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RPG Threads and Forums

Resembling RP in a chat room or IM, this is preformed through posts in a thread. If you know of any other AvP related RPGs like this, or even the old fashion kind of RPGs, let me know.

RPG Forums

Alien vs. Predator RPG
This is a Yahoo Group. One game is played out at a time using your good 'ole characters: Aliens, Predators and Humans. You have to join to participate.

Aliens vs. Predator Mix Role Play
This is my forum. Though small and unlike other forums about Predator, Aliens and AvP, it holds it's own uniqueness. This is for AvP RPG lovers and those who like that plus more. You must be a member to join, but two sections you can post as a guest.

RPG Threads

AvP: Clash
"The RPG is set on a lush planet named Leathe, that resembles Earth named, but with a different-based atmosphere, both Yautja and Human can breathe this atmosphere but not for a long amount of time before experiencing breathing problems and eventually dying. The gravity here is also lighter: You can sprint/run at incredible speeds and your jump is higher then usual, and because of this new gravity (if you are not trained properly) you will experience difficulty when walking until getting use to it. Because the atmosphere is different, there will be different plant life (some that may even attack you) and wild life.

This RPG is composed of four main groups:

  • 1. The marooned/stranded Yautja. This group has no way of establishing communications with anyone (you can try but it'll be unsuccessful), the only time any sort of communication was sent out was when you were descending. Ejection pods would have been used but the compartment to them had been badly damaged. The ship is badly damaged but is salvageable, how you find spare parts needed to escape is up to you. This group you can be any gender and any rank.
  • 2. The search and not so rescue Yautja. This group received the Yautja distress signal, and being they are seasoned Warriors know it is better for their stranded brethren to die with honor then allow their technology to fall into the wrong hands. But possible, they will save the Yautja. This group here is specifically all male Warriors, no Unbloods, Young Bloods or Blooded. Any elder aboard would be considered an Eta (slave/servant).
  • 3. The remaining people who picked up the distress signal. This is for those who wish to be an individual, you can act as a team or run solo as any creature you want to be. You can be curious about who sent out the signal and go out to investigate, you can be a do-gooder and go to help whoever sent out the signal, or you all to well know about the Yautja and are after them for a certain reason, or any other reason you can think of. This group you can be anything you want to be.
  • 4. The Xenomorph. Can't have an AvP RPG without the Aliens. Here, the Xenomorph aren't exactly thriving. They just started multiplying. You can be any kind of Xenomorph, whatever your host was, but if you are some miracle specimen, then you ironically arrived on the planet through a crash landing, was tagged and set loose etc. etc. You cannot be this lab related Xenomorph that up and bursts out of a chest."

To read the rest of this and possibly join, click here.

If you would like to participate in this RPG then join, read the rules, post your character's bio and play.

Honor and Pride
This is a rather simple RPG from The Ultimate Predator Forums.
Honor and Pride takes place after the movies, Predator and Predator 2. The Characters from the movies, Dutch and Mike, have come to together and formed their own private investigation through past expierence with the Predator. Their aim is to find the location where the Predators are next to strike and try to prevent any more killings.
Meanwhile, four Yautja have come together; two of the clan from the Predator in the first movie named the Ochi'cla clan, A.K.A. Jungle Hunters, who have agreed with the second clan, of the Predator from Predator 2 named the Syth'cla clan, A.K.A City Hunters to hunt for the two oomans who have dishonored their clans.
These four have not had clearance from the Elders so have broken the Hunter's code in order to hunt Harrigan and Mike, and due to breaking the code a pack of Arbitrators (Predator police) are after them.
You can either play: Four of the bad blood yautja, the Arbitrators, Harrigan or Mike.
This RPG was created by Ghost
If you would like to participate in this RPG then join, read the rules, post your character's bio and play.

War Over the Queen
The is an AvP game I am leading.
The game holds a clan of Predators and a platoon of Marines who are after one thing - a Queen. The Queen the two species are after is the legendary Scarlet, named this from her red head crest, she is the most sought out Queen by intelligent beings. The Predators are lead by me, Nemik, to capture her and bring her back to prove Nemiks family is worthy to stand amidst the Rr'gt clan as a royal family. The Marines are after Scarlet on orders to bring her back for expirimental purposes apart of a secret government branch. Both must bring her in alive.
Currently I am searching for Predators, Marines, and Drones.
Sorry, this RPG is finished.

Gladiators Moon
This RP forum holds mature content (R rated material/postings) and player owned species.
"Ok, The setting for this RP is a moon on a back water planet. There is an illegal gladiatorial pit fight ring. Mostly using animals from planets all over the galaxy.
People can pit themselves against these critters, and can fight each other if they want to.

The moon is supposed to be a recreation place, and most of the known galaxy knows that the pit fighting occurs, but looks the other way.
For clarification, there are a few continents on the moon, the largest continent has the large city of Karakorum on it. Think Las Vegas, mixed with Rome, in the days of the roman empire. But with all the lawfulness of a frontier town."

". . . all humans, and humanoids are welcome. People live there, steal from the unsuspecting.. make and lose fortunes.. Kinda like Las Vegas, with a bit of Rome and AvP: Hunter’s Planet.. all squished together."
Sorry, this RPG is finished.