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Shoulder Plasma Caster,   Plasma Rifle,   Plasma Cannon,   Scattergun,   Naginata,   Combat Spear,   Combistick,   Wrist Blades,   Self-Destruct Sequence,   Shuriken,   Smart Disc,   Net Gun

Thanks to Sergiu for all the e-mails sent to me containing weapon pictures needed to finish this page. Thanks to The Ultimate Predator for provided requested pictures within this page.


Shoulder Plasma Caster
A firing weapon placed upon the right or left shoulder. The usual weapon desired by all yautja for long range attacks following the movement of the wearer's head turning 180 degrees firing single but powerful plasma bursts.
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Plasma Rifle
A firing weapon hung from the shoulders or slung across the back. This weapon is used 90% of the time when a group is entering a bug hive, as outside of the hive very few will use this weapon. Like it's counterpart, the Shoulder Plasma Caster, it also can fire plasma bursts but is more powerful.
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Image not available at the moment.

Plasma Cannon
This extremely large cannon is placed upon the right shoulder. It is used for firing single but large plasma bursts upon ships and buildings.
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The Scattergun is a hand-held plasma gun that fires a net of energy out to a long range. The weapon is unfortunately very clumsy, taking up a hand which can be replaced by melee weapons.
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The Naginata is part weapon, part ceremonial trophy, of many different types and designs. It is a beautifully plated and encrusted pole arm with double-ended cutting surfaces, an image of honor and demands respect when brandished. Each end is a super-sharp collection of blades causing devastating damage if struck upon a hapless victim.
The blades can flawlessly cut through almost any substance and also has a conducting field which allows it to be cloaked when in hand. When the weapon strikes, however, it becomes visible.
Info on this weapon copied from
Predator: The Hunted
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Image not available at the moment.

Combat Spear
These weapons come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but for the most part they are all made of the same material of completely metal or a wooden shaft tipped with one or two acid resistant coated metal alloy spearheads. Different hunting grounds may also call for different sized spears as to why so many look very different: A hunter wouldn't want something too big that could cause an overkill and probably destroy what is to become a trophy, as other prey calls for a larger or largest spear on the occasion to actually cause harm. Others might be for hunting as well as ceremonial purposes: Though maybe small looking it may have extra durable alloy that has been passed on for generations.
The Combat Spear is mostly used by the experienced hunters for close combat but can be used for long range if it were to be thrown as a javelin.
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A compact spear entirely made of metal that is hung from the back. This weapon is desired by most yautja and used for close range fighting but can be used as a long range weapon like the Combat Spear. It is self powered and can extend from it's compact length of one meter to two meters, a useful and deadly weapon, both ends are sharp that can slice through just about any material and can produce electrical charges when coming in contact with it's target.
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Wrist Blades
Two blades of equal length placed inside a metal type gauntlet worn on either the right or left wrist. This is a weapon "all" yautja equip themselves with that can only be used for close range fighting. When sheathed, the blades are unnoticeable. Balling the fists unsheathes them as opening the fist retracts them. Two more attributes are, the blades can double in length when the fist remains balled for a certain period of time, and on the first unsheathing the top of the wrist blades gauntlet can be cocked back, once, and once balling the fists again can propell the two blades through the air as deadly darts.
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Self-Destruct Sequence
This device is worn by "all" yautja on the opposite side of the Wrist Blades, whether it is right or left. There are other added attributes to this device such as the mechanism that controls the thermostat of the wearer's suit, it's camouflage, heated 3-D map, and others. But it's main purpose is self destruct when a yautja has failed in a hunt or is close to being captured by it's target or enemy. The small device produces a large explosion that can wipe out ten city blocks. Also the top half of this part of the gaunlet can be taken off while the detenation is in the process of "counting down".
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Like the smart Disc, this deadly weapon will come back, if it doesn't become lodged in a surface. Upon viewing this weapon sheathed it is just a flat device, but pressing it's surface projects six deadly blades looking like a star. It can cut through just about anything and impervious to acid.
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Smart Disc
A round disk with sharp edges made of an almost unbreakable alloy worn on either the right or left hip that is used by most yautja for long range attacks. The middle is fitted into the form of a hand with five holes so the wearer can hold it, fitting a fully matured yautja then a human. Inside the device is a computer that when thrown will allow it to come back to the owner's hand without injury.
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Net Gun
The most gruesome and torturesome device in the yautja's arsenal. Used by some yautja that projects a metal net at it's target, the netting itself is sharp metal made of strong materials and is usually successful in capturing it's target pinning the victim to a wall or flat surface. On the edges of the net which connects itself to the flat surface are drills that not only connects itself to the surface but also winds the netting tighter and tighter until the victim dies. Though this deadly netting is only big enough to capture a fully matured human or something smaller. An older version of the net gun, number 7 on the full predator picture, was handheld. But now it is secured on the top side of the Self-Destruct Sequence gauntlet, a ball of the fist will send out one ball of net.
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