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by 80's A DECADE OF i-DEAS
Kit Cat Club - The punk-inspired sibling rival to The Batcave,  the KK has been dancing to the sound of indie-goth-tash faves ever since it first opened in '82.  The regular crowd of androgynous spikey-tops in skimpy lycra or leather costumes have never grown tired of  'alternative'  dance classics - eventhough the club's host and DJ Simon Hobart,  yearned to enlarge the playlist from Cure/Cult/Sister domination way back in '87.  It1s the archetypal one nighter, pursuing a peripatetic journey around London's seedier venues - and still going strong at The Sanctuary after seven years -  despite an 18 month gap following the police raid on the all-nighter sessions at Westbourne Grove in '85.
Themed on the  'Rocky Horror Picture Show'  in its early years,  it was fuelled by a drug diet of speed and dope and endless stories of outrage.   Its survival is certainly a tribute to Simon Hobart's staying power.
- '80s A Decade Of i-Deas -