Aneurin is the first gargoyle in the world, born
from a great angel and the Devil. She and her mate Hester were both
born from Satan, the Dark Lord.
Aneurin is a powerful mage whose spirit has wandered the earth for centuries
with Hester and Aurora, watching over her descendants and protecting
them. With her mate Hester, and daughter Aurora, she guards the secret
prophecies that lie in the Middle Plane, a place where the dead and
the living are one. In this plane, the dead and the living can speak
and communicate with one another, and can manipulate their surroundings.
The Middle Plane is not here nor there, but exists in the mind.
Her original home was Eden, but soon she had to leave. She and her mate
Hester were thrown from Eden long before Adam and Eve were, when they
too had eaten the apples, and gained the knowledge of right and wrong.
She is a golden female gargoyle with gray eyes and gold hair. Two small
horns protrude from her head, and her hair is thick, long and flowing.
Large, bat-like wings extend from her back, with three talons on each
wing, and her tail is extremely long.
She is the first ancestor of Brooklyn and Lexington, two gargoyle cousins
who, in the far future, have to battle and defeat Oberon and the Dark
She knows all that has been, and is, though she is never sure of what
will be. Her voice is kindly, and she is very loving. She knows all
the prophecies that have been written, and she is one of the three guides
of the Ring bearers in the War of the Rings fanfics. She hopes to one
day be alive again with her mate, though it was her father who had killed
them, and doesn't want them to live again. She knows that her descendants
can ressurect her and her mate, but only if they defeat Satan, her father,
and learn to control the power they weild.
Aneurin hates her father because of the path he had chosen: evil. But
she knows that without evil there could be no good, and her father could
never truly be destroyed, only banished. She fights a battle that will
never end, and as long as she and her descendants are alive, there will
always be good for the humans.
Her goal is to protect the human race, and as long as her children remain
good and don't let the power corrupt them, the humans and Fae will be
She is a tough warrior, and never lets bad things get her down, for
she has seen a lot of bad things happen to the world. She knows that
in a way, her father loves her, and her descendants. Mostly because
he had loved and blessed Aurora with his awesome power. That's where
her descendants had gotten their power from.
Aneurin is a strong character, and will help the two cousins defeat
their enemies any way she can.