able to attain the speed of sound (770 miles per hour.) He could use his cosmic enrgy to locate and enter natural space-warps (discontinuities in the fabric of space) in order to traverse interstellar space. he could also project cosmic energy from his hands as concussive force. The potency of these blasts remains unknown. Warlock's energy-manipulating powers waned at the time he was given the soul-gem by the High Evolutionary. No longer could he direct concussive force from his hands or enhance his strength.Whether this power limitation was caused by his symbiotic relationship with the soul-gem or some other factor is yet not known. When Warlock was summoned from the soul-gem to defeat Thanos for the final time, he seemed to possess these cosmic powers once more. Warlock was able to spin a cocoon-like object around him at will in a matter of seconds. He done this infequently durring his short lives, usually to protect himself from mortal harm, and usually he would emerge from the coccoon at a further level of physical or mental maturity. It is not known where the substance of the cocoon came from, or where it went after he emerge from it.
Paraphernalia: Warlock possessed a green soul-gem (one of the infinity gems) which adhered to his forehead. Its precise origin is unknown, the soul-gem is one of six of its kind. The soul gem enabled Warlock to project beams of concussive energy (whether it was his body's own energy is not known), devolve organisms to more primitive staes, and absorb the souls (life forces or consciousnesses) of other beings. The more Warlock employed the gem for the latter purpose, the more the gem began to influence Warlock's mind to provide more souls. The soul-gem appeared to possess a consciousness of sorts. The gem contained (or was a portal to) a small dimensional world where the souls absorbed by the gem would have a shared subjective experience of a peaceful, pastoral valley. Warlocks soul-gem is the only one of the six known to have "vampiric" tendencies.
History: The being one day named Adam Warlock was the genetic creation of four scientists who called themselves the Enclave. Adam Warlock was the prototype for a perfect human lifeform grown from artificially assembled genetic material, which the Enclave intended to mass produce to form an invincible army to Conquer the world. Unfortunately. The scientists misscalculated the strength of their creation, and after leaving his womblike cocoon, the golden skinned being known then has Him decimated the Enclave’s island base (code named the Beehive), accidentally killing one of the four scientists. He then harnessed his cosmic power to fly and left Earth to find his true destinty in space. How ever, venturing Into a region where meteors were being contained and examined by a member of the race of Watchers Him, spun a protective Cocoon around him like the one in which he was originally "born". The Watcher recognized his inadvertant catch as a living being, and returned it to Earth. There the cocoon eventually opened and Him re-emerged. Looking upon the Asgardian goddess Sif, Him naively decided to take her as his mate. This led him into battle with Sif's companion Thor, a battle which aroused the "berserker rage" in Thor. To escape Thor’s wrath, Him rewove his protective cocoon and thrust himself back into space. Some months later, Him's cocoon drifled near the satelite headquarters of the High Evolutionary. an Earth man who had discovered how to control evolution. The High Evolutionary was in the midst of an experiment to create a replica of Earth upon which evil would not be allowed to exist. After fashioning his, artificial world and populating it with facsimile human beings. the High Evolutionary took a rest, during which time his renegade creation, the Man Beast, introduced fhe Concept of evil to the nascent world's populace. When the High Evoiutlonary saw how his experiment was contaminated, he decided to destroy it. However, upon his reemergence from the cocoon. Him Interceded and offered to go to the planet and cleanse it of its evil if the High Evolutionary would spare it. The High Evolutionary consented. and placed on his brow a "soul gem". For the nexd few years, Him, now called Adam Warlock, fought to save the planet from the evil influence of the Man-Beast. In thecourse of his misston, Warlock was crucified. but after retreating and emerging from his cocoon, he devolved all of his humanoid animal foes back into thetr original forms. Adam Warlook then left the dupilcate world called Counter.Earth to seek and eradicate evil elsewhere in the universe. While traveling through the Hercules star cluster some time later, Warlock encountered three Grand Inquisitors ot the Universal Church of Truth, the armed militia of a rapidly spreading religious empire. He deamed that the Church was a fanatical organization which slew populations of worlds it could not convert. Further it was headed by a being called the Magus, who Warlock learned was an altenate future version of him self. Aided by a troll-like alien named Pip, Warlock fought his way through the various minions ot the Church, finally confonting the Magus himself. He then learned how he cecame the Magus and started the Universal Church. In one alternate future, Warlock encountered the In Betweener, an agent of the abstract beings Lord Order and Master Chaos, who brought Warlock to his extradimensional realm, For centuries Warlock was trapped there bombarded by contradictions. Although he spun a protective cocoon about him, Warlock could not shut out the consciousness alterlng stimuli. When Warlock emerged, he had gone insane, and had assumed the form of Magus. Due to some quirk In returning to his home reality, the Magus emerged 5,000 years in the past. Possessed with great power, the Magus conquered the army of the planet he was on ("Homeworld") and after seizing control of the whole planet, set up a religion, and began to spread that faith to other solar systems. To avoid becoming the Magnus, Warlock determined not to accompany the In Betweener to his realm. The Magus, hoping to insure his own existence, summoned the InBetweener and prepared to deliver Warlock to him. However, the mad Titan Thanos decided to aid Warlock, believing the Magus was a threat to his own schemes. Because neither Thanos nor the Magus himself were factors in Warlock's original transformation into the Magus, their presence diverged an altemative path ot reality where Warlock could slay the Magus. In the reality where Warlock and Thanos succeeded in thwarting the Magus’s creation. someone else founded the Universal Church. Warlock and Thanos had by then gone their own separate ways, and Warlock soon found himself engaged in battle with the Star Thief, an Earth being who, like Thanos, sought to extinguish all the stars. He then entered the dimension of the soul gem that the Hlgh Evolutionary had once given him in an attempt to master Its soul stealing tendencies. Returning to the solarsystem, Warlock encountered The Stranger and Gardener, both of whom possessed a soul gem themselves. Thanos, unknown to them all, had undertaken the acquisition of the six soulgems in existence and had gathered all but the one belonging to Warlock. Thanos feared the soul stealing properties unique to Warlock's gem, so he simply siphoned off the energies he needed trom it. He then transferred those energies as well as those of the other gems into a single synthetic soul gem. With the gem, Thanos intended to destroy the stars as a gift to Death, the Avengers, Captain Mar vell, the Thing, Spider Man, and Warlock united to oppose Thanos's scheme. In personal combat, Thanos mortally wounded Warlock. As he lay dying, Warlock's temporal counterpart of approximately a year before materialzed, having access through time by way of the In Betweener's realm, and siphoned Warlock's soul (spirit-self) into his own Soul-gem. Doing so he disappeared back into the In Betweener's realm. Thus Warlock's soul joined the souls of the enemies he had slain as well as his companions Pip and Gamora. Warlock was briefly summoned from the tranquil pocket inside the gem by Spider Man. Seething with cosmic power released through his physical death, Warlock transformed Thanos to living, unmoving stone, and then returned to the gem. Although his body was dead. Warlock's soul (astral-self) still lived within the dimension of the soul gem he had long wore.

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