Home TV Stuff

This is the part of the site that shows the couch potato in me!
Here are some of my favourite TV programmes and why:

Now, why do I like the A-Team? One good reason: Dirk Benedict! I think that explains everything!! He is so attractive!! Anyway, thats enough about him. It has to be said that The A-Team is the best ever cult classic! The 5th season was a bit poor, but up until then it was class!
Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith: George Pepperard
Seargent Bosco "Bad Attitude" Baracas: Mr. T
Leuitenant Templeton "Faceman" Peck: Dirk Benedict
Captain "Howling Mad" Murdock: Dwight Schlutz
Frankie Santana: Eddie Velez
General Hunt Stockwell: Robert Vaughn

Cast pic:


Of course, another classic has to be Monty Python!! I love this programme! Monty Python and the Holy grail has to be the best film EVER made!!
Michael Palin
John Cleese
Eric Idle
Terry Giliam
Terry Jones
Graham Chapman

Cast Pic: