Our band will be, of course, a group of musicians, and not the manufactured crap of 'Pop Idol' and such where the 'band' (the word 'band' is used here in the loosest possible sense of the word) members are tallentless and only there bacause of their looks.  How *great*.  Their music is written for them and they turn up and 'sing' (once again the loosest term is used here) then go back to their homes while a group of techs have the difficult job of imposing imstruments (played, of course, by actual musicians who get little or no credit) and then the tech has to make the 'pop star's voice actually sound decent...

An awful lot of trouble to entertain six-year-olds.

Well this band will be different.

All the songs will be written by ourselves and all the instruments will be played by ourselves.

The style will be more skiffle than pop
(a.k.a. that teenie bopper crap) and we will actually have fun.


Well after a long and grulling search we have formed:
And already we are on our second group of artists.  Ha.  They are:

Bri - Drums
Kate - Bass / Lead Guitar
Lis - Rhythm / Lead Guitar
Matt - Keyboard

So keep watching.

And we'll keep you posted.

Thank you to all who applied.


-+- The Silver Darkling -+