Wood Sprite
These are strange quadrupedals with a single large eye, a pair of ears,
four legs ending in strange pluglike digits, a tail that ends in a pluglike
shape, and a large mane bristling at its back. Its body structure is
hyenalike, and these are so rare that they are almost a myth, and it's hard
to see one, harder still to kill it- they plug into trees with their tails
claws. There are a few kinds of trees that a Wood Sprite comes out of
(previously being part of the tree, and thus a really big, old tree), and
can plug into and the problem for killing them is that they actually
have foreign technology in them instead of organic vitals, magically
organic wood for fur, and can use the stuff to watch other planes on the
Multiverse. Sometimes Rubans hunt for these, only if they truly want
to learn, and not kill the Sprite for its worth (which would most likely
unsuccessful anyway as they can become the tree again and if they did
fight, their bodies would shock the Ruban anyway).