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General Site Info/Help
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General Site Info/Help

Welcome to the site's general information and help page, here you will find answers to any questions you may have about the site, help on why some images don't want to work.


QUESTION: Why is it you don't stay up to date with AvP related news like everyone else?

ANSWER: That is due to the fact the people who own those big AvP, Predator and Alien(s) sites are usually between the ages of 13 and 17 that really don't have much to do (sorry to my site owning buddies in that age area), and what sites have older teens/adults working them are usually run by staff. I'm running this site myself, and my internet time is limited due to responsibilities and a job I have to look after.

QUESTION: I submitted my fan fiction material here awhile back, but now it's not on the site, what happened?

ANSWER: That is a long story that I'll shorten down for ya. I first had all the previous year fan fiction materials saved to my other computer, but it had crashed. Because of it crashing the only images I then had were what was on the site and I was forced to move onto an old 1997 Dell Laptop computer running on Windows 95. Because the thing was so old I couldn't save the images as they were on the site, so I left them on the site in my account, but tragically that account was deleted without even an email warning me it was going to be done. So now I am stuck with no images.

New! QUESTION: You say I can have my fan related items posted within a week. It's been much longer than a week and they are not up yet, why is this?

ANSWER: Well, that's all my fault actually. I've just been so busy lately that it's hard to keep track of such a large site. And with my memory problem I can easily forget what I did and didn't post as well and just plain out forget to check my inbox.

About . . .

ABOUT THE IMAGES: None of them are showing at the moment because none are uploaded to my account. Due to limited Storage Space on this account from having my previous account cancelled I am pressed for space. I wanted to get all the links up and running to the site, and now they are up and running I will search for all the old images and will upload them to a Photo Album where the link to that picture will be posted here. It's rather ridiculous to be doing this but saves on my Storage Space which I need for more pages, Zip Folders and Sound Files.

ABOUT SUBMITTING STORIES, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS: Like I said on the Submitting page, only AvP related stories, drawings and photographs can be posted here. They can be of any rating G-R but not XXX. But, because I stay rather busy you will have to wait a week or possibily longer until it is posted, sorry.

ABOUT SUBMITTING SITES: You can send me any kind of site you want, just as long as it holds nothing that is XXX rated. And when you do send a link, please send a description with it.

If you have your own questions or are just wondering about something concerning the site, send me an e-mail.