
Had enough already? Wanna try some other sites, both Megazine-related and non-Megazine? Well, why not try one of these:

The Vegetable Revolution - The greatest Megazine site on the internet.

www.3wk.com - Alternative music radio on the Internet. Very nice indeed.

www.oocities.org/worldofzine - Kilted Englishman's 'Zine site. Worth visiting just for the 'Zine soap and WLW Towers feature.

www.oocities.org.lilac_leopard - Lilac Leopard's 'Zine site.

www.themega-zineshack.freewebtools.com - Sam Got A Snorkel's 'Zine site, The Mega-Zine Shack. Well worth a lookie.

www.fine-line.tk - Jezza's personal website, featuring everything you could wish to know about his band

www.jiff.tk - Jeff The Jiff's 'Zine site. Well worth examining.

http://zap.to/megazine - Insane Jam Sow's site, home to the legendary List Of 'Ziners.

www.oocities.org/the_zine_twidgery - The 'Zine Twidgery, again essential viewing.

http://www.littletownofzine.co.uk/ - Lawful Hippo and Sugared Venom's Little Town Of Zine site.

www.activetopic.com - Run your own website and want a shoutbox for it? This is the place for you, amigo.

www.foofighters.com - I don't think you need me to tell you what this is.

www.coldplay.com - Ditto.