Caring for chao
so, now you've hatched your chao, and it's time to learn how to take care of it. In this part you'll learn how to feed it, good and bad habits, how to read your chao's mind and more

You're in charge of your chao and you'll need to know how to take care of it. A big part of that is feeding, chao's need food just like us. Make sure you feed them especially when they have ?'s on their heads or when they are not happy. They need to be fed coconuts- in the chao garden step up to a tree with ripe coconuts (brown ones, not green) and press [y] the character will shake the tree and the coconuts will fall
(pick up the coconut by tapping [y], then walk towards your chao and it will take it and eat the coconut)
Be Careful!
Don't run ever into, spin or flip your chao. If you do, make sure you feed it lots of coconuts. Or if it has a swirl over its head or XX eyes also feed it lots of coconuts.
Upload/Download Station
you will see that there is an upload/download station in all of the chao gardens. Here you can store chao on a VMU if you place them here it will also save the sonic adventure game statistics.
In all chao gardens there is water, unless your chao knows how to swim naturally or has been taught in the VMU it will flail for a bit but eventually drown.
Full Grown?
Your chao is still a baby. A chao as a baby cannot breed until it is an adult. You can tell when a chao is an adult because it will go through a process in which it will re-enter its egg-stage and then it will hatch once more but as a chao adult
As said above chao's have to be full-grown adults before they can breed. When a chao is ready to breed a ring of flowers will grow around it. There are two ways to mate chao's- 1) through 2 VMU's 2) In the garden
1) you'll need two VMU's, each must have an adult chao saved onto it. Connect the two VMU's and on them menu press 'mate'. On the status screen an egg will pop up, you can download this into a garden and hatch it.
2) In the garden set the two adults together and if everything goes well they will mate. An egg will appear the baby chao inside will have a combination of its parents stats.
Chao Signs
below is a list of the signs that appear above chao's heads and the shapes their eyes go when they are in different mood, here is what they translate as:
Heart: It is happy you are doing a good job, keep it up!

Swirl: This is bad sign, your chao must be angry or upset, feed it lots of coconuts

Question Mark: It doesn't know what to do, neither bad or good...

Exclamation Mark: Your chao is surprised, see if it is good or bad.

XX Across Eyes: Very unhappy/angry chao, feed it lots of coconuts

- - Across Eyes: extremely happy chao, good work!

Half Closed Eyes: Chao is tired, nuzzle it or feed it... or both!

Waving Arms: Your chao wants some attention, nuzzle it

Failing Arms: ...Uh oh I think you've got a temper tantrum on your hands.
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