PLEASE READ: The ranking of films is nonsensical and degrading to the art of cinema. Having said this disclaimer, I nevertheless post the list because it serves as a good, introductory selection of great movies, which some of the film critics considered as some of the best. The following list is compiled from the 1992 survey of some film scholars and critics by the film journal, "Sight and Sound"(There may be some mistakes)

Title (Director) (votes)
1. Citizen Kane (Welles) (43 votes)
2. The Rules of the Game***(Renoir)(32)
3. Tokyo Story (Ozu) (22 votes)
4. Vertigo* (Hitchcock) (18 votes)
5. The Searchers* (Ford) (17 votes)
6. L'Atalante (Vigo) (15 votes)
6. Battleship Potemkin* (Eisenstein)
6. The Passion of Joan of Arc* (Dreyer)
6. Pather Panchali (Ray)
10. 2001: A Space Odyssey* (Kubrick)?(14 votes)
11. 8 1/2 (Fellini) (10 votes)
11. Sunrise (Murnau)
13. L'Avventura*** (Antonioni)(9 votes)
13. The Bicycle Thief*(De Sica)
13. The General* (Keaton)
13. Seven Samurai* (Kurosawa)
13. Singin' in the Rain* (Kelley/Donen)
18. City Lights* (Chaplin)(8.3 votes)
19. Breathless (Godard) (8 votes)
19. Letter from Unknown Woman
19. Pierrot le fou* (Godard)
19. Raging Bull* (Scorsese)
19. Ugetsu Monogatari (Mizoguchi)
19. Wild Strawberries (Bergman)
25. Intolerance* (Griffith)(7.3votes)
25. Paisan (Rossellini)
27. Andrei Rublev* (Tarkovsky)(7 votes)
27. The Music Room (Ray)
27. Rear Window***(Hitchcock)
27. Some Like It Hot (Wilder)
31. Gertrud (Dreyer) (6 votes)
31. The Children of Paradise (Carne)
31. Journey to Italy (Rossellini)
31. Madame de... (Ophuls)
31. Contempt (Godard)
31. Mirror (Tarkovsky)
31. Pickpocket (Bresson)
31. Stalker (Tarkovsky)
31. Touch of Evil** (Welles)
40. Ordet (Dreyer) (5.3 votes)
41. Black Narcissus**(Powell) (5 votes)
41. Charulata (Ray)
41. Decalogue* (Kieslowski)
41. La Dolce Vita (Fellini)
41. Fanny and Alexander (Bergman)
41. The Grand Illlusion* (Renoir)
41. Greed (von Stroheim)
41. Ikiru (Kurosawa)
41. Jules et Jim* (Truffaut)
41. M* (Lang)
41. The Man with a Movie Camera* (Vertov)
41. Monsieur Verdoux* (Chaplin)
41. My Darling Clementine (Ford)
41. Nashville (Altman)
41. North by Northwest* (Hitchcock)
41. Shoah (Lanzmann)
41. The Third Man* (Reed)
41. Trouble in Paradise (Lubitsch)
41. Two or Three Things I Know About Her (Godard)
61. Germany, Year Zero (Rossellini) (4.3 votes)
61. The Gold Rush* (Chaplin)
63. L'Age d'Or (Bunuel) (4 votes)
63. Apocalypse Now* (Coppola)
63. Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson)
63. The Birth of a Nation* (Griffith)
63. Bringing Up Baby (Hawks)
63. Un Chien Andalou (Bunuel)
63. Chimes at Midnight (Welles)
63. The Godfather, Part 2*** (Coppola)
63. Ivan the Terrible (Eisenstein)
63. Kings of the Road (Wenders)
63. Listen to Britain (Jennings)
63. The Magnificent Ambersons (Welles)
63. Modern Times* (Chaplin)
63. Night of the Hunter* (Laughton)
63. Once Upon a Time in the West (Leone)
63. Out of the Past (Tourneur)
63. Passion (Godard)
63. Performance (Cammell)
63. Sansho Dayu (Mizoguchi)
63. The Scarlet Empress (von Sternberg)
63. Stagecoach* (Ford)
63. To Be or Not to Be (Lubitsch)
63. The Travelling Players (Angelopoulos)
63. My Life to Live* (Godard)
63. Week-end (Godard)
63. Yellow Earth (Kaige)
89. Distant Voices, Still Lives (Davies) (3.5 votes)
90. October* (Eisenstein)(3.3 votes)
91. Accatone (Pasolini) (3 votes)
91. In the Realm of Senses* (Oshima)
91. L'Argent (Bresson)
91. An Autumn Afternoon (Ozu)
91. Belle de jour (Bunuel)
91. Boudu Saved from Drowning (Renoir)
91. Brief Encounter* (Lean)
91. The Conformist (Bertolucci)
91. The Crowd (Vidor)
91. Dead Ringers* (Cronenberg)
91. L'Eclisse (Antonioni)
91. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Hawks)
91. His Girl Friday* (Hawks)
91. Imitation of Life (Sirk)
91. Jeanne Dielman (Akerman)
91. The Leopard (Visconti)
91. Life of Oharu (Mizoguchi)
91. Limelight* (Chaplin)
91. Meet Me in St. Louis (Minnelli)
91. Meshes of Afternoon (Deren)
91. Metropolis* (Lang)
91. La Notte (Antonioni)
91. A Day in the Country (Renoir)
91. Peeping Tom* (Powell)
91. Persona (Bergman)
91. The Player* (Altman)
91. Playtime (Tati)
91. Rashomon (Kurosawa)
91. The Seventh Seal* (Bergman)
91. La Signora di Tutti (Ophuls)
91. Spring in a Small Town (Mu)
91. Sunset Boulevard (Wilder)
91. La Terra Trema (Visconti)
91. Why did Bodhi-Dharma Leave for the East?* (Bae)
91. The Wind (Sjostrom)
127. Aparajito (Ray) (2.3 votes)
127. Late Spring (Ozu)
127. Hiroshima, mon amour (Resnais)
127. Strike*(Eisenstein)
127. The World of Apu (Ray)

*on DVD **announced on DVD ***rumored to be planned on DVD