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10, October, 2005

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Don't forget. - 10/25/05

Also, don't forget to check out my own Board on The Ultimate predator Forums, there The Yautja is posted along with updates and some other threads concerning the site.
The Ultimate Predator Forums.

Archive feature. - 10/25/05

The Ultimate Predator has archived all of Update related posts concerning The Ultimate Predator Website and The Ultimate Predator Forums over at The Ultimate predator Forums.
View the Update Thread here.
The Ultimate Predator Forums.

New Chapter added to What is the Price for Becoming who You want to be?. - 10/25/05

Gabrielle has posted chapter eleven.

Here is a small part from the chapter:
"It doesn’t feel real, none of it. It feels like a dream that I’d forgotten, so little has changed on Eros. The roads and the streets are the same people are still going about there business as normal. The Roi-Hoi can still be seen been ridden through the streets ether on two legs or all fours. Rayburn is still charge of the colony.

He was in charge when I was a child it’s funny I somehow expected Jacob would have taken over. It’s only now that I remember his face he was one of the head miners when I left. He knew my father, much like Rayburn did, it seems that he’s now by Rayburn’s side and is like his second helper. Christ even the smell is the same.

That smell of hot sand and concrete along with the musty smell of Iron Ore, which you just can’t ignore. The miners and the smelters are everywhere doing their jobs or buying lunch from the open market. Somehow I just expected it all to be different but nothing has changed it’s still the same city that I ran any from when I was eighteen."

Read Chapter Eleven: Walking Through the Home Of Shattered Memories And Dreams here.

New Chapter added to Predator: You Can't Go Home Again. - 10/17/05

Darwin has posted chapter twelve to her Predator fic.

Here is a small part from the chapter:
"Courtney paced down the street, her world narrowed to a small window just in front of her. In the back of her mind she knew that Gui’Yata was behind her, probably not more than a step, but she didn’t care. That son of a bitch she shared her life with was going to pay for driving Teresa into the street.

She looked down at the slip of paper in her hand, several shabbily written lines on it that told her where her ex was living now. Teresa had written it for her, with still shaking hands. She would live, but there was nerve damage to her arm that might never heal, not with the primitive medicine Earth still had. That did nothing to calm her fury however.

As she paused on the street corner, orienting herself to the much changed streets of Los Angeles, Gui’Yata finally worked up the nerve to speak.

“You are being rash, Raha,” he whispered.

“I’m being a mother,” She snarled in return. Internally she was laughing at herself, she hadn’t been Teresa’s mother since the girl was five, what made her think revenge would quell the guilt she felt for abandoning her daughter to the whims of her husband?

Read Chapter Twelve: Payback's a Bitch here. Note: This fic is rated R!

New Chapter added to What Is The Price For Becoming Who You Want To Be . - 10/17/05

Gabrielle has now posted chapter ten to her sequal story.

Here is a small part from the chapter:
"I’m going to be sick again this is just terrible…I hate it. Please just let me get out of this, I’d rather be beaten up than be put through this again. Just have to stay focused. I’ve got that pain again! Christ what the hell is wrong with me? If I tell myself its just a little longer I’ll be fine just got to tell myself that. Somehow telling myself doesn’t help.

Seriously no amount of pain is worth this…I mean this is just insane. Being scratched by a big leather ass dog with nine-inch claws on each paw was far nicer than this. Please I’d rather have that happen to me again than feel the way I’m feeling right this second. Everything just a mess of colours and I can feel my hands gripping the control gears tighter.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and pass out I just want this to end! Emma pulled back as the colours blasted apart she leaned forward painfully feeling the ship grind again as it came through in to normal space. She watched as Jeuki pulled the controls moving the ship clear of the wormhole. She leaned back in the chair feeling the lower pain.

She closed her eyes for a moment waiting for it to slowly subside. She wanted to throw up again the only thing keeping her from doing so was her steady breathing in off the air, which felt cold. She turned slightly watching as the hologram brought up an image with huge wings. No doubt it was the satellite, which was slowly moving closer.

Jeuki turned sharply seeing the huge metal monster with wings was coming in to view of their side window. He slowly put his hand on the new forward laser panel. Emma coughed painfully trying to ignore her pain she grabbed his hand. “It’s harmless, it’ll just move around us taking pictures.” Jeuki turned sharply. “What kind of pictures?" - "

Read Chapter Ten: The Returning of Warriors here.

New image added to the Gallery. - 10/12/05

Here, there is a new image with a new name in the Fan Image Gallery. Golden Wind the author to Finding the True Gift and Slave of a Hunter has drawn her character Golden Wind and added a description.

View the image and description here.

Progress update on Da'tou's Story. - 10/12/05

No this isn't a chapter update, I'm just letting the fans out there know that I haven't forgotten about my Predator fic but I've just been very busy the past couple of months, though during those months I had been slowly piecing together the next chapter and now it only needs to be placed together then grammar checked, I've been trying to do those two parts the past week but it is still somewhat hard to find the time and I will try finding some time this week.

New Chapters to What Is The Price For Becoming Who You Want To Be . - 10/12/05

Gabrielle has posted two more chapters to her fic, chapters 8 and 9.

Here is a small part from chapter eight:
"Well this is going to be interesting so far all four hunters have just entered the ship. They’d laid their equipment and bedding down and are taking the part of the ship that they want as their own. Although the main bedroom is out of bounds since it’s Jeuki’s and mine. The other room, which was Erisoki’s, is now filled with spear items again.

It brings back memories of when Jeuki and myself used this ship. It’s the place where our friendship was forged and the place where we our relationship came full swing. It’s been so long since we’ve been on our ship it had to go in for a refit so until this day it’s very much been out of use. Everything been fixed by the ship builders.

The scratched up hull is now looking shiny in all its black glory. New side engines with a more curves look have been put on. New seats have been fitted and another bathroom area has been put in. All the clan symbols are now repainted and the glowing paintwork is so impressive. The navigating system has been enhanced along with the hyper drive and weapons.

Over all it’s a very beautiful site and I’m really happy to be standing here next to our original ship which is now ready once again for combat. I can’t wait to get back in to the newly fitted chair and co pilot this beautiful ship to my home world. Hell Lucy and Marcus liked it before wait till they get to see it now, Marcus will be drooling all over it he loves ships."

Read these two chapters here.

More images added. - 10/12/05

With help from The Ultimate Predator, more images have been added to the Weapons page but it is still not finished. There are now two images on the Language page, both of which were given by The Ultimate Predator and Jason=MK=Iggy.

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