June 22, 2005

Here we go again... Starting over. If you haven't put it together, I found it in my best interests to change my name so I won't have people saying "Hey I like know four other Ostaras. We should have an Ostara fest." Sorry but no. I m trying to keep original and it is hard to do that when your name isn't. But there are so many bands out there, I think this one I'm going to keep until they sue me. I'm fighting for this one!

  As for my progess, things are looking better. Simply because I have mono. LOL.. Yes, it does suck, but I'm able to do somethings that I have been needing to do for the longest time. Like POST MUSIC. Yes, the time is getting close. I have my copyright on it's way and my music internet ready. By the end of this week it should be posted. So if your interested at all, keep your eyes on the "Listen" page. Thanks for checking the site out. Till a later day...
        -dmt of alcove
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