6 Man Tag Team Elimination Match

 Baine takes a drink of a bottled water and continues.....

 Baine: "Now as far as my normal match this week, it seems I am paired up with the same team my brother and I beat the first week we entered the ULW. It's an amazing twist of events to be sure. When we last were in the ring I wanted nothing more than to cause permanent bodily injury to the members of The Syndicate. But the circle has come full rotation and here I am having to depend on these guys. Fuck it, weirder things have happened. Normally I would have no worries about this sort of match up but never before have I been in one of these without my brother Devin. Maybe the fed heads here are testing my abilities. Then again they could be spitting on me and trying to lie and say its raining. Either way it works for me. I have been against the Syndicate before and seen that they are a formidable team. So between us three, we should have a a better than average shot at winning against Isaac Sane, Newman, and AWOL. I won't say it will be a cakewalk but I am confident.

I know very little of the three men we face but that really doesn't matter to me.  As I mentioned earlier, I am on a quest to prove myself, and no one will stop me.  AWOL is the cocky one on the team and seems very proud. Too proud to taken seriously that is. I mean come on man, You couldn't beat an Alzheimer's patient at a game of memory let alone the three of us. You use the same regurgitated shit week after week. watching your promos is like watching the same thing repeatedly for years with only the names of your opponents being changed. You are nothing more than a cookie cutter wrestler AWOL. You lack originality and the ability to stand out in a crowd. You will fight the good battle but overall the war is ours to be won.

Then there's Newman. This guy admits to being so far over the hill that he is half way up the slope on the other side. You are a drinker and smoker, so that just tells me that this is your way of trying to be intimidating. Who the hell you trying to impress bub? Your friends, family, fans perhaps? Whoever it is better be ready for some major disappointments. I don't care which of you guys I get a hold of, you will not forget the moment I do.  I dare be unoriginal for a moment as I say your dreams will be broken and career shattered. A very familiar catch phrase is it not? I use it for there is no other thing to say that would best describe the situation. Newman, you any relation to Paul Newman by chance? Just curious because like his salad dressing, you are about to be eaten alive by the three of us. Of the three of you, you are the one that would make me laugh. That is if you weren't so God damned pathetic. Oh what the hell I will laugh anyway."

Baine lets out a chuckle for a moment then takes a drink of his water before continuing.

 Baine: "Lastly of the trio of fuck tards, is Isaac Sane. That's right, the masked moron. I wonder why it is you hide behind your mask. Is it so that you may hide your shame in the face of the public eye, or that you don't want anyone to see that you are just plain butt ugly? Whatever floats your boat bitch boy. There are so many kinds of masks in this world. Some are visible, and others are purely psychological masks.  The psychological masks are the worst there is. those are the ones where a person hides who they truly are. They put on a nice smile for everyone to see, making people think that everything is fine. But inside it is a different thing altogether. You hide inner torment, what what torment haunts you as a spirit would a home? Were you abused as a kid? Did your daddy touch you I an impure manner? Did mommy beat your ass with a belt?  Maybe you were analy raped by a dolphin when you and your short bus buddies went to sea world.   Pft.. whatever man. I have heard it all so nothing you say will amaze me in the least little bit. More importantly, I don't give a fuck. Just fucking bring it on."

Baine takes another drink of his water.

 Baine: "Now as far as my team mates go, I expect a lot out of myself this week, and expect even more out of you two. I understand you guys trust me as far as you can throw mw, but the road you travel goes both ways, and I have a trust issue myself. However if you bring to this match what you did when you faced The Dominion, then we can win this sure as shit. So I will now extend my hand out in order to show I am willing to have a bit of faith in you guys, so do ma a favor. Give me the same courtesy and have some faith in me. My time of talk ends for the moment, as I await a response from anyone who would care to say something. Now get that camera out of my house, this interview is over.

The scene fades to Black