Oct 22: Wow. An update. Scary, no? I know it scares me, anyway. Hopefully it won't be another six months until the next one. Anyway, as for why I haven't updated recently, there are several reasons. First, I don't have anything new. Well, I do, but it's an AMV, so I can't just upload it to Geocities. Maybe I'll turn my computer into a server or something... anyway, point is, I've got nothing. The second reason is because... Well, I started this site something like two or three years ago (I can't even remember any more). In those years, I've learned a lot, and my writing is much better than evidence from this site would suggest (well, not that much better, but better). That, however, is second to something else: over the last few years I've changed a lot too, and to be honest, I don't even agree with most of what's on this site anymore. Especially my once-rabid hatred of DBZ and SM and, more importantly, my hatred of their fans (tempered in no small part by my contact with a lot of really nice fans of those series, and a lot of annoying fans of other, "better" series). Point is, while I'm still not a particularly big fan of them, I no longer actively dislike them either. Which makes pretty much everything on this page a giant embarrassment (not as embarrassing as the spelling, however). Anyway, I probably won't shut it down or take away anything I've writting, but if I do start working on more stuff, expect most everything to be moved into a new section I'm going to call "The Wall of Shame." Also, for everyone who sent in Lain list suggestions: no, I haven't forgotten you, I just didn't want to add you suggestions because that would mean updating, and I've been putting that off (No! Really? I couldn't tell!). I'll work through my mailbox and find all your lists. Really! I promise! Soon! See? I did update my page! Now you'd all better check out your windows for the swarm of locusts (or, if you're near a large body of water, now would be a good time to check if it's still that reasurring blue color). July 27: It's moral dillema time! Fire up your compasses, folks. Anyway, I don't think I've mentioned it before, but the program I'm in is HEAVILY targeted towards Latinos. By heavily, I mean that about 80% of the people here are Spanish/English bilingual, with Spanish as their first language. As a result, there are a LOT of conversations in Spanish. Generally, gently worded comment is enough to make most everybody switch into English for us poor Americans, so it's usually not too bad. Until tonight. To cut a long story short, we just got back from a play that was entirely in Spanish. 100% unintelligble, and also 100% mandatory. Needless to say, it was not a fun experience for us non-Spanish speakers. Which is where the moral quandry comes in: I know that all the Latinos there have endured far worse discrimination than not being able to listen to a play... but does that make it okay for them to inflict that on me? Especially when there are many other ways to go about it, like translating the play, or bringing in a different play that's in English, or at the very least letting the English speakers leave. Actually, the more I think about it the less it seems like a moral issue and the more it seems like a stupid thing to do that happens to involve minorities. Oh well, it's over, so I'll shut up. July 25: Damn, so much for my updating streak. I'm not gonna talk about my mentally-abusive summer program anymore. Although that means I don't really have ANYTHING to talk about anymore... ... Damn. July 11: Woo, another update! Almost timely, this is. Anyway, me and Tim's two year project is almost ready to go. We have a website for it and everything. Now I just need to teach him the fine art of action cinemography... and here I was sure he would already know it. Today's tidbit: One thing that's really above my expectations is the food here. We have a real, damn good chef here who makes restaurant-quality food in great quantities. Nice guy, too. Unfortunately (also unrelatedly), we have no AC. And it's summer. And there's about fifty people crammed into a fairly small frat-house. Can you say "boiling hot?" So we just came back from a three-day math conference. A lot of it was pretty interesting, if somewhat incomprehensible. Mathmaticians can be pretty scary, so I wouldn't recommend it for the uninitiated. As nice as it was, though, it was no substitute for Otakon. Our projects are about to start. All the second year students are laughing at us, and not in a good way. I have a baaaad feeling about this... July 5: Another tidbit of information: this program has four weeks of lectures and four weeks of working on a (complex) group project. We're at the end of week three. Next week we're heading to a math convention for a few days. I'm not sure if this is good or not. Anyway, the good concept I mentioned is almost a certainty now. Not anytime soon, but... well, we'll see. This Saturday I'm going to the Powerpuff Girls movie. I'll probably put a mini-review sometime afterwards. That's about it for now, I guess. Back to the lecture. July 2: Wow, I skipped almost two months. Go me! Anyway, I'm at my summer program thing. $2000 for eight weeks mind-breakingly severe homework. Damn, wasn't such a good tradeoff after all. Oh well, what's done is done, and what isn't done will get that way in another five and a half weeks. My writing is proceeding slowly, as usual, but I may have thought of a good concept for the spiritual successor to GMS. We'll see. Maybe I'll update more frequently now that I've broken the month-long ice. May 8: Once a week update, go! For great time killing! I really want to go to a few cons this summer. I mean, Otakon is cool, and now I hear that Lyn is thinking about going to Shoujocon and that would be fun! And as Yuna too. I'd love to go as Tidus, but A) his costume would be impossible and B) that has a couple implications I'd rather not go into. I guess I'd just have to end up going as Fuuma and his sword. It's pretty scary, really, how well I'd fit in at SC. If I just steered clear of the SM fanatics I'd be fine. Too bad I have that stupid summer research program. Grumble grumble. Oh well, at least I'm getting $2000 for the thing. Otherwise I'd be really annoyed. And no, I don't know what I'm going to be researching. I think it has something to do with computer simulations. And math. Rember that project I was working on with Tim? Well, the first script is finally done! Bwahahahahaha! Except that it needs editing like starving man needs a 12 course banquet. And it doesn't so much end as it does stop. And the dialogue is terrible. And the characterization is inconsistent (they're original characters, too! **sob**). Oh well, at least it's salvagable-bad as opposed to the original first script, which was just terrible. May 1: I had a lot of things to say. Oh well, I forgot most of them. Here's a quick breakdown of my coming weekend though: On friday, I'm having a friend over for most of the day. On Saturday morning, my mom and brother are leaving, giving me free reign over the house until Sunday night. I'm spending most of Saturday out of the house, however, at the Cornell anime club's semesterly 12-hour marathon. Then on Sunday I'm hosting an anime party for the high school anime club, where we will watch sundry things (nothing I haven't seen (because I own it all) but still fun). This party will end about when my mom comes back home. Then I go over to my dad's, try to catch up on some sleep, wake up and go to my english AP test. This has to be the most schedualed weekend I've ever had, and there isn't a single thing there I'm not doing purely for fun. My god. In gaming news, I haven't been playing nearly enough Arc the Lad. I don't know why, but I'm spending most of my time glued to the computer. Sorta annoying, but I got to watch a bunch of Full Metal Panic, which is a sorta campy show with pretty (albiet fairly infrequent) fights. I guess I'm just a sucker for big mechs. Still, watching the main character calmly explain to his teacher about the finer points of a machine gun he brought in makes it all worth it. Speaking of anime, I've been growing more and more obsessed with Utena. As if my manliness wasn't in enough trouble already, I just had to fall in love with a series where every single person looks like a girl. Actually, when I write it like that, it doesn't sound so bad, but... well, you know Utena. Not exactly manly, that. But I don't care because watching Miki and Juri and Nanami try to deal with their dyfunctional (and incestous) relationships is just so damn entertaining. Oh, and the music rocks so much I'm buying three CDs. Partly to annoy my brother with, I'll admit. Let's hear it for J-pop/Jazz/Techno/Whatever the hell the stuff is. April 26: Well, here I am making up my second period class (study hall). I love my stats teacher. And yeah, I guess I kinda overreacted last time. But still, if I let everyone who gives me $2000 call me a girl, then... um, maybe more people will give me $2000. Hmm. Not a bad idea, actually. Alright, here starts the "Give David Money and He'll Let you Call Him a Girl" program! And the actual amount doesn't have to be $2000, as little as $10 will suffice!
April 25: Good news: I just got a $2000 dollar scholarship. MS. David Schwager. Someone dies for this. April 22: Wow, my updates are getting further and further apart. Eh. Unfortunately, I can't seem to care right now due to a serious case of vacation lag. It's a lot like jet lag really. It's what happens when you spend a nine day vacation going to sleep at 3 and getting up at 1 and then try to resume a normal schedual. Ugh. The Arc collection came a few days ago. Good old Shining Force style fun. But I'm too tired to rant about it now. April 1: I hate today. Does this country really need a whole day devoted to idiots who want to annoy me? Alright, I know it only seems like the whole country is out to annoy me. Oh well, time for my annual one-day hibernation. Bye. Mar 22 part 2: I have to write this up before I forget it. In a conversation with Lyn, cosplaying came up, and it was decided that I could do a better Fuuma than Kamui. Then the idea of skits came up, starting with my suggestion of Lyn doing a psycho-Sakura (from Card Captor Sakura: basically, talk to a little stuffed doll on her shoulder who tells her to murder people). It then continued to having me go as Fuuma and perform the Lennon song Imagine, as rewritten by Kashiko. It's not done yet, but here's a little bit: o/~ imagine there's no countries/it isn't hard to do/after I blow them up/and screw Kamui too o/~ The scariest part is, I want to. The more I think about it, the more attractive the idea becomes. Mar 22: I have no idea if this date is right. Oh well, it's blurb time! I find myself strangely fascinated with X. When a suitably witty and original metaphor presents itself, I'll post it, but don't get your hopes up. The best I can do so far is this: "I'm starting to get an idea about what goes through a moth's head when looking at a nice, shiny flame." When I head down to Otakon this summer, I'm thinking of cosplaying. If this thought ends up strangling my common sense as is so often the case, I'll have to pick a character. I'd do Akio in a second if I was Black, er, Latino, er, whatever the hell race he is. No, wait, I remember little red dot on his or his sister's head, so he's Indian (not American Indian, mind you). Maybe. Anyway, a pasty pale nerd would look really stupid dressing up as him. Oh, and I'm not sure how exactly someone would find a racial insult in there, but just in case (and because I'm paranoid), you made it up. I'm not insulting any race at all. Of course, anyone who could find some racism up there will probably not listen to this disclaimer anyway, but whatever. So, other prospects are: Miki (who I could do with just a bit of hair die), Touga (who would need a whole wig)(a lot of Utena people on this list, huh? Weird), Van (which would just be totally cool, and wouldn't even need any hair modification), Dilandou (who would also be totally cool, although a die/wig would be needed), Kamui (who would be so easy it feels like cheating), and, last but not least, Utena herself! Alright, I kid about the last one. As much as the idea of wearing a pink wig and dressing up like a girl appeals to me (ie, not at all. REALLY!), I think I'll only cosplay as guys for now, on the basis that I don't want to stuff balloons down my shirt and buying any sort of convincing substitute would get way more funny looks than it would be worth. Although I suppose doing someone like Ukyou isn't completely out of the question. In a purely technical sense, I mean, since I'm not going to. Uh. Really. Look, you know what I mean. Although, now that I think about it, I could probably pull of a Ranma without too much work. MALE RANMA! Damnit, I have to work so hard to keep you guys in line sometimes... On second thought, maybe Ranma isn't such a good idea. I wouldn't want to spend the whole con looking over my shoulder for some wiseass with a glass of water. Mar 17: By "finish later," I meant "finish three days from now when my internet works again." Whoops. Anyway, for some non video game comments (speaking of which, there haven't been many good RPGs released lately- oops, straying, sorry): Lyn and Kashiko: "Super Beautiful Street Trash Sparkly Aggressive Girl Kashiko-chan?" Please, PLEASE don't tempt me. I'm trying to kick my Shojo-parody habit, remember? The last thing I need is for somebody to inspire me to resurect GMS with a new character... Oh, and as long as I'm thinking about it, doing things like, say, sending me all of Noir does nothing for my productivity. Obviously, I'm not angry about this or anything, as I like it better this way, and productivity be damned. But, well, you delayed your present another week or so, Lyn. Let's see, other news. I'm planning on growing my hair out for a while. Just because, you know, I'm not girly enough without long hair. I dunno what I'll do with it, but it's a real bother to deal with stupid things like hair cuts. Maybe I'll get one of those little five inch, um, I don't want to say "ponytail" but I don't know what the hell they're called. And for embarrasing thing of the week: I was just clicking around, goofing off, and guess what I found? A Dragon of Heaven personality test! I thought I would end up getting Sorata, since I'm a lot like him (except without the lightning powers and destiny to die in protection of a loved one). Well, guess what?
You're Nekoi Yuzuriha! I'll go off in a corner and cry now. Mar 14: Whoa, two updates in one week? And with the recent announcement, well, somebody better go check the thermostat down south. WAAAAAAY down south. Of course, this isn't really an update. I don't know why I call them that. Eh. Anyway though, I suppose I had better talk about the Square Nintendo thing. Surprise surprise, I'm actually not that enthused about it, mostly because, if anything good comes from it, I'll have to buy another system with $200 I don't have. I mean, sure, I grew up on classics like Chrono Trigger and FFIV, but when you get right down to it, Nintendo had as much to do with making them as Sony did with oh, say, Evangelion. (Because Sony makes DVD players and Eva is on DVDs... you get the idea, right?) Mar 8: Wow, an update! Whoo! This is mostly motivated because AIM no longer works, so I can't actually talk to anyone for a week or so. Don't worry, I'm not avoiding you. If you really want to get in touch, send me an email. Anyway... I just saw my brother's girlfriend. I think so, anyway, but I'm not really sure since she wasn't actually introduced as such, she just walked up to him, said a "Hi" that deserved three or four little hearts, and hugged him. I feel guilty about spying on him for some reason. Work on Lyn's half month late birthday present is proceeding. Unfortunately, it sort of exploded from a 5-page skit into a fifty page epic. I hope it comes out decent... Feb 28: Now look here. There was no new years resolution, see? Not at all. Just a general sort of wish. Not even that, really. Like a minor desire. Nothing else. **fingers heavy sharp object** Right? And for all you potential stalkers out there, I'm possibly going to Otakon in... six months. Long term planning, that's me! Although I doubt I'm popular enough to warrant stalkers. Feb 15: Wow, I really don't like updating, do I? My new years resolution is now to update more frequently! Considering I'm making my new years resolution in the middle of Febuary, I somehow don't think it's gonna last very long. Random thought of the day: Sega's bringing out the entire Sakura Wars series in one box... I WANT! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! For those not in "the know," Sakura Wars is a video game series that can be described by the exchange "You got Dating Sim in my Strat RPG!" "You got Strat RPG in my Dating Sim!" To put it simply, you play as the lone guy in a squad of exclusively female mech pilots. In between battles (think FFTactics) you take other squad members on dates and try to suck up. The more affection they have for you, the more effective they are in battle. Strangely enough, I've heard it works remarkably well, and I don't even care that, should I play it, I would decend to a new low in geeky otaku-ness (that of playing a game of which a significant part is a dating sim; this is still higher than playing a game which is entirely a dating sim). Needless to say, a series like this has not exactly enjoyed a successful run in the good ol' US of A. By which I mean, "not a single game has ever been released here." And I refuse to play a dating sim when I can't understand what the hell they're saying. Oh, and about my desire to update: it didn't go away, but it died the death of a project which should never have been allowed to be born. Instead, it mutated into a longer project which has in turn mutated into Lyn's birthday present. Which isn't going to be a Technomancy-style yaoi present, so don't bother hoping. Well, alright, so there's some significant gay, but there's no graphic descriptions of sex in any way. Look, I only have three things to say about it: 1) It will push the boundaries of what I can get away with (story-wise, I mean), 2) Tim, if you say anything, there will be heads rolling (and I meant the plural, so if you really hate your parents...), and 3) I'm virtually sure it won't be in time, which is why I'm announcing it so I absolutely, positively can not go back on this no matter how long it takes to write and how many months it gets delayed. When I promise something for a birthday present, I mean it. Ask Tim, he had to wait nine months for his present (and no, it wasn't a baby. Geeze. Am I hanging out with the wrong crowd or something?). Feb 3: Despite having a sore throat and generally feeling like crap, I'm suddenly seized by the desire to update this lousy excuse for a webpage. If this mad desire isn't washed off by the cool taste of sanity soon, I'll probably end up uploading some random junk soon. Jan 27: A quick before-I-forget update to Lyn: Yes, I should get a real blog. But I'm too lazy. So hah. If you keep prodding me though, I give myself about a week or two before I crack. I hope your pain isn't anything serious. Oh, and don't worry, no one thinks you're chatty. PS: I didn't know we traveled back in time a year, Lyn. I just got back from a late-night showing of the Cornell Anime Club (Cornell Japanese Animation Society if you're being formal). Four hours, eight to midnight. I'm pretty surprised I haven't gone sooner. We watched (in order): Love Hina, Trigun, Gatekeepers, Crest of Stars (the only one that started in the beginning), Utena, Utena (two episodes), Patalabor, and Bubblegum Crisis. Wheeeee, eyes hurting! You know, Utena is a lot cooler to watch in a group. The collective laugh at things like Touga almost losing his shirt (twice!) while shouting something ridiculous is really great. Oh, I saw the new B5 movie a few days ago. Maybe I'll talk about it some tomorrow. Also, I've started writing a little. Not much yet, but maybe I'll do some more soon. Jan 24: It's like last time. Ready folks? Well, I finally beat FFX. The ending was... mixed. Yu Yevon should have been nixed, though. And that last post-credits scene was just pointless. Anyway, time for some mini movie reviews: I saw the X movie, and it wasn't nearly as confusing as everyone says. I get the feeling that it's only confusing if you've read the manga and know how the characters are supposed to act (gay, for one thing. Very, very gay). I also saw Lord of the Rings (a while ago), which was cool, albiet more combat intensive than the books. Also, apparently the Orcs can't fight. At all. There were hoards of them and all they did was get slaughtered. Moving on, my most recent viewing was A Beautiful Mind (my own, of course. Ha. Ha.). Seriously though, one thought kept going through my mind: thank god I wasn't that bad (for those of you who don't know (which is probably most of you), I have a mild case of Asperger's syndrome, which means I'm good at math but bad at people. Most Aspergers also have some sort of obsession to go along with it (ie, trains, airplanes, sometimes even weird things like stoves). So, in real life, I'm a brainy anti-social geek who cares for nothing but computers, video games, and anime. Aren't you glad you only know me from the other side of a computer screen?). But anyway, I digress. In my desire to get writing again, I'm starting on a oneshot. Gee, David, that's right, not all writing must be done in long, never-finished series. For those who want to know: it's a play, and it's Evangelion. Jan 16: Now for another of my randomly spaced everything-that's-happened-since-the-last-update update. Fun, ain't it? Let's see... well, I went driving over the weekend. Several times. On friday afternoon, we got a snow/hail storm which wan't severe enough where I live, so I had to drive out on the highway for 50 miles to get closer to the center of the storm. Then on saturday, I drove through downtown/college town to get myself a badly needed haircut, which meant two inches of clearance on either side thanks to all the parked cars, which I really wasn't ready for. That night I got to be treated to the wonders of a backseat driver thanks to my brother. While he and my mom were arguing about it, I drove right through a yield sign and almost crashed. Whoops. Then, to top it all off, I drove to my dad's on sunday and was halfway there before I realized I wasn't wearing my glasses (Oh, so THAT'S why it's so blurry out there). Of course, that wouldn't happen if my parents didn't feel the need to spring things like "Oh, you're driving over to your dad's today" on me AFTER I'VE ALREADY GOTTEN IN THE CAR! Ahem. Let's see, other news: I'm almost done collecting all the ultimate weapons in FFX, after which I can beat the Omega dungeon, and then the final dungeon. Can you say "obsessive?" I knew you could. Unfortunately, this task is made harder because our computer is gone for wiping thanks to a virus problem. I should be able to get most of my good stuff off it, but it's very annoying. Especially since "most" isn't "all." And, to make things worse, the heater doesn't work anymore. "Cold" isn't even the word. Jan 11: Let me rephrase "done." "Done," in this case, means that I still have to go over it a couple times to get everything in decent shape. Then it goes over to Tim for revisions. Then I go over it a couple more times. Then I find some beta-readers. Then, when I get it back, I go over it a few more times. And to make it worse, I'm stalled at the start of the big action sequence. I'd love to do a Cowboy Bebopish episode 5/25/26 shootout, but that's not gonna be very practical. We'll see, I guess. Episode 2 descends into the madness and despair of drug use, though. Sort of. Oh, and I'm working on a RG theme song. Well, theme lyrics anyway, since I have no musical talent to actually make a tune as well. Working title is "Stairway to Hell." I REALLY hope that isn't a CB song title. I don't think it is, but you never know... Jan 4: Have you ever written a conversation between two outgoing, friendly characters and not been able to shut them up? No? Oh well, so much for sympathy. Still, at least I have characters, I guess. Anyway, the script is really coming along. I've got to finish breakfast (I don't know how yet though), do a scene at Christy's home, and script out the gunfight and epilogue. Whoo, almost done. Then we can wait a few months until Tim finishes the modeling. No personal news today, other than "I feel tired." Dec 27: I wonder when I'm gonna have to pay for my LynLure bait... Oh well, she's on vacation, so not for a while **bury's head in sand**. Work on episode 1.5 (ie, the new episode 1) is coming along... slow and haltingly. Emotionally, I'm depressed at the horrible dialogue, even though I know intelectually that my dialogue is always bad, and this dialogue is only horrible as opposed to obscenely horrible. The difference is that with much revision, "only horrible" dialogue can be made better. Of course, maybe the real reason it's coming along so slowly is because I've just gotten ahold of FFX and have been playing it as often as I can wrest the PS2 out of my brothers cold, unconscious fingers. That could be it, really. Impressions? Well, obviously, it's an awesome game. Pretty much all the voice acting is done well, except Yuna, who alternates between bad and good pretty much randomly. Sometimes she's good, sometimes I want to strangle her. I think it has to do with the delivery... when she rushes a name or phrase, or tries to actually match the lip movements (the other actors don't even bother, and I don't blame them, nor do I care). A couple plot elements warrant the Big Stick of Death, namely Jecht (you'll know if you've seen it) and the church being evil (which doesn't count as a spoiler, since it's a Square game, and the church is ALWAYS evil, but I was hoping the trend would break), but otherwise it's fine. In fact, let's see if I can go wrest it away from my brother for a bit... Well, one bloody nose later, I can say that I won't be getting back on for a while. Maybe I should write a little more. Dec 21: Damnit Lyn, where are you? I want to talk before you head off to Arizona. **thinks for a second** I know! I need some LynLure! **reaches into pocket and pulls out a thick sheaf of paper** Look! X smut! Lots and lots! Here, Lynny-Lynny-Lynny... Dec 17:Welcome to the wonderful world of link extortion by my friends. I have weird ideas. Heehee... not telling. Drugs? Me? I'll try to finish RG before starting on anything else. I finally fixed the formatting error! Ph34r my l33t HTML skillz! Actually, it took me about half an hour just to figure out that my HTML was perfectly fine, but I had stuck in a huge sentence with no spaces that was playing hell with the formatting (it was my ranting about not being gay... scroll down a little). That's always the way it is... the best plans... Dec 10: What do you mean, "where have I been?" I've been working. Updating. And stuff. Yeah. Oh well, point is that it's Hanukah this week! I don't know what I'm gonna get. Probably not that much good. Oh, but I have been overloading on Harry Potter: read the first three books in about as many days. I'm really looking foward to the fourth one. Heeheehee... About RG: so far, the teaser information is really incomplete. I'm going to try and finish a whole script before I update it any more, though, but I'll no doubt break that promise. I was forced to kill off an entire script (although it was only half as long as I was aiming for) because, quite frankly, it sucked. It's really hard to write good dialogue for these people, especially since three of them (Devin, Seth, and Teresa) all talk more or less like each other... It's a very fine gradient between them... although the problem with the first episode was more with the incredibly horrid writing than the dialogue (although that sucked too). Still, episode 2 (now episode 1) is coming along well. Also, it appears that I've passed 4000 hits. Whee. Why aren't I excited? Nov 19: Did you know that I have a webpage? Yeah, it was a shocker to me too. Maybe I should update it one of these days. Speaking of things I should do, I should check my mail. I haven't opened the inbox in a week, and haven't replied to anyone in two. Er. Patience, right guys? I'd also better get back to work on RG... Nov 1: My birthday is this month. Send me presents. Yeah, right, I know. Anyway, last night, the Yankees won a key victory (I've heard). During this close, tight, and (repudidly) exciting game, both my brother and father were glued to the television. Where was I? Looking at pink web-pages? No no no. I was slaving over a hot stove, making dinner. **repeats to self over and over** i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay i'mnotgay. I don't know why I upload all these stories. Call it masochism. Or stupidity. Whichever. I should check my mail. I haven't since Ultra was finished... and I think there was a personal message in there that I ignored from lack of time. If it's yours... sorry. I'll get back to you soon. Oct 31: In keeping with my principles, I've made an update that has nothing to do with Holloween whatsoever. No, I don't know what principles they are exactly, but I'm pretty sure I have them. The idea is to give you guys (lucky you) an idea of the kind of injuries I get on a regular basis. And no, they shouldn't be taking up the whole screen like that. I'll scale them down in a bit, right now I'm too tired to. Oct 30: I put up a new character. Whoo, more work is done! Note that she isn't technically part of the crew yet (her first appearance is slated for episode 2 (not the Star Wars one)). Oct 29: Last night, the World Series continued. Two of the greatest teams in baseball battled again, and millions were rivetted to their epic conflict. I, meanwhile, was looking at pink webpages. No further comment is necessary. I feel I should write up a brief summary of my TKD tournament. I got a gold in forms (whee), and my sparring match was pretty close. He gave up a few inches, and I gave up a rank, so I guess it was about even. Round 1: 3 him, 1 me, advantage him (advantage means aggresiveness, so it's possible to be behind and still have the advantage). Round 2: 0 him, 2 me, advantage me. Total: 3 him, 3 me, advantages cancel. ... So, after a sixty-second conference at the judges table, they gave the match to the other guy because "his techniques were cleaner," which meant that he threw a bunch of high kicks that totally missed. Grrrr. Still, I'm not that bitter, since he was pretty good, and in a perfectly objective sense, he deserves the medal just as much as me. Of course, I'm still going to kick his ass extra hard if I see him at any other tournament. Oct 28: Wow, I haven't updated in like... um... forever. It's sorta scary. Let's see... part of it was sheer depression, legarthy, and apathy. Then I had to write Ultra. Ouch. 115K (50+ pages for those not used to text-size estimates). Still, it's been a few days and a weekend, and now I'm back! I'm going to make GMS version 2.0. I have the skill. I can remake it. Stronger. Faster. Funni- Well, stronger and faster, anyway. Oct 5: By "I stuck three months of updates into the archives," I meant "I meant to stick three months of updates into the archives, but got called away before I could." It's done now, though. The bombardment of random Love Hina references continues! I'm going to have to get help. Or maybe I'll just break down and watch the damn thing, I don't know. With my current frame of mind, it might be nice. The last thing I need to watch is Eva (which, coincidentally, I am watching extensively, thanks to our local anime club). Anyway, no new angst has been added, but that's OK because I already have enough life-shattering things going on for three months. None of it's really urgent, though, so it's all sort of simmering on back burner, just far enough to lower the overall quality of life without being intrusive. It's times like these when I've got to set Duvet (the Lain opening, which is somehow the saddest and angstiest song I have (I think it's just me)) on infinite loop, kick the volume, and just play my freaking brains out. Instead, I'm working on my college essay. Joy and rapture. Oct 3: I stuck three months of updates into the archives where they belong. I'm going to have to clean that thing up someday. In other news, my life sucks. Even more than usual, actually. Personal reasons, so I'm going to try to keep it off the page. Also in other news, I found a decidedly anti-Muslim message taped up in the bathroom just a few minutes ago. I really thought my school was sheltered enough to not have to deal with this... but I guess that was just wishful thinking. The good part is that this gave me a chance to do something I've always wanted to: rip an offensive note down and piss on it. Hah, a blow stuck against stupidity! Oct 2: In case you couldn't tell, I added that new section yesterday but didn't feel like updating to talk about it. My name is David, and I am tired. Oct 1: Whee, a new month. Also a character. Maybe I'll add a few techs later today if I have time, or maybe I'll stick up that new section I've been meaning ot add... No, I'm not going to say what section. Revel in the mystery. Although, if you think about it, you should be able to figure it out.