Okay this is the main comic...
[Ready to go?] ª denotes animated comic
[05/05/2002] #1. The Apocalypse is Nigh
[05/07/2002] #2. Dr. Light wears pink slippers xD
[05/08/2002] #3. Ooops, he did it again… O_o
[05/09/2002] #4. It’s that time of month…
[05/10/2002] #5. Something New…
[05/10/2002] #6. We’re Never Serious Around Here
[05/14/2002] #7. Megaman Learns some Respect
[05/16/2002] #8. How the Cartoonist Fixes Loopholes
[05/28/2002] #9ª. At least Treble still likes me...
[06/12/2002] #10. He should've seen this coming... =P
[06/13/2002] #11ª. The Price is Right.
[06/15/2002] #12. Quality time with the Cartoonist.
[06/16/2002] #13. Dr. Light would be proud.
[06/16/2002] #14. What
he thinking?
[06/17/2002] #15. The Cartoonist is a Man of his-- er... of someone else's word.
[06/20/2002] #16ª. Hahah, the Cartoonist 0wnZ0rz j00.
[06/26/2002] #17. You know what they say about guys with lots of ice cream?
[06/28/2002] #18. Of course. What
would it be?
[06/29/2002] #19. The Secret of Popularity.
[07/01/2002] #20ª. BTW, Happy Canada Day!!!
[07/02/2002] #21. The purpose of The Stupid is to entertain.
[07/05/2002] #22ª. Why 3D > 2D
[07/10/2002] #23ª. What happens when you have too much HP.
[07/13/2002] #24. This calls for some Pun-ishment...
[07/13/2002] #25. Introduction to destruction.
[07/17/2002] #26ª. Clash of the Titans.
[09/06/2002] #27. Consult doctor if side effects last more than a week...
[09/07/2002] #28. And the Doctor says...
[09/07/2002] #29. Realisation
[09/10/2002] #30. A true friend is someone who keeps you occupied. ¬_¬
[11/27/2002] #31. That's not a colouring book!
[11/28/2002] #32. For those that don't know, Turbo Man is a gas-guzzling SUV
[11/29/2002] #33. The Cartoonist punches people and runs away >=)
[11/30/2002] #34. Ouch...
[02/03/2003] #35. Yes! Let's!
[02/05/2003] #36. He'll be hearing the Ice Cream Truck in his head for weeks...
[04/17/2003] #37. Say what?
[04/17/2003] #38. Martha Stewart was here.
[04/18/2003] #39ª. Stone walls do not a prison make... or something like that...
[04/18/2003] #39. YOU KNOW NOTHING! O_O
[04/20/2003] #40. Problems
[05/07/2003] #41ª. Big Brother is Watching You
[05/08/2003] #42. <3<3<3
[05/08/2003] #43. Seizure-inducing animations to come...
And some Misc. stuff... =P
Oh #$@!!