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"DO NOT" steal the artwork and stories posted on this site, they only belong to their creators, NOT YOU!

New Stories

1. By Rakai'Thwei, Predator: Legacy of Rakai'Thwei
2. By Dahdtoudi , A Hero's Daughter
3. By Dahdtoudi , AVP: Hero
4. By Golden Wind , By Believing, One Sees

New Chapter(s)

Predator: Area 51
By Iggy Booriakin
Story Description: Humans have stolen the weapons and technology of the Yautja. They plan to test it, and use it for war. The Yautja will do whatever it takes to get it back and kill who ever has done this. But the humans have creatures on their side: the Xenomorph.
Rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Mischief Night
By Olgite the Squidgal
Story Description: Autumn leaves are not the only things falling to earth on a very warm October night. A young troop of Predators witness an annual rite prompting one of them to join in the fun. A homage to All Hallow's Eve. Read and have fun!
Rated PG, finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Saera.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Saera's drawings here.

Remembering the True Gift
By Blackdawn
Story Description: Inspired by Golden Wind's Predator fic, Finding the True Gift, and Saera's Predator drawing titled Earthling Yautja.
A female Yautja accompanies her pack to Earth on a hunt for any dangerous prey, but during a hunt she loses her memory and wanders the earth for years until she meets Morgan, another Yautja, and his human family (these are Golden Wind's characters). After meeting him, she is only fueled further to gain her memory, but they are not the only of their species to be in the same area at once.
Chapter one up, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Predator: The Hunt Begins
By Iggy Booriakin
Story Description: Sargent Mike, John Peterson, and their troops are invading an island to destroy a creature who killed their comrade, Private Garatt. But they fail trying and once again, Predator is the victor.
Rated R, finished.
Top of page.

The Hunt
By Iggy Booriakin
Story Description: One Predator is on a mission to kill the man who took his courage. But now, He gets sentenced to 5 years in prison. he escapes and figures out that he is a bad blood, and he likes it.
Chapter three up, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Darwin.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Darwin's drawings here.

Da'tou's Story
By Blackdawn
Story Description: A ship crashes on Earth leaving a lone predator with child stranded, the dying Mother leaves the care of her child with trusted humans and now the child, Da'tou, is a young adult that is being chased by hired assassins and is found by a solo hunter named, Gr'it-in, who gives her a decision: Live with her species, or the ones who raised her. Before a decision can be made she has to seal her fate told by a wise woman and find out who is sending the assassins after her.
Chapter eighteen up, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

The Yautja Society
By Jeremy Orona
Story Description: A new species of Yautja are founded by their original counter-parts that leads to a war between the two and stuck in the middle is a young student named Yeyinde who becomes a prisoner leaving his Master, Ke'wak'ie, to rescue him.
Chapter one up, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Linked Stories
(Linked from another site)

New Story! Predator: Legacy of Rakai'Thwei
By Rakai'Thwei
Story Description: The life story of a Predator warrior who strives to be the best and surpass his father, the legendary Dachande, the very same Predator warrior who had marked Machiko Noguchi as a warrior. Can the son of Dachande ever truly be a master and lead a strong bloodline? And what is the true power of the Blood Fury?
Three chapters, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

New Story!

Drawn by Dahdtoudi.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Dahdtoudi's drawings here.

A Hero's Daughter
By Dahdtoudi
Story Description: This is the Sequel to AVP Hero. Tia'ja, a humanyautja hybrid must prove herself to her yautja clan. She has to learn how to survive the ups and downs of living in a world for predators. Can she survive the hunt?
Eight chapters, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

New Story!

Drawn by Dahdtoudi.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Dahdtoudi's drawings here.

AVP: Hero
By Dahdtoudi
Story Description: A young girl and her family are attacked by aliens, the girl is saved by a predator, growing up she never forgets her great hero. She becomes an alien hunter and meets up with her hero later on.
Eighteen chapters, rated R, finished.
Top of page.

New Story! By Believing, One Sees reviews
By Golden Wind
Story Description: In a hunt against the deadliest creatures known to the universe, two different species prepare for the fight of their lives. One hunts to serve honour, the other, to serve greed. Little do these two know, that their lives were the same.
Four chapters, rated PG-13, finished.
Top of page.

Not Everything is as it Appears
By Draguna Doragon
Story Description: Tom is part of a secret core, dedicated to keeping the public safe while they aren't looking by killing off all outbreaks of Xenomorphs. but on his last mission, something goes wrong. it changes his life, and especially his newlywed wife.
Five chapters, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Batman And Nightwing : The True Alien Vs Predator
By Jcarlton
Story Description: A continuation of Batman : Dead End, and a story to tie in the two greatest scifi universes Alien and Predator. All those who hated 2004's AvP movie are welcome.
Seven chapters, rated PG-13, not finished.
Top of page.

The Hunter's Rest and Bath House
By Draguna Doragon
Story Description: Guan, Dachande and Kantra are workers at the bath house,Kantra is human found by the Mistress. They serve at a rest house for the Yautja on homeworld, but what happenes when the Cor'ja, the most ruthless clan make a visit?
Twelve chapters, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

By Draguna Doragon
Story Description: Terre and Kim are totally opesites and yet are good friends. they believe that eachother are dead when posted to different levels in the complex, and would you know that Terre finds herself posted watching over the wellbeing of the Alien Queen and Kim...
Twenty-Six chapters, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

What Is The Price For Becoming Who You Want To Be
By Gabrielle
Story Description
: Some unfinished business never ends. Even in the far reaches of the galaxy revenge and hate can still find their way back to haunt you and shatter your dreams. Emma and Jeuki, sequel.
Sixteen chapters, rated PG-13, not finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Saera.

View more of Saera's drawings here.

Finding the True Gift
By Golden Wind
Story Description: A male Yautja, orphaned as a baby when his clan's ship crash lands on Earth, is raised by an ooman family. This Yautja has come to know one of the greatest languages in the universe...music. But when a Hunter finds the young Yautja, he doesn't approve.
Seven chapters, rated PG-13, not finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Gabrielle.
Click on images for full size.
View more of Gabrielle's drawings here.

Does Your Soul Define Who You Are
By Gabrielle
Story Description
: When your stranded in the deepest darkest region of space with only a hunter by your side. You come to realize who your true friends and enemies really are.
Thirty-two chapters, rated PG-13, finished.
Top of page.

Click on images for full size.

Drawn by Saera
View more of Saera's drawings here.

Drawn by Gabrielle
View more of Gabrielle's drawings here.

Slave of a Hunter
By Golden Wind
Story Description
: A teenage girl is mysteriously transported to another world, a world ruled by the humaniod creatures known as the Predators. Now, being forced to serve as a slave for the Predators, she must find a way to escape and get back home.....
Eighteen chapters, rated PG-13, not finished.
Top of page.

Predator 3: Homeworld
By Bastet
Story Description
: Dutch and Harrigan team up to defend a space station from an attacking group of Predators. Soon, the mission turns bad and they are taken prisoner and brought to the Predators' Homeworld.
Ten chapters, rated PG-13, finished.
Top of page.

The three stories below must be read with an open mind. The first was created after the two movies and not the book. The Yautja are named the "Soua". This was a common mistake 'after' reading the books but by then was to late to go back over 60 pages, so now the Yautja are called the Soua in all three stories. Note: All linked stories will show in a seperate window.

Predator: You Can't Go Home Again
By Darwin
Story Description: After being kicked off Soona Gui'Yata escorts the two humans, Courtney; a full fledged Soua warrior and Gerard a former ATP soldier, back to their own planet. It is a time of trials for both the small band and the Soua fighting the war.
Twelve chapters up, rated R, not finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Darwin.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Darwin's drawings here.

Predator: Species War
By Darwin
Story Description: The Predator Gui’Yata and the human Courtney return from their mission on Earth, to find their home in flames. Witnesses say that raiding Predators are to blame. Has the truce been broken or has something more sinister happened in their absence? Complete
Sixteen chapters, rated R, finished.
Top of page.

Drawn by Darwin.
Click on image for full size.

View more of Darwin's drawings here.

Predator: Conflict of Interest
By Darwin
Story Description: Gui'Yata is a Predator selected to hunt the blue and green planet, called Earth by the natives. The hunt is anything but typical, and Gui' finds himself questioning his people's code of honor. Complete
Fifteen chapters, rated R, finished.
Top of page.