Ivory is the colour of elephant's tusks...so why is a page named after it?

No reason.

I just felt like it and seeing as it is my page (and I can do as I like) I thought I'd do as I like for a change.

Hm... 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' is playing now... 'tis tres amusant!!!  A classic actually.

And Jon is laughing at Pink Floyd's 'One of my Turns'...


"Plasic soul, man.  Plastic soul." - Paul McCartney.

Now I feel like talking about films...

'The Magical Mystery Tour'
'A Hard Day's Night'
'Yellow Submarine'
'Let it Be'

All starring The Beatles, all bloody amazing (and with a hint of weird).  The first music videos that were half worth watching.  I mean it's either that or Elvis.  Elvis.... *great* ...greasy trucker vs Working Class rebels... wonder what I'd pick.

-+- The Silver Darkling -+-