thursday, 08 march, 2001
I am moving the site piece by piece over to A few things will remain here, like the tablature, the index page, and the stories. I will also add new features, though what they will be is still fuzzy.

monday, 29 january, 2001
Fixed the text color and the background for the biography page. Changed the picture to a color one, which better suits the color scheme. Did some housecleaning and deleted old files. Once my regular system is up and running, I promise I'll fix that annoying image map on the index page and replace the Art link w/ one for the Stories or some other interesting thing.
tuesday, 09 january, 2001
Removed the art page. I am thinking about removing The Truth is Never Popular and revamping it while it's on vacation. The art page will not be coming back. Instead I will use the various drawings throughout the site, but I will no longer have a page dedicated solely to them. Sorry. Wait, no I'm not.
wednesday, 03 january, 2001
Went thru and did a general refresh of the site. Fixed the gross sloppiness of my bio page. Added lovely animated gifs of snakes going around a pole that came from, which is a Doors fan site, mostly devoted to pictures and words from Pam. Bleh.
thursday, 21 december 2000
Added my new song (what there is of it so far) to index.html. I also added a tag that makes all links open in a new window. This will allow the music to keep playing if the view so desires. Plust it's much better than having people hitting the back button a bah-zillion times, which as I know from experience, can freeze a browser - and your system - rock hard.
saturday, 16 december 2000
Fixed up some stuff on the Doors' Tab page and the Steve Vai Tab page. Added pics. Added my self portrait to the bio page. It's ugly. Same one as is on the #poetry page ( That's about it.
saturday, 02 december 2000
Added a Steve Vai tablature page. Wow and a great pic for it with a link to
sunday, 12 november 2000
Haven't updated in forever, but I just put up a new story, how to make a fish dance, and put a link from the stories page.
saturday, 14 october 2000
Put links to all of the pages (I think!) in this site at the bottom of each main page - including this one.
thursday, 12 october 2000
I added a tablature page for The Doors. Just all the files I have gathered from the Internet. But now it's convienient. Also scanned a pic from The Doors: The Illustrated History and put it on the tab page. I think it speaks for itself.
tuesday, 10 october 2000
Finally fixed those pesky yellow (or red on IE) links on the character pages for Waiting for the Sun. Just needed a quotation mark.
sunday, 01 october 2000
Created some more pages: stories.html and me.html. I have only made a small link to the stories page (which has 2 stories so far), and no links to the bio page. I have not yet integrated the logo for stories into the main image map, but expect to have this done by next week some time. I also added several new poems from circa 1997 which I found on a floppy disk.
saturday, 30 september 2000
Put some poems up and links to them etc. Also put up a new image map on the index page. Uploaded some more abstracts for the scribble page - now scribble pageS. If I did anything else tonight, I already forgot what it was.
sunday, 24 september 2000
Added a picture of Bodo and linked it to Waiting For The Sun and James and Dawn. Changed the fonts and link colors on all of the above pages.
saturday, 23 september 2000
Uploaded pictures of James and Dawn for Waiting For The Sun and made .html document for each one, with links from waiting.html to them and between each of them, etc.
monday, 28 august 2000
Uploaded several new drawings and added them to notepics.html.
sunday, 27 august 2000
Added the happy dancing dead bears to the index page with a link to the Grateful Dead website. Also put up a new page for django (as I am calling it for now). I also changed the shitty vlink "FF00AA" color to a nice "0000FF" which makes it easier to look at. That lavender color was vomitous.
wednesday, 23 august 2000
Uploaded theacrobat.jpg and put it and thearroyo.jpg on the art page (nifty.html). Also added a link from nifty.html to notepics.html. I need to redesign nifty.html because the layout sucks and it takes too long to load. This of course means making a thousand tiny thumbnails. I'm not looking forward to this!
tuesday, 22 august 2000
Uploaded three new pictures (thedoobiefish.jpg, theduck.jpg, and thehurricane.jpg) and put links to them on the notepics.html page.
saturday, 19 august 2000
Uploaded a bunch of pictures and stacked them in a new file called notepics.html. Made a new background for this page and placed links to it from the index and from this page. I hope to add to it each week as I add more drawings from my notebooks at school.
monday, 07 august 2000
Got back from vacation a few days ago. Visited all of the search engines I could think of and submitted this site. Apparently all of the places that do that automatically for you cost money now.
tuesday, 20 june 2000
I put counters on all the pages that get a link directly from index.html.
monday, 19 june 2000
Today I added two new poems: "There Must Have Been a Mile" and "i wish i was high". I also created and uploaded new titles for all the rest of the logos. There is now a small and large logo for each section. The sizes have been standardized so i don't have that awful jumbled look on the index page any longer. Also, I placed the large logos on all of the pages except the one for Waiting for the Sun because I decided I liked the old one better on a white background.
monday, 12 june 2000.
Added a link from nifty.hmtl to notebook.html. Also put the icon for the Notebook Abstracts up on the the index page. And I spiffed up the guestbook as well. Now it's all evil like it should be. I also added a few pictures that were already floating around on the site to the art page.
sunday, 11 june 2000.
Hi, welcome to the first installment of updates. As of today, you have probably noticed the proliferation of "Get gnutella now!" links on my site. Yes, I, the slowest of slow squid-heads on the Internet has finally gotten wind of this glorious innovation. I strongly urge everyone out there to get it now. The whole idea of gnutella is strongly in the vein of what the Internet was originally all about - Freedom of Information. All kinds of information, whether "good," "bad," or "other." (these are in quotes because all of these terms are completely subjective to the point of having no relevance whatever, but they make for handy rhetoric)
So, do I have Gnutella yet? Nope. Not while I'm running a Winblowz box. I'll be installing Linux soon and then I'll get Gnutella. No real point in it until then, I figure.
A further note for today, I have added a nifty icon for the "Art" page, which is still up-and-coming. And of course I added this page and the corresponding icon on the index page.

|Index| |Poetry| |The Truth is Never Popular| |Waiting for the Sun| |"Art"|

All contents of this site are the property of Sean W. D. Ruijevo unless otherwise specified. Copyright © 2000 Sean W. D. Ruijevo

|"Art"| |Poetry| |The Truth Is Never Popular| |Waiting For The Sun| |Notebook Abstracts| |Me.| |Updates||Doors Tab||Stories||Home|