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08, August, 2005

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Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/26/05

The Ultimate Predator has the fan film page, Predator - Halo, up: It has a unique design with good information, some screenshots, a link to download it and how to download it including some extra links.

Updates concerning The Yautja. - 8/21/05

The Figurine/Toys page, which I'll shortly be changing to Figurines/Action Figures, is up once again with new and more images on a couple of pages with a new and better layout.
Figurines/Action Figures

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/21/05

A round-up of what pages (and their sub-pages) are completely finsihed on the site: Home, Contact Me, Link To Us, F.A.Q/Site Info, Downloads, The Yautja, Yautja Homeworld, Yautja Spacecraft, Predator Movie, Predator 2 Movie, Predator 3 Movie, Predator Fan Films.

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/18/05

And here are some more updates: First of all the last page of the Predator movies page is finished making that entire section complete and out of the way for your viewing pleasure, secondly the owner has been doing some more text error fixing with a number of other things, the Poster download page is now available as well.

New chapter up. - 8/18/05

Owned by Darwin, chapter eleven is up to Predator: You Can't Go Home Again. Here's a little bit of the chapter:

"Heat permeated the door, and the edges of the oval portal were much brighter in his vision. His gaze roved the surface of that portal for long moments, searching with attuned eyes, for some sort of opening mechanism or trigger that would allow him beyond this point.

Nothing became evident, even after he searched through the rock either side of the door for a possible mechanism. He even rotated through the many spectrums made available to his kind by the mask with no better luck than with ultraviolet.

He cursed softly behind his mask, and it echoed thinly back to him in the small space, leaning forward and laying his hand on the surface of that strange material. He was startled into removing it again when the area around him shuddered hard enough to threaten his footing. He stepped back, his feet slapping loudly on the hard pack of the tunnel floor in order to prevent getting dumped.

When he managed to regain his balance, he returned his sights to the entrance. He was shocked to find that in the rumble around him the door had disappeared."

Note: This fic is rated R. You can read it here.

New fic up. - 8/18/05

Created by Gabrielle, she has made a sequal story to Does Your Soul Define Who You Are entitled What Is The Price For Becoming Who You Want To Be. Story description:

"Some unfinished business never ends. Even in the far reaches of the galaxy revenge and hate can still find their way back to haunt you and shatter your dreams."

This story though already has three chapters up that, like the story before it, is rated PG-13. Enjoy her new fic!
Read What Is The Price For Becoming Who You Want To Be here.

Updates concerning The Yautja. - 8/17/05

All of the one-hundred images in the Comic section are up. And, I'll be adding more comics shortly.

Congradulations to The Ultimate Predator website! - 8/15/05

Can you belive it? The Ultimate Predator site has won yet another site award. That's gotta be some site if it has two site awards. Congrads to the site owner, The Ultimate Predator, for making such an awesome site and for keeping good up-keep on it.

Updates concerning The Yautja. - 8/15/05

The entire game section of the site is fixed: New info is up along with new and more box cover images. There are still some more feature to be added to it but the set will do for now until the site running properly.

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/15/05

And even some more good ole' updates: The Predator movie page has been fixed as there as been some minor updates which was just browsing through the site searching for broken links (only one was found) and double checking for text errors, secondly the Pic of the Week feature is up (yes, one new pic will be up each week) and there is also an archive for this nifty site side feature.

Updates to The Ultimate Predator Forums. - 8/12/05

As the title says, this is an update to The Ultimate Predator's site forum. Because updates have been running smooth with the site, The Ultimate Predator, has focused his attention to the forum and tidied it up by crossing some threads and sections and adding a nifty new star ranking system involving Scar's blooding mark that I provided him. The forum is looking better then ever and is now a one of a kind Predator forum.
The Ultimate Predator Forums

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/12/05

Yet some more juicy info concerning the site: The page containing the Yautja culture/society is finished as is the page holding information on the Yautja spacecrafts that was provided by The Hunted. So check out the pages!

New but old site added. - 8/10/05

A miscellaneous science fiction story site has been added titled, Forgetting the Odds. This site was here before the shut down and the site as well was shut down because it was on Angel Towns as a free account. Here is the storiy's description:

"In a world where technology is almost completely controlled by one organization, a corrupt leader has world domination well in hand. However it was becoming apparent that things were going to complicate as the number of rebel groups grew almost daily.

A few years earlier such a situation had occured where one man, a mutant named Rage, lead the rebel forces to the gates of the city. Though word had reached the president early and he had been prepared.

The battle that took place, although lost, made Rage a legend, even in his death.

Today the rebels are gathering again."

Sound interesting? Then check out the site here. Warning! Site holds explicit content.

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/10/05

And yet more updates to The Ultimate Predator: Awesome and descriptive information on the Yautja have been posted along with a page of their supposed habitat/planet.

Updates to The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/08/05

Have been informed the site has had some minor updates, just clearing up here and there and has cleaned up the Games section, the Arcade Alien vs Predator and Alien vs Predator for the Jaguar system are complete, the rest is yet to come. So keep stopping by for more updates on what's going on over there.

Some more progress. - 8/08/05

All the movie information has been updated and the images there are up and working fine.

Farewell to AvPWorld. - 8/07/05

The site had gotten so big it was becoming a hassle to Corpral Hicks, the site's owner. To find out more on why it is closed and what Corpral Hicks is up to go to it's link AvPWorld. Hicks, we're gonna miss AvPWorld, and good luck with your new position.

New site added. - 8/07/05

AvP News instant exactly a new site, but it's new to this site. To those who do not know what AvP (Aliens vs. Predator) News is, it's a site that holds plenty of good news concerning everything AvP.
View the site here.

More updates on The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/07/05

First of all The Ultimate Predator has an interview up with Tim Tran on the PS2 game Predator: Concrete Jungle (that's also with the game info here):

"I have recently conducted an Interview with Tim Tran on Predator: Concrete Jungle (Official Game) which has been premiered here, on my site (http://theultimatepredator.tripod.com). Not only does this interview give information on the game, but confirms an AvP2 movie:

"The Ultimate Predator - What does the future hold for AvP/Predator games?

Tim Tran - As you know, there is another AVP movie in production; I wouldn’t be surprise if another game based on this franchise get release too. The AVP universe has so much to offer and we only barely scratch the surface of these worlds."

Read the entire interview here.

Secondly, the new look to The Ultimate Predator site is up but it's still under consturction.

The Ultimate Predator site. - 8/05/05

In about two weeks the new layout to the site will be complete, from what I was told by the owner The Ultimate Predator anyway. Here is a Screenshot of what the site will look like.

Click on image to view full size.

If you would like up to date news on the sites progress then go here, you will be taken to the, The Ultimate Predator Construction Site News, on the site's forum The Ultimate Predator Forums.

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