
Newest updates are added at the top of the list.

Saturday, October 25, 2003~We have added a new family member to the gang at Angel Haven Kennels. My sons and I adopted an 8 month old rescued kitten. We named her Angel Haven's Blaze of Glory and are calling her Amber. I'm sure she will be the "alpha dog". Kimba will soon be going to live in PA with her new family. Greta will be bred to Kuhl's Baron von Shadow in January or February of next year. D'Nyro vom Schmetterling will be added to our family in February if everything goes as planned. I will keep you updated of all of the happenings here at Angel Haven.

Saturday, October 4, 2003~Again, there has been ALOT going on at Angel Haven Kennels. I have moved to Nevada and have just two girls with me now. They are Kimba & Greta, although Kimba will soon be going to her new home in Las Vegas to finish her training. I will be breeding both of these "princesses" in early 2004. Check the upcoming litter pages as I will be updated it as the breedings take place.

Monday, June 2, 2003~There has been ALOT going on here at Angel Haven Kennels. Issi, Bella, Vanta & Petra have all been placed in new homes. "The Princess", Kimba & "The Queen", Quenti are still here though. I will be out of town for awhile to care for & visit with my mother who has been diagnosed with metastic lung cancer and is going through chemo & radiation treatments. I am hoping to breed Kimba when she cycles again. She is due to do so in August 2003. I will also be acquiring a nice male pup when I get home and will start acquiring a couple of nice females later this year and next year, hopefully from Vanta & Petra. I will not have much breeding happening until these babies are at least two years old and have been OFA certified. Please check back as I will update as things happen here.

Monday, January 27, 2003~The girls are all doing well. They have become affectionately known as "the royal GSD gang". They are all princesses in my eyes. They have even been given the HRH (Her Royal Highness) title from me as well as others who know them.

Thursday, January 9, 2003~I have been in touch with Kimba's former human, Katrin, from Germany. It's so nice to be able to have that contact. We are sharing Kimba pictures & stories.

Tuesday, January 7, 2003~Kimba left on a "self guided tour" again yesterday by slipping out of her fur saver collar, but she is back home today.

Friday, December 27, 2002~I got my Christmas miracle! KIMBA IS HOME!!! She was found on the 21st. The man that found her refused to take the reward so it will be donated to the local volunteer rescue group here in Ashland City. Greta is back home after her trip to the New Orleans show. Caesar will be going to his new home on January 11, 2003. We had a wonderful Christmas at our house!!! We hope all of our friends had the same & we wish you all a very prosperous 2003.

Sunday, December 15, 2002~Greta took second place at the show in New Orleans while her sire, Uno vom Haus Babilon went V-1. Congrats Greta, Uno, Steve House & Cindy Petersen. Thanks guys for taking Greta with you & the prayers for Kimba's safe return.

Saturday, December 14, 2002 12 noon CST~KIMBA IS MISSING!!!!! She left our house after being let out of a pen & has not been seen since. If you have any information on her where abouts please contact me ASAP. WE miss her terribly & want her home soon!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2002~I had Kimba entered in the 2002 Mid-Eastern Regional Conformation Championship show today in White Bluff, TN. I mainly entered her to see how she would do, what she already knew & what I might have to work on. She went SG-2. The SG-1 bitch took it as her eyes are darker than Kimba's. She was stiff competition for Kimba and I liked that. Thank goodness Sue entered her bitch this morning. If she hadn't, Kimba would have been the only one in the class. Kimba was handled by a gentleman who drove up from Florida for the show. Thanks Orlando! BTW, Greta is doing well at Steve & Cindy's house. She is bonding well with Cindy & they will show her for me in New Orleans on the 15th of this month. Steve says Greta's eating like a pig which is not normal for her. At home she eats slowly & is very finicky. Aren't kids always better when their parents aren't around? LOL

Sunday, December 1, 2002~It's hard to believe that it's December already. The New Year is just around the corner. I must say, even with all of the unexpected things that have happened this year, all in all it's been a good one. Kimba is settling in a bit more each day. She has become very bonded to me & doesn't want me to be out of her sight. Steve has even taken a liking to her, which is not the "norm" for him. Tristan loves her dearly, but he still scares her a bit because he is so wild with excitement. Kimba finally ate her first little bit of food today. She's not had anymore vomiting, thank goodness. Chynna, the Shih-Tzu 4, has already let Kimba know that she intends to remain Alpha Dog. She's met the other GSDs as well. Caesar is dying to get hold of her for some rough play, but I'll hold off on that unitl Kimba feels a bit more comfortable in her new surroundings. Kimba is very sweet & quite obedient.

Saturday, November 30, 2002~I got my new girl, Kimba, home last night at about 10:00 p.m. CST She had a pretty rough trip, with some nausea & vomiting. She's been resting today. She hasn't eaten anything yet, but is drinking. She is such beautiful girl!! The pictures just don't do her justice. Even "Daddy" commented on how "pretty" she is and he doesn't make comments like that without being "asked" for his opinion. Actually, I usually have to pry comments for the dogs out of him. So that says alot about Kimba's good looks. I hope that she is feeling up to being in the show next weekend. Today, I received the picture of Quenti that was taken at the last show. She is such a gorgeous girl!! I wish the scan had turned out better than it did. Greta will be going to stay with Steve & Cindy for a couple of weeks before the New Orleans show.

Tuesday, November 26, 2002~Kimba will be arriving on Friday. I must say that it will seem like a month of Fridays before she gets here. I'm soooo excited to finally see her in person. I'm planning on entering her in her first show on December 7th. I hope to enter Greta as well. Greta's entry will depend on what's going on with Greta & the time she leaves to be with Steve & Cindy before the show in New Orleans. I'd really like to enter Bella as well, but financially I can't handle entering all 3 of my girls right here at the holidays. The reason I chose to leave Bella out this time is she doesn't seem to really enjoy the ring work like Greta does. Bella would much rather have something to bite. Plus, I know that Kimba went SG in Germany & can hardly wait to see her rating in the States after only being here a week.

Saturday, November 23, 2002~I got the word that Greta will be going to the show in New Orleans. My friends & trainers, Steve House & Cindy Petersen are going to take her down with them and handle things for me. Thanks a bunch Steve & Cindy!! I also found out that Kimba may not arrive until Friday, but that'll be okay, too. There is going to be a show in White Bluff, TN at the beginning of next month. I'd like to enter the girls in it as well, but will need to get more information on it first. I was told that you had to be a member of their Schutzhund club to enter a dog in that show. That just doesn't sound right to me, so we'll wait to get all of the information before making a final decision.

Thursday, November 21, 2002~I talked to Debra Hildenbrand today regarding Kimba's arrival. We don't have a definite date yet, but it looks like she'll arrive sometime next week...probably Wednesday or Thursday. Since we aren't celebrating Thanksgiving until Friday, either day will be fine with me. What a wonderful thing to be thankful for, a new "seperd". I'll let you all know when she arives & of course I'll get some pictures as well. I'm really excited about Kimba coming to the States & being owned by her.

Saturday, November 16, 2002~I am so pleased with the results of the show today!!! Greta was handled by my friend & trainer, Cindy Petersen of vom Haus Stronje Kennels. She took first place with a rating of VP-1. Bella was handled by a new friend, Danny of Team Mittelwest. She took ninth place & increased her rating of P-1 at the last show to a VP-9. A special thank goes out to Julie Martinez of Mittelwest German Shepherds for finding me a handler at the last minute. Thanks Cindy & Danny for stepping up to the plate. Dustin, who handled the girls in their first show was not able to to handle them again as his mother had a back & neck injury that kept them from making the trip to Kentucky. Get well soon Sandra. I also got the meet a fellow member of an online German Shepherd group that I belong to, Carrie & her family. Her ten year old daughter, Jessica, even drew me a picture of a GSD. Thanks Jessica, that was so sweet of you. I have it right here at my computer with the pictures of all of my fur babies.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002~I will soon be adding a new bitch to my breeding program. I am having Kimba von der Salzstraße imported from Germany. She will arrive before the first of the year. She already has her BH, AD & "a" stamp. She will be getting her SchH I as soon as possible after she arrives. So it looks like she'll be having the "A" litter for Angel Haven Kennels. I will keep you updated regarding her arrival, transition to her new home & Schutzhund training.

Sunday, October 13, 2002~Greta & Bella were in the KY-TN SchH Verein 2002 Fall Confirmation Show this weekend. This was their first show & both girls did very well. Greta was in the 9-12 month old bitch puppy class. She took first place with a rating of VP-1. Bella was in the 6-9 month old bitch puppy class. She took fourth place with a rating of P-1. I am very proud of both of them. I had a wonderful young man from Michigan handle them & he did a terrific job!! Thank you Dustin!!! I'm hoping to enter Greta, Bella & Issi in The German Shepherd Dog Club of Southern Kentucky's Trial & Show. It is being held the weekend of November 15-17, 2002.

Monday, October 7, 2002~I picked up my newest GSD at the airport tonight. A rescue boy from California. His name is Caesar & he is quite an impressive guy. I will be posting pictures of him soon. He is such a lover & protector. Thank you to Helene, who not only whelped this puppy over 3 years ago, but also saved him from certain death & helped in so many ways to get my boy to me!!