Box 32 Hay Lakes Alberta Canada T0B 1W0 Phone (780) 878-3242 As most quilters know, there is always a "Project On The Go", which describes this website! Last Update: September 13, 2006.
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Member of the Canadian Machine Quilters Association & the International Machine Quilters Association
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Serving our Customers with over 30 years of Quilting and Design experience.
Quilt Art& Custom Designs ~ Traditional & Contemporary Quilts ~ Custom Machine Quilting
Special Quilts for Special People
The Quilting Bee is a small Home-based Business in the Miquelon Hills, southeast of Edmonton in north-central Alberta, Canada. Laurie began her sewing career at the age of six, when her Mom gave her some fabric and a needle and thread to make a dress for her favorite doll. The 'bug' bit and she has been sewing ever since! (Her Mom is now 'retired', but is still happily working part-time as a professional seamstress in Osoyoos, B.C., Canada.)The quilting bug bit Laurie early in life, as well, having been the recipient of several quilts made by her Grandmother in Ontario, Canada. Those quilts are still being used today, the most recent made when Grandma was 81 years of age! Each one is hand-quilted and cherished greatly. Grandma passed away shortly before her 101st birthday , July 2006."Grandma" Violet at 18 years of age. Mom at 16 years of age - so pretty!
Mom, Treh and LaurieIn 1990, Laurie began making and designing quilts, wall-hangings and tablecloths for her children and as gifts for family and friends. Over the next several years, she had made many quilts and quilted projects and given each one away, with the exception of two quilt tops for her children. Some of the items were donated to schools for fund-raising purposes, as well as to various charities. In 2002, she decided it was time to go into business, and after months of researching the different machines on the market,a Gamill Classic Plus longarm quilting machine was purchased by early 2003. After a lot of training, practice and learning to "dance" with Violet (the machine is named after Laurie's Grandma!), beautiful quilts were produced and an exciting adventure began! Since then the quilts have been coming in and going out at a steady rate. Quilts have been done for local customers and for people as far away as South Africa.Laurie and her husband, Treharne, are partners in the business. Treh handles administration and book-keeping, while Laurie is busy quilting.
We have many pantographs, block motifs and a large selection of borders for longarm quilting, and we are always bringing in new patterns.We use top quality threads made by Signature, Permacore, and Superior. Our batting is from Hobbs, which we have on hand for Customers who wish to purchase from us.
We are in the process of setting up a new studio and expect the work to be completed by the end of October 2006. Once complete, we will post pictures of Laurie's new 'playground'!
In the meantime, below are a few pictures from the old studio, and some of Laurie's work.THE PHOTO GALLERY
After major renovations to an older apartment,our Gammill Classic Plus longarm arrived at her new home!
'Violet', all ready for work! Nicole's quilted cloth. Customers log cabin quilt.
This was a delight to quilt! Laurie & Treh on top of Table Mountain This is being hand-quilted.
on a trip to Cape Town, South Africa
These are detail pictures of a flannel quilt made for Krystal, my daughter-to-be.
Stars and Loops Pantograph pattern. Free motion meander. Hand quilting.
Luck O' the Irish panto and leaf border with free motion meander. All free motion quilting.
Reverse side of green and yellow quilt, the very first 'real' customer quilt!
Following the pantograph with laser light. Free motion meander.
Sunny Days and Starry Nights, a quilt for my son.
Christmas Table Cloth Snuggle quilt for Mom in South Africa
Sunflower 'scrappy' quilt-top in progress.
This queen-size Snowball quilt was a gift for my in-laws, it is entirely hand-quilted.
One of six Diamond Log Cabin table cloths made for Christmas gifts in 1995.
Maple Leaf Table Runner Customer baby quilt, "Farmer Theme"
Pointsetta's and Lace wall-hanging and detail of lace insets.
Beginnings of some applique work.
As a breast cancer survivor, the links below are to sites close to Laurie's heart.
This site is designed and maintained by Laurie Shepstone
All written and photographic content is the copyright © 2005 of The Quilting Bee.