Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

My Poetry
My Friends' Poetry
My Favorite Poetry
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Fantasia In D Minor,
First Movement

I hear the quiet haunting melody
Drifting down from the piano.
The cords change quickly, effortlessly,
Playfully around me
Seeming to move in and out of reality.
It's sound is unsettling.

In the darkness I sit afraid,
fearful of The Monster.
Not the monster in the closet,
Not the monster under the bed.
Not even the monster that waits for you in the dark.
I know these monsters are not real.
They could never hurt me.
The Monster I fear is the one in my head.
The Monster that stirs in the icy depths of my mind;
My soul.

The Monster moves to the chilling song;
To each note that the piano sings.
The Monster sends me pictures.
Crimson colored pictures of violent killings
In sticky pools of blood.
I know the killer is me.
The pictures are small gifts to me,
From The Monster,
To be played before my mind's eye.

As these images dance within my thoughts
I realize that I am smiling.
I try to suppress the smile, but a hint of a smirk remains.
It is The Monster's smirk.

I begin to wonder:
Will these images come true?
Will they be carried out by me?
Can I hurt you?
Could I cut you?
Would I kill you?
But The Monster will.

They say that music soothes the savage beast,
But with each erie tone of the song, mine grows stronger.
Will The Monster become me?
Or have I already become the Monster?