The Snake King.

My name is Sean W. D. Ruijevo. I am sometimes known as The Snake King. I am an American citizen. I am a musician. And that is all you really need to know about me. The rest is optional. Hey and yeah, that pic over there is me.

Just in case you ever see me on the street.

Here's the optional information:
I'm a lousy stinking goddamned good-for-nothing drunk. Or at least that is what I'm told.
I have two dogs. They are both black. They are both insane.
I practice the art of sleep deprivation. This elicits strange dreams and mind-blowing visions. From these comes wisdom and a grasp on life that leaves me breathless daily.
My heroes are all writers, poets, musicians, and artists. These are the people I take the most inspiration from and identify with best.

Usually, if you want to talk to me, you can email me at:, or you can go on DALnet IRC and visit #poetry or #The_Magic_Circle.

I mentioned earlier that I am a musician. I play mostly guitar and I am learning to play classical style. I hear a lot of songs in my head. The original music on index.html is mine. I wrote it and played it. It is a work in progress.

Lord Itlan, my sometime partner in crime also has a website. There is a lot of artwork there and I think you will enjoy it because Itlan's work is really far out. Plenty of interesting journeys to be found there.

Further information on my two dogs. One is a Doberman and the other is a German shepherd. I'm teaching my Doberman to sing. You can all hear her talented and beautiful voice here:

And that is the story of me. The Snake King.

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