Life in the Gladhouse

Home Page

This will be a more unconventional approach to introducing ourselves and telling our little story.  We are going to attempt to keep everything fresh and up to date. We'll see how long that lasts...

Within the confines of the rest of this page you will learn more about who JC and Joe are. Not much to know about us, we are just 2 guys living in Toledo, Ohio. But don't let that scare ya. Without making you go too deep into our silly little realm we will let you in on a tiny, not so well kept, secret....we're gay. No surprise huh?

A word from your webmaster:

I did not want this website to be overly political or to make some strong socio-political statement. In wake of recent events I had to add this one item to the introduction page. Some may find it very offensive, I find it to be a strong statement for me to rally behind. It is time for all men and women in this country to share the same exact rights and be able to live their lives free of moral judgment and interference by hate mongers. We are all humans and deserve to be treated as such. When I feel we can truly stand united, when I see EQUAL justice for all mankind and I have the right to marry and create the family of my choice I will remove it.

Mr. President and all our elected government leaders, this is for you:


Oh, one more thing...  "...One Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL" sounds just right to me.

The page headers get their names from song or album titles and can be descriptive of the content of that page. If you can catch the references then email us and we might find you to be a really cool person and will want to hang out with you. We want people to actually browse and read our site and not just fly through to the pictures. You may get lost or turned around, that is the best way to explore this site!!! 


All original photographs and artwork are owned by John C Dodge. Use without permission is in violation of copyright laws. Microsoft FrontPage 2000 was used for web page layout and design. Picture of Downtown Toledo is courtesy of The Toledo Zoo. Bear pride flag with paw button created with Adobe Photoshop using public domain components.